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AIA products available in the JSOC database.

There are seven AIA products available from JSOC.Other AIA products are available from the LMSAL website

AIA flatfield:aia.flatfield

A flat-field image is constructed for each telescope channel to account for detector non-uniformities, gain differences between CCD quadrants, vignetting, etc such that it represents only the instrumenbt effects. These are routinely updated as the CCD charge collection efficiency changes over time and it is importatnt to use the appropriate flat-field data, depending on the epoch of the acquired data being processed. Any combination of FITS header keywords WAVE_STR and T_START are unique for the aia.flatfield series.

AIA Level 1:aia.lev1

This includes all the Level 1 data corresponding to all ten wavelength channels on the AIA. Any combination of FITS header keywords FSN and T_REC is unique for the DRMS series aia.lev1.

AIA Level 1, 12 second cadence: aia.lev1_euv_12s

This series includes data from the soft xray - ultraviolet wavelength band taken at a cadence of 12s.So this series includes data corresponding to wavelengths 94,131,171,193, 211,304 and 335 Å. Any combination of FITS header keywords T_REC and WAVELNTH are unique for the aia.lev1

AIA Level 1, 24 second cadence: aia.lev1_uv_24s

This series includes data from the ultraviolet wavelength band taken at a cadence of 24s. Data corresponding to wavelengths 1600 and 1700 Å are included in this series. Any combination of FITS header keywords T_REC and WAVELNTH are unique for the aia.lev1_uv_24s

AIA Level 1, 3600 second cadence: aia.lev1_vis_1h

This series includes data from the ultraviolet wavelength band taken at a cadence of 1 hour. This corresponds to data from the 4500Å filter which is in the visible spectrum. Any combination of FITS header keywords T_REC and WAVELNTH are unique for the aia.lev1_vis_1h

AIA instrument response table: aia.response

Temperature Statistics from AIA housekeeping-Thermal Packet: aia.temperature_summary_300s


All the FITS header keywords that appear in the AIA data are explained here.

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