#ifndef __QUALLEV1_H #define __QUALLEV1_H //These are the meaning of the bits put into the QUALITY keyword for a drms //record from the build_lev1 processing. //Bit0 is the low bit (0x01) #define Q_NOFLAT 0x01 //flatfield not available or error #define Q_NOORB 0x02 //orbit data not available or error #define Q_NOASD 0x04 //ancillary sci data not available or error #define Q_NOMPD 0x08 //master pointing data not available or error #define Q_NOLIMB 0x10 //limb fit error //#bits 5 - 7 #define Q_INSTR_ANOM1 0x20 // Instrument anomaly, entered by hand or build_lev1_hmi/aia #define Q_MISCONF1 0x40 // Instr Misconfig inhereited from lev0 #define Q_CAM_ANOM1 0x80 //Camera Anomaly - Entered by hand //missvals is from Img struct totalvals-datavals #define Q_1_MISS0 0x100 //missvals > 0 #define Q_1_MISS1 0x200 //missvals > 0.01*totalvals #define Q_1_MISS2 0x400 //missvals > 0.05*totalvals #define Q_1_MISS3 0x800 //missvals > 0.25*totalvals #define Q_NOACS_SCI 0x1000 //ACS_MODE != 'SCIENCE' #define Q_ACS_ECLP 0x2000 //ACS_ECLP == 'YES' #define Q_ACS_SUNP 0x4000 //ACS_SUNP == 'NO' no sun presence #define Q_ACS_SAFE 0x8000 //ACS_SAFE == 'YES' . safemode flag set #define Q_IMG_TYPE 0x10000 //Dark image #define Q_LOOP_OPEN 0x20000 //HWLTNSET == "OPEN" or AISTATE == "OPEN" /* //ISS Loop Open */ //#18 Calibration Image //based on FID range. See Rock #define Q_CAL_IMG 0x40000 //Calibration image #define Q_CALM_IMG 0x80000 //HMI cal mode image #define Q_AIA_FOOR 0x100000 //AIA focus out of range #define Q_AIA_REGF 0x200000 //AIA register flag #define Q_THERM_RECOV 0x400000 //HMI thermal recovery #define Q_LUNAR_TRAN 0x800000 //HMI lunar transit #define Q_OCCULT 0x1000000 // Hard shadow in AIA FOV #define Q_ATMOS_EUV_ABS 0x2000000 // Earth atmospheric EUV absorption //#bits 26 - 29 spare //#30 near real time mode (formerly quicklook) #define Q_NRT 0x40000000 //near real time mode (formerly quicklook) #define Q_MISSALL 0x80000000 //Image not available. high bit #endif