#=====General Series Information===== Seriesname: hmi.lev1_dcon Author: "couvidat" Owner: production Unitsize: 12 Archive: 0 Retention: 180 StagingRetention: 3 Tapegroup: 10 PrimeKeys: T_OBS, FSN DBIndex: T_OBS, FSN Description: "HMI Level 1" #=====Links===== #=====Keywords===== Keyword:BLD_VERS, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "Build Version: from jsoc_version.h" Keyword:T_OBS_step, double, constant, record, 1.000000, "%f", "second", "T_OBS step" Keyword:T_OBS_epoch, time, constant, record, 1977.01.01_00:00:00_TAI, "0", "TAI", "" Keyword:ORIGIN, string, constant, record, "SDO/JSOC-SDP", "%s", "none", "ORIGIN Location where file made" Keyword:DATE, time, variable, record, -4712.01.01_11:59:28Z, "0", "ISO", "Date_time of processing; ISO 8601" Keyword:TELESCOP, string, constant, record, "SDO/HMI", "%s", "none", "For HMI: SDO/HMI" Keyword:INSTRUME, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "For HMI: HMI_SIDE1 or HMI_FRONT2" Keyword:DATE__OBS, time, variable, record, -4712.01.01_11:59:28.00Z, "2", "ISO", "[DATE-OBS] Date when observation started; ISO 8601" Keyword:T_OBS, time, ts_slot, record, -4712.01.01_11:59:28.00_UTC, "2", "UTC", "Observation time" Keyword:CAMERA, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "For HMI: 1 or 2" Keyword:IMG_TYPE, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "Image type: LIGHT or DARK" Keyword:EXPTIME, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "sec", "Exposure duration: mean shutter open time" Keyword:EXPSDEV, float, variable, record, nan, "%f", "sec", "Exposure standard deviation" Keyword:WAVELNTH, int, constant, record, 6173, "%d", "angstrom", "For HMI: 6173.3 angstrom" Keyword:WAVEUNIT, string, constant, record, "angstrom", "%s", "none", "Wavelength unit: angstrom" Keyword:FSN, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "FSN Filtergram Sequence Number" Keyword:FID, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "FID Filtergram ID" Keyword:QUALLEV0, int, variable, record, 0x80000000, "0x%08x", "none", "Level 0 Quality word" Keyword:QUALITY, int, variable, record, 0x80000000, "0x%08x", "none", "Level 1 Quality word" Keyword:TOTVALS, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "Expected number of data values (pixels)" Keyword:DATAVALS, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "Actual number of data values in image" Keyword:MISSVALS, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "Missing values: TOTVALS - DATAVALS" Keyword:PERCENTD, float, variable, record, nan, "%0.2f", "none", "Percent data; 100*DATAVALS/TOTVALS" Keyword:DATAMIN, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "Minimum value of all pixels" Keyword:DATAMAX, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "Maximum value of all pixels" Keyword:DATAMEDN, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "Median value of all pixels" Keyword:DATAMEAN, float, variable, record, nan, "%0.2f", "none", "Mean value of all pixels" Keyword:DATARMS, float, variable, record, nan, "%0.2f", "none", "Rms deviation from the mean value of all pixels" Keyword:DATASKEW, float, variable, record, nan, "%0.2f", "none", "Skewness from the mean value of all pixels" Keyword:DATAKURT, float, variable, record, nan, "%0.2f", "none", "Kurtosis of all pixels" Keyword:OSCNMEAN, float, variable, record, nan, "%0.2f", "none", "Mean value of oversan rows" Keyword:OSCNRMS, float, variable, record, nan, "%0.2f", "none", "Rms deviation from the mean value of overscan rows" Keyword:FLAT_REC, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "Flatfield series record pointer" Keyword:NBADPERM, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "Count of permanent bad pixels" Keyword:NBADTOT, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "Count of total bad pixels" Keyword:CTYPE1, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "CTYPE1; Typically HPLN-TAN (SOLARX)" Keyword:CUNIT1, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "CUNIT1; Typically arcsec" Keyword:CRVAL1, float, variable, record, nan, "%f", "arcsec/pixel", "CRVAL1: image scale in the x direction" Keyword:CDELT1, float, variable, record, nan, "%f", "arcsec/pixel", "CDELT1: image scale in the x direction" Keyword:CRPIX1, float, variable, record, nan, "%f", "pixel", "CRPIX1: location of sun center in CCD x direction" Keyword:CTYPE2, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "CTYPE2; Typically HPLT-TAN (SOLARY)" Keyword:CUNIT2, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "CUNIT2; Typically arcsec" Keyword:CRVAL2, float, variable, record, nan, "%f", "arcsec/pixel", "CRVAL2: image scale in the x direction" Keyword:CDELT2, float, variable, record, nan, "%f", "arcsec/pixel", "CDELT2: image scale in the y direction" Keyword:CRPIX2, float, variable, record, nan, "%f", "pixel", "CRPIX2: location of sun center in CCD y direction" Keyword:CROTA2, float, variable, record, nan, "%.4f", "degree", "CROTA2: INST_ROT + SAT_ROT" Keyword:R_SUN, float, variable, record, nan, "%f", "pixel", "Radius of the Sun in pixels on the CCD detector" Keyword:MPO_REC, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "Master Pointing series record pointer" Keyword:INST_ROT, float, variable, record, nan, "%f", "deg", "Master pointing CCD rotation wrt SDO Z axis" Keyword:IMSCL_MP, float, variable, record, nan, "%f", "arcsec/pixel", "Master pointing image scale" Keyword:X0_MP, float, variable, record, nan, "%f", "pixel", "Master pointing X0 sun center in CCD frame" Keyword:Y0_MP, float, variable, record, nan, "%f", "pixel", "Master pointing Y0 sun center in CCD frame" Keyword:RSUN_LF, float, variable, record, nan, "%f", "pixel", "Limb fit Solar radius" Keyword:X0_LF, float, variable, record, nan, "%f", "pixel", "Limb fit X0 sun center in CCD frame" Keyword:Y0_LF, float, variable, record, nan, "%f", "pixel", "Limb fit Y0 sun center in CCD frame" Keyword:ASD_REC, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "Ancillary Science Data series record pointer" Keyword:SAT_Y0, float, variable, record, nan, "%f", "arcsec", "Position of solar center wrt the SDO -Y axis" Keyword:SAT_Z0, float, variable, record, nan, "%f", "arcsec", "Position of solar center wrt the SDO Z axis" Keyword:SAT_ROT, float, variable, record, nan, "%f", "deg", "Angle of solar pole wrt the SDO X axis" Keyword:ACS_MODE, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "ACS pointing mode - ACS_AN_ACS_MODE" Keyword:ACS_ECLP, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "ACS eclipse flag - ACS_AN_FLAG_CSS_ECLIPSE" Keyword:ACS_SUNP, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "ACS sun presense flag - ACS_AN_FLAG_DSS_SUNPRES" Keyword:ACS_SAFE, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "ACS safe hold flag - ACS_AN_FLAG_ACE_INSAFEHOLD" Keyword:ACS_CGT, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "ACS ID of Controlling Guide Telescope - ACS_AN_NUM_CGT" Keyword:ORB_REC, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "Orbit vector series record pointer" Keyword:DSUN_REF, double, constant, record, 149597870691.0, "%0.1f", "m", "Reference distance to Sun: 149,597,870,691.0 m" Keyword:DSUN_OBS, double, variable, record, nan, "%0.2f", "m", "Distance from SDO to Sun center" Keyword:RSUN_REF, double, constant, record, 696000000.0, "%0.1f", "m", "Reference radius of the Sun: 696,000,000.0 m" Keyword:RSUN_OBS, double, variable, record, nan, "%f", "arcsec", "Apparent radius of the Sun seen by SDO" Keyword:GAEX_OBS, double, variable, record, nan, "%0.2f", "m", "Geocentric Inertial X position" Keyword:GAEY_OBS, double, variable, record, nan, "%0.2f", "m", "Geocentric Inertial Y position" Keyword:GAEZ_OBS, double, variable, record, nan, "%0.2f", "m", "Geocentric Inertial Z position" Keyword:HAEX_OBS, double, variable, record, nan, "%0.2f", "m", "Heliocentric Inertial X position" Keyword:HAEY_OBS, double, variable, record, nan, "%0.2f", "m", "Heliocentric Inertial Y position" Keyword:HAEZ_OBS, double, variable, record, nan, "%0.2f", "m", "Heliocentric Inertial Z position" Keyword:OBS_VR, double, variable, record, nan, "%0.6f", "m/s", "Speed of observer in radial direction" Keyword:OBS_VW, double, variable, record, nan, "%0.6f", "m/s", "Speed of observer in solar-west direction" Keyword:OBS_VN, double, variable, record, nan, "%0.6f", "m/s", "Speed of observer in solar-north direction" Keyword:CRLN_OBS, float, variable, record, nan, "%f", "deg", "Carrington longitude of the observer" Keyword:CRLT_OBS, float, variable, record, nan, "%f", "deg", "Carrington latitude of the observer" Keyword:CAR_ROT, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "Carrington rotation number of CRLN_OBS" Keyword:HGLN_OBS, float, variable, record, nan, "%f", "deg", "Stonyhurst heliographic longitude of the observer" Keyword:HGLT_OBS, float, variable, record, nan, "%f", "deg", "Stonyhurst heliographic latitude of the observer" Keyword:ISPSNAME, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "ISP SERIES NAME" Keyword:ISPPKTIM, time, variable, record, -4712.01.01_11:59:28.00_UTC, "2", "UTC", "PACKET_TIME, Prime key value for the ISP record" Keyword:ISPPKTVN, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "PACKET_VERSION_NUMBER" Keyword:HSQFGSN, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_FILTERGRAM_SN FSN" Keyword:HSQFGID, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_FILTERGRAM_ID FID" Keyword:HCAMID, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_ID_EXP_PATH" Keyword:HSHIEXP, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_FSW_IMG_CMDED_EXPOSURE" Keyword:HOBITSEC, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_OBT_IMG_TIME_SHM_SEC SHS" Keyword:HOBITSS, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_OBT_IMG_TIME_SHM_SS SHSS" Keyword:HWLTNSET, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "HMI_IMG_ISS_LOOP" Keyword:HSQSTATE, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "HMI_SEQ_STATE" Keyword:HSEQERR, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "HMI_SEQ_ERROR" Keyword:HFLREFTM, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_REF_TIM_SEC" Keyword:HFLRELTM, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_FL_REL_TIME" Keyword:HFLID, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_ID_FRAMELIST" Keyword:HOBLSTID, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_ID_OBS_LIST" Keyword:HFLPSITN, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_FRLIST_POS" Keyword:HSQFCNT, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_FRAME_COUNT" Keyword:HFLLNGTH, short, variable, record, -32768, "%hd", "none", "HMI_SEQ_FRAMELIST_LENGTH" Keyword:HFLRPTCT, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_FL_REPEAT_COUNT" Keyword:HFLRPTNM, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_FL_REPEAT_NUMBER" Keyword:HFLSKPCT, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_FL_SKIP_COUNT" Keyword:HFTSACID, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_FTS_ID_ACTIVE" Keyword:HFTSCDMK, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_FTS_CADENCE_MARK" Keyword:HFTSINFO, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_FTS_INFO" Keyword:HSQEIDX, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_EXPOSURE_INDX" Keyword:HIMGCFID, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_ID_IMAGE_CNFG" Keyword:HCFTID, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_ID_FOCUS" Keyword:HPLTID, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_ID_PST" Keyword:HWLTID, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_ID_WLT" Keyword:HWLSTIDX, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_SEQ_WL_SET_INDEX" Keyword:HCF1ENCD, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_CF1_ENCODER" Keyword:HCF2ENCD, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_CF2_ENCODER" Keyword:HPS1ENCD, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_PS1_ENCODER" Keyword:HPS2ENCD, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_PS2_ENCODER" Keyword:HPS3ENCD, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_PS3_ENCODER" Keyword:HWT1ENCD, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_WT1_ENCODER" Keyword:HWT2ENCD, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_WT2_ENCODER" Keyword:HWT3ENCD, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_WT3_ENCODER" Keyword:HWT4ENCD, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_WT4_ENCODER" Keyword:HCF1POS, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_FSW_CF1_CMDED_TARGET" Keyword:HCF2POS, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_FSW_CF2_CMDED_TARGET" Keyword:HPL1POS, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_FSW_PS1_CMDED_TARGET" Keyword:HPL2POS, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_FSW_PS2_CMDED_TARGET" Keyword:HPL3POS, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_FSW_PS3_CMDED_TARGET" Keyword:HWL1POS, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_FSW_WT1_CMDED_TARGET" Keyword:HWL2POS, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_FSW_WT2_CMDED_TARGET" Keyword:HWL3POS, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_FSW_WT3_CMDED_TARGET" Keyword:HWL4POS, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "HMI_FSW_WT4_CMDED_TARGET" Keyword:CALVER32, int, variable, record, 0X00000000, "0X%08X", "none", "Height of formation correction version" Keyword:ITER, int, variable, record, -2147483648, "%d", "none", "The number of Richardson-Lucy iterations." Keyword:PSF, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "The record-set specification of the PSF used for deconvolution." Keyword:SOURCE, string, variable, record, "", "%s", "none", "The record-set specification of the level-1 filtergram used." #=====Segments===== Data: image_lev1, variable, int, 2, 4096, 4096, "dn", fits, "compress Rice", 0.000000, 1.000000, "lev1 image fits file" Data: bad_pixel_list, vardim, int, 1, 1, "none", fits, "", 0.000000, 1.000000, "HMI permanently bad pixel list"