#=====General Series Information===== Seriesname: hmi.ME_720s_fd10_dconS Author: "keiji" Owner: production Unitsize: 120 Archive: 1 Retention: 10000 StagingRetention: 3 Tapegroup: 1001 PrimeKeys: T_REC DBIndex: T_REC Description: "Milne-Eddigton inversion, constructed with hmi.M_720s_dconS" #=====Links===== #=====Keywords===== Keyword:INVCODEV, string, variable, record, "vfisv", "%s", "none", "version of VFISV code" Keyword:INVITERA, int, variable, record, -1, "%d", "none", "Number of iterations of VFISV" Keyword:INVLMBDA, int, variable, record, -1, "%d", "none", "Number of wavelength points to compute synthetic line in VFISV" Keyword:INVLMBDF, int, variable, record, -1, "%d", "none", "Number of HMI filters" Keyword:INVTUNEN, int, variable, record, -1, "%d", "none", "Number of tuning positions of HMI filters" Keyword:INVSVDTL, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "none", "SVD tolerance in VFISV" Keyword:INVCHIST, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "none", "Chi-sqr stopping criteria in VFISV" Keyword:INVPOLTH, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "none", "Polarization threshold in VFISV" Keyword:INVPJUMP, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "none", "Percentage jump in VFISV" Keyword:INVLMBDM, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "mA", "First wavelength position in synthetic profiles, measured with respect to line center (in mA)" Keyword:INVLMBD0, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "Angstrom", "Central wavelength of HMI spectral line" Keyword:INVLMBDB, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "mA/Gauss", "Wavelength shift - parameter proportional to Lande factor of spectral line (4.67*1D-13*lambda0^2*geff*1D3)" Keyword:INVDLTLA, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "mA", "Spectral sampling of synthetic spectral line in VFISV" Keyword:INVLMBDS, int, variable, record, -1, "%d", "none", "Number of wavelength points in subregion where synthetic line is calculated" Keyword:INVLMBMS, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "mA", "First wavelength position of sub-region where synthetic profiles are calculated, measured with respect to line center (in mA)" Keyword:INVLYOTW, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "Angstrom", "Lyot filter FWHM in VFISV" Keyword:INVWNARW, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "mA", "FSR (full spectral range) of the Narrow-Band Michelson" Keyword:INVWSPAC, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "mA", "Wavelength spacing between the HMI filters" Keyword:INVINTTH, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "D/S", "Intensity threshold in VFISV" Keyword:INVNFCTI, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "D/S", "Noise Sigma factor for I" Keyword:INVNFCTQ, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "D/S", "Noise Sigma factor for Q" Keyword:INVNFCTU, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "D/S", "Noise Sigma factor for U" Keyword:INVNFCTV, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "D/S", "Noise Sigma factor for V" Keyword:INVCONTI, int, variable, record, -1, "%d", "none", "Flag for continuum measurement" Keyword:INVWGHTI, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "none", "Stokes I weight in the inversion" Keyword:INVWGHTQ, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "none", "Stokes Q weight in the inversion" Keyword:INVWGHTU, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "none", "Stokes U weight in the inversion" Keyword:INVWGHTV, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "none", "Stokes V weight in the inversion" Keyword:INVSTLGT, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "Flag for stray light. No means that the stray light is not accounted for." Keyword:INVFREEP, int, variable, record, 0x00000000, "0x%08x", "none", "flags for 10 free parameters : the order of variables must be found at COMMENT keyword" Keyword:INVFLPRF, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "Flag/Comment on filter-profile" Keyword:INVPHMAP, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "Flag/Comment on phase map" Keyword:INVVLAVE, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "cm/s", "avarage of inverted V_los over processed pixels" Keyword:INVBLAVE, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "gauss", "avarage of inverted B_los over processed pixels" Keyword:INVBBAVE, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "gauss", "avarage of inverted field strength over processed pixels" Keyword:INVNPRCS, int, variable, record, -1, "%d", "none", "Numer of pixels processed" Keyword:INVNCNVG, int, variable, record, -1, "%d", "none", "Numer of pixels at which ME VFISV converged" Keyword:INVKEYS1, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "For future use" Keyword:INVKEYS2, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "For future use" Keyword:INVKEYS3, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "For future use" Keyword:INVKEYI1, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "For future use" Keyword:INVKEYI2, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "For future use" Keyword:INVKEYI3, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "For future use" Keyword:INVKEYD1, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "none", "For future use" Keyword:INVKEYD2, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "none", "For future use" Keyword:INVKEYD3, double, variable, record, nan, "%e", "none", "For future use" Keyword:DATE, time, variable, record, -4712.01.01_11:59:28Z, "0", "ISO", "HDU creation date - the date and time this HDU was created" Keyword:DATE_S, time, variable, record, -4712.01.01_11:59:28Z, "0", "ISO", "Date_time of generating Stokes data" Keyword:DATE__OBS, time, variable, record, -4712.01.01_11:59:28.00Z, "2", "ISO", "[DATE-OBS] Observation date - the date the observation started (= T_OBS - (Exposure time) / 2.0)" Keyword:TELESCOP, string, constant, record, "SDO/HMI", "%s", "none", "Telescope - the instrument that captured the image and created the metadata" Keyword:INSTRUME, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "For HMI: HMI_SIDE1, HMI_FRONT2, or HMI_COMBINED" Keyword:WAVELNTH, float, constant, record, 6173.0, "%.1f", "angstrom", "Wavelength - the wavelength of the telescope optical filter" Keyword:CAMERA, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "Camera - the ID of the camera(s) used to acquire image data" Keyword:QUALITY, int, variable, record, 0x80000000, "0x%08x", "none", "ME_VFISV Quality index" Keyword:QUAL_S, int, variable, record, 0x80000000, "0x%08x", "none", "Level 1p Quality word" Keyword:QUALLEV1, int, variable, record, 0x80000000, "0x%08x", "none", "Level 1 quality - the level 1 quality bit field" Keyword:CTYPE1, string, constant, record, "HPLN-TAN", "%s", "none", "CTYPE1: HPLN-TAN (SOLARX)" Keyword:CTYPE2, string, constant, record, "HPLT-TAN", "%s", "none", "CTYPE2: HPLT-TAN (SOLARY)" Keyword:CRPIX1, float, variable, record, nan, "%.6f", "pixel", "CRPIX1: location of the Sun center in CCD x direction" Keyword:CRPIX2, float, variable, record, nan, "%.6f", "pixel", "CRPIX2: location of the Sun center in CCD y direction" Keyword:CRVAL1, float, constant, record, 0.000000, "%.6f", "arcsec", "CRVAL1: x origin - center of the solar disk" Keyword:CRVAL2, float, constant, record, 0.000000, "%.6f", "arcsec", "CRVAL2: y origin - center of the solar disk" Keyword:CDELT1, float, variable, record, nan, "%.6f", "arcsec/pixel", "image scale in the x direction" Keyword:CDELT2, float, variable, record, nan, "%.6f", "arcsec/pixel", "image scale in the y direction" Keyword:CUNIT1, string, constant, record, "arcsec", "%s", "arcsec", "CUNIT1: arcsec" Keyword:CUNIT2, string, constant, record, "arcsec", "%s", "arcsec", "CUNIT2: arcsec" Keyword:CROTA2, float, variable, record, nan, "%.6f", "deg", "CROTA2: INST_ROT + SAT_ROT" Keyword:CRDER1, float, variable, record, nan, "%.6f", "arcsec", "CRDER1: estimate of random error in coordinate x" Keyword:CRDER2, float, variable, record, nan, "%.6f", "arcsec", "CRDER2: estimate of random error in coordinate y" Keyword:CSYSER1, float, variable, record, nan, "%.6f", "arcsec", "CSYSER1: estimate of systematic error in coordinate x" Keyword:CSYSER2, float, variable, record, nan, "%.6f", "arcsec", "CSYSER2: estimate of systematic error in coordinate y" Keyword:WCSNAME, string, constant, record, "Helioprojective-cartesian", "%s", "none", "WCS system name" Keyword:DSUN_OBS, double, variable, record, nan, "%.2f", "meters", "Distance from SDO to Sun center." Keyword:DSUN_REF, double, constant, record, 149597870691, "%.0f", "meters", "Astronomical Unit" Keyword:RSUN_REF, double, constant, record, 696000000, "%.0f", "m", "Reference radius of the Sun: 696,000,000.0 m" Keyword:CRLN_OBS, float, variable, record, nan, "%.6f", "deg", "Carrington longitude of the observer" Keyword:CRLT_OBS, float, variable, record, nan, "%.6f", "deg", "Carrington latitude of the observer" Keyword:CAR_ROT, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "Carrington rotation number of CRLN_OBS" Keyword:OBS_VR, double, variable, record, nan, "%.6f", "m/s", "velocity of the observer in radial direction. + is away from Sun" Keyword:OBS_VW, double, variable, record, nan, "%.6f", "m/s", "velocity of the observer solar-westward. + in rough direction of Earth orbit" Keyword:OBS_VN, double, variable, record, nan, "%.6f", "m/s", "velocity of the observer solar-northward (heliographic). + to north" Keyword:RSUN_OBS, double, variable, record, nan, "%.6f", "arcsec", "angular radius of Sun. Corresponds to arcsin(RSUN_REF/DSUN_OBS)" Keyword:T_OBS, time, variable, record, -4712.01.01_11:59:28_TAI, "0", "TAI", "nominal time" Keyword:T_REC, time, ts_eq, record, -4712.01.01_11:59:28_TAI, "0", "TAI", "Slot time" Keyword:T_REC_epoch, time, constant, record, 1993.01.01_00:00:00_TAI, "0", "TAI", "Time of origin" Keyword:T_REC_step, float, constant, record, 720.0, "%.1f", "seconds", "ts_eq step" Keyword:T_REC_unit, string, constant, record, "secs", "%s", "none", "ts_eq unit" Keyword:ORIGIN, string, constant, record, "SDO/JSOC-SDP", "%s", "none", "Origin - the organization or institution that created this FITS file" Keyword:CONTENT, string, constant, record, "HMI observable", "%s", "none", "Content - the type of data product" Keyword:HISTORY, string, variable, record, " ", "%s", "none", "history of data" Keyword:COMMENT, string, variable, record, " ", "%s", "none", "commentary on the data" Keyword:BLD_VERS, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "JSOC-build version number" Keyword:CADENCE, float, constant, record, 720.0, "%.1f", "seconds", "repetition interval" Keyword:HFLID, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_ID_FRAMELIST" Keyword:HCFTID, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_ID_FOCUS" Keyword:QLOOK, int, constant, record, 0, "%d", "none", "QLOOK: 0=final data, 1=quick-look data" Keyword:TINTNUM, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "Stokes : number of points used for the temporal interpolation" Keyword:SINTNUM, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "Stokes : number of points used for the spatial interpolation" Keyword:DISTCOEF, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "Stokes : path to the distortion coefficient table used to produce the data" Keyword:ROTCOEF, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "Stokes : path to the differential-rotation coefficient table used to produce the data" Keyword:POLCALM, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "method used by the polarization calibration subroutine" Keyword:SOURCE, string, variable, record, "hmi.S_720s", "%s", "none", "input Stokes data series" Keyword:CODEVER0, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "version of the time-averaged IQUV code used to produce the data" Keyword:CODEVER1, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "version of the gapfilling subroutine used to produce the data" Keyword:CODEVER2, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "version of the temporal interpolation subroutine used to produce the data" Keyword:CODEVER3, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "version of the polarization calibration subroutine used to produce the data" Keyword:CODEVER4, string, variable, record, "vfisv", "%s", "none", "version of VFISV code in the CVS context" Keyword:DATAVALS, int, variable, segment, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "Data values - the number of data-product pixels with a non-missing data value (= TOTVALS - MISSVALS)" Keyword:DATAMEAN, float, variable, segment, nan, "%f", "none", "Mean value from pixels within 99% of solar radius" Keyword:DATARMS, float, variable, segment, nan, "%f", "none", "RMS - the RMS of the deviations of all pixel values within a to-center distance of 99% of the solar radius from the mean pixel value" Keyword:NHARP, int, variable, record, 0, "%d", "none", "Number of HARP boxes. 0 for full-disk" Keyword:CALVER64, longlong, variable, record, 0x0000000000000000, "0x%016llX", "none", "Calibration Version" #=====Segments===== Data: inclination, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "deg", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 0.010000, "Inclination" Data: azimuth, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "deg", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 0.010000, "Azimuth" Data: field, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "Mx/cm^2", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 0.010000, "Field Strength" Data: vlos_mag, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "cm/s", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 50.000000, "LOS Velocity with Field" Data: dop_width, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "mA", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 0.010000, "Doppler Width" Data: eta_0, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "dimensionless", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 0.010000, "Eta_0" Data: damping, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "length units", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 0.000100, "Damping" Data: src_continuum, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "DN/s", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 0.100000, "Continuum" Data: src_grad, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "DN/s", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 0.100000, "Gradient" Data: alpha_mag, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "dimensionless", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 0.000100, "Filling Factor with Field" Data: chisq, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 0.000100, "Chisq" Data: conv_flag, variable, char, 2, 4096, 4096, "", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 1.000000, "flag and index of ME-inversion convergence process" Data: qual_map, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 1.000000, "quality map" Data: confid_map, variable, char, 2, 4096, 4096, "", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 1.000000, "confidence index" Data: inclination_err, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "deg", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 0.000100, "std of Inclination_Err" Data: azimuth_err, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "deg", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 0.000100, "std of Azimuth_Err" Data: field_err, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "Mx/cm^2", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 0.000100, "std of Field_Err" Data: vlos_err, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "cm/s", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 50.000000, "std of VLos_Err" Data: alpha_err, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "dimensionless", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 0.000100, "std of Alpha_Err" Data: field_inclination_err, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 0.000100, "cor.coef of Field_Inclination_Err" Data: field_az_err, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 0.000100, "cor.coef of Field_azimuth_Err" Data: inclin_azimuth_err, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 0.000100, "cor.coef of Inclination_Azimuth_Err" Data: field_alpha_err, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 0.000100, "cor.coef of Field_Alpha_Err" Data: inclination_alpha_err, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 0.000100, "cor.coef of Inclination_Alpha_Err" Data: azimuth_alpha_err, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 0.000100, "cor.coef of Azimuth_Alpha_Err"