![]() | PSF-Corrected Data Products |
The following scattered light corrected series are available for export from the jsoc.stanford.edu services.
There is typically one record per day for each observable series, on or around 19:00 UT. Records can also made by special request. Coverage plots can be found here.
Available documentation: HMI Data Corrected for Stray Light, by Norton, et al. and Stray Light Corrected HMI Data Compared to Hinode SOT-SP Data, by Norton, et al.
Data Series | Description |
hmi.lev1_dcon | hmi.lev1 with scattered light removed |
Data Series | Description |
hmi.M_45s_dcon | Magnetograms with a cadence of 45 seconds, constructed with hmi.lev1_dcon |
hmi.V_45s_dcon | Dopplergrams with a cadence of 45 seconds, constructed with hmi.lev1_dcon |
hmi.Ic_45s_dcon | Continuum intensities with a cadence of 45 seconds, constructed with hmi.lev1_dcon |
hmi.Lw_45s_dcon | Linewidths with a cadence of 45 seconds, constructed with hmi.lev1_dcon |
hmi.Ld_45s_dcon | Linedepths with a cadence of 45 seconds, constructed with hmi.lev1_dcon |
Data Series | Description |
hmi.S_720s_dconS | Level 1p IQUV data averaged at a cadence of 12 minutes, scattered light corrected |
Data Series | Description |
hmi.M_720s_dconS | Magnetograms with a cadence of 720 seconds, constructed with hmi.S_720s_dconS |
hmi.V_720s_dconS | Dopplergrams with a cadence of 720 seconds, constructed with hmi.S_720s_dconS |
hmi.Ic_720s_dconS | Continuum intensities with a cadence of 720 seconds, constructed with hmi.S_720s_dconS |
hmi.Lw_720s_dconS | Linewidths with a cadence of 720 seconds, constructed with hmi.S_720s_dconS |
hmi.Ld_720s_dconS | Linedepths with a cadence of 720 seconds, constructed with hmi.S_720s_dconS |
hmi.ME_720s_fd10_dconS | Milne-Eddigton inversion, constructed with hmi.M_720s_dconS |
hmi.B_720s_dconS | Deconvolved full-disk Milne-Eddington inversion with the azimuth disambiguation information contained in DISAMBIG to be applied to AZIMUTH as described in http://jsoc.stanford.edu/jsocwiki/FullDiskDisamb |
Last Modified: 19 Nov 2021 |