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Series specific tables

We now continue with the example from Section 2.5. Below is shown the SQL code that will be executed by parsing the JSD of Example 1:

/* Register series info in the global table. */
insert into MDC_MASTER_SERIES_TABLE values
  ('testclass1', 'Rasmus Munk Larsen', 'rmunk', now(), "This series is for testing only.", 10, 1, 127, 'permanent');

/* Register keywords in the global table. */
insert into MDC_MASTER_KEYWORD_TABLE values
  ('testclass1','keywd0', 0, 'newest', 'link', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); 
insert into MDC_MASTER_KEYWORD_TABLE values
  ('testclass1','keywd1', 1, NULL, 'char', 1, '%d', 'unit1','comment1', 0); 
insert into MDC_MASTER_KEYWORD_TABLE values
  ('testclass1','keywd2', 2, NULL, 'int', 4, '%d', 'unit2','comment2', 1); 
insert into MDC_MASTER_KEYWORD_TABLE values
  ('testclass1','keywd3', 3, NULL, 'float', 4, '%f', 'unit3','comment3', 0); 
insert into MDC_MASTER_KEYWORD_TABLE values
  ('testclass1','keywd4', 4, NULL, 'double', 8, '%lf', 'unit4','comment4', 0); 
insert into MDC_MASTER_KEYWORD_TABLE values
  ('testclass1','keywd5', 5, NULL, 'datetime', 22, '%-s', 'unit5','comment5', 0); 
insert into MDC_MASTER_KEYWORD_TABLE values
  ('testclass1','keywd6', 6, NULL, 'timestamp', 22, '%-s', 'unit6','comment6', 0); 
insert into MDC_MASTER_KEYWORD_TABLE values
  ('testclass1','keywd7', 7, NULL, 'string', 4, '%-s', 'unit7','comment7', 0);

/* Register links in the global table. */
insert into MDC_MASTER_LINK_TABLE values
   ('testclass1','link0', 0, 'testclass0', 'static', '', '', ''); 
insert into MDC_MASTER_LINK_TABLE values
   ('testclass1','newest', 1, 'testclass0', 'query', 'time=(select max(time) from testclass0)', 'creation', '');

/* Register data segments in the global table. */
insert into MDC_MASTER_DATA_TABLE values
   ('testclass1','x-axis', 0, 'float', 1, '100', 'm', 'fitz');
insert into MDC_MASTER_DATA_TABLE values
   ('testclass1','y-axis', 1, 'float', 1, '200', 'm', 'fitz');
insert into MDC_MASTER_DATA_TABLE values
   ('testclass1','x-axis', 2, 'float', 1, '50', 'm', 'fitz');
insert into MDC_MASTER_DATA_TABLE values
   ('testclass1','pressure', 3, 'float', 3, '100, 200, 50', 'kg/(s^2*m)', 'fitz');
insert into MDC_MASTER_DATA_TABLE values
   ('testclass1','velocity', 4, 'float', 4, '100, 200, 50, 3', 'm/s', 'fitz');

/* Create the main table to hold per-record information. */
create table testclass1
  recnum        integer not null, /* Record number */
  ver           integer not null, /* Record version */
  link0_recnum  integer,
  link0_ver     integer,
  newest_recnum integer,
  newest_ver    integer,
  keywd1        "char"                  default '\0',
  keywd2        integer                 default 0,
  keywd3        real                    default 0.0,
  keywd4        double precision        default 0.0,
  keywd5        varchar(22)             default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
  keywd6        varchar(22)             default '19700101000000',
  keywd7        text                    default '',
  storage_index integer not null unique, /* Index of the record in the main storage table 
                                            holding information about where the data 
                                            files are stored. */
  primary key(recnum,ver) 
/* Create indexes explicitly requested in the series specification. */
create index keywd1_idx on testclass1(kewwd1);

/* Create an atomic counter for creating new record numbers for this series. */
create sequence testclass1_seq;

/* Insert default values as record with (recnum,ver) = (0,0). */
insert into testclass1 values
  (0,0,0,0,0,0,'\0', 0, 0.0, 0.0, '1970-01-01 00:00:00','19700101000000', '');

Philip Scherrer 2006-06-17