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Global series information

This section contains global information about the JSOC data series, that applies to all records and storage units belonging to the series. It takes the form:
Seriesname:     <series name>
Description:    <description>
Author:         <author name>
Owners:         <owners>
Unitsize:       <storage unit size>
Retention:      <default retention time>
Archive:        <archive flag>
Tapegroup:      <tape group>
Primary Index:  <primary keyword list>
<series name> is a string containing the name of the JSOC dataseries defined in this file. The series name has to be unique, i.e. there can be no two data series in the JSOC database with the same name.
<description> is a string containing a description of the data series.
<author name> is a string containing the name of the author who created the data series.
<owners> is a string containing a comma separated list of [Database or Unix?] usernames with permission to write, delete and modify this series and records and storage units belonging to it.
<storage unit size> is a non-zero integer indicating the number of data records that go into forming a storage unit for this series.
<default retention time> is a string containing either permanent or a time interval on the form YYMMDDHH (i.e. 100 for one day, or 1000000 for one year) [should perhaps choose more standard syntax?] denoting the default online retention time, i.e. the time for which the files holding the data of the data segments will be kept online. The default retention time can be overridden on a per storage unit basis.
<archive flag> is either 0, meaning that records from this series are not archived on permanent media, or 1 meaning that records from this series are archived to tape. If the archive flag is 0 then the <tape group> field is ignored.
<tape group> is an integer identifying the tape group to which this data series belongs. This is used to group together data units belonging to related data series when storing them on tape.
<primary keyword list> A list of zero or more keyword names constituting the primary index of the series. These keywords must be declared in the keyword section of the JSD for it to be valid. If no keywords are given, the record number is implicitly used as primary index.

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Philip Scherrer 2006-06-17