Prime Keys are: CAR_ROT DB Index Keys are same as Prime Keys All Keywords for series hmi.Synoptic_Mr_720s: DATE (time) Date_time of processing; ISO 8601 format UTC TELESCOP (string) For HMI: SDO/HMI INSTRUME (string) For HMI: HMI_SIDE1, HMI_FRONT2, or HMI_COMBINED WAVELNTH (float) For HMI: 6173.3 Angstroms BUNIT (string) BUNIT: physical units of data, Mx/cm^2 CONTENT (string) CONTENT: Carrington Synoptic Chart HISTORY (string) processing history of data COMMENT (string) commentary on the data BLD_VERS (int) Code release build number of program that created this record CTYPE1 (string) Carrington Time CTYPE2 (string) Sine Latitude CRPIX1 (float) CRPIX1: 180 degree in x direction CRPIX2 (float) CRPIX2: Equator in y direction CRVAL1 (float) CRVAL1: x origin - Carrington Time of 180 degree CRVAL2 (float) CRVAL2: y origin - Sine latitude of equator CDELT1 (float) Carrington Time step in the x direction CDELT2 (float) Sine Latitude in the y direction CUNIT1 (string) CUNIT1: degree CUNIT2 (string) CUNIT2: Sine Latitude CRDER1 (float) CRDER1: estimate of random error in coordinate x CRDER2 (float) CRDER1: estimate of random error in coordinate y CSYSER1 (float) CRDER1: estimate of systematic error in coordinate x CSYSER2 (float) CRDER1: estimate of systematic error in coordinate y WCSNAME (string) WCS system name T_REC (time) nominal slot time T_REC_epoch (time) Time of origin T_REC_step (float) slot width T_REC_unit (string) CADENCE (float) repetition interval DATASIGN (int) DATASIGN: sign of observable quantity wrt Sun center T_OBS (string) Time of Rotation Center T_START (string) Carrington Rotation Start Time T_STOP (string) Carrington Rotation Stop Time T_ROT (string) Carrington Rotation Middle Time CAR_ROT (int) Carrington Rotation CARRTIME (float) Carrington Time of Rotation Center B0_ROT (double) B0 angle B0_FRST (double) B0 angle First B0_LAST (double) B0 angle Last LON_FRST (double) First Longitude Time - Last Column LON_LAST (double) Last Longitude Time - First Column LON_STEP (double) Time runs right to left W_OFFSET (double) Nominal offset from central meridian W_WEIGHT (string) Even MAG_NUM (int) Number of magnetograms used MAG_FRST (string) Time of first contributing magnetogram MAG_LAST (string) Time of last contributing magnetogram MAG_ROT (string) Time of magnetogram nearest T_OBS HWNWIDTH (float) Number of degrees in half window EQPOINTS (float) Number of contributed magnetograms NSIGMA (float) Number of SIGMA CARSTRCH (int) Differential Rotation correction: 1; not correction: -1 DIFROT_A (float) Differential Rotation Parameter A DIFROT_B (float) Differential Rotation Parameter B DIFROT_C (float) Differential Rotation Parameter C TOTVALS (int) Expected number of data values (pixels) DATAVALS (int) Actual number of data values in images (pixels) MISSVALS (int) Missing values: TOTVALS - DATAVALS DATAMIN (double) Minimum value from all pixels DATAMAX (double) Maximum value from all pixels DATAMEDN (double) Median value from all pixels DATAMEAN (double) Mean value from all pixels DATARMS (double) Rms deviation from the mean value of all pixels DATASKEW (double) Skewness from the mean value of all pixels DATAKURT (double) Kurtosis of all pixels SPAREST1 (string) Spare keyword for string--1 SPAREST2 (string) Spare keyword for string--2 SPAREIT1 (int) Spare keyword for integer--1 SPAREIT2 (int) Spare keyword for integer--2 SPAREFT1 (float) Spare keyword for float--1 SPAREFT2 (float) Spare keyword for float--2 SPAREDB1 (double) Spare keyword for double--1 CALVER64 (longlong) Calibration Version SPAREDB2 (double) Spare keyword for double--2 Segments for series hmi.Synoptic_Mr_720s: synopMr synoptic map fits 3600x1440 0.0 epts effective points fits 3600x1440 0.0