LOGS OF JUNE 2, 2010 l.o.s. observables processed for; 12-min averaged IQUV processed for: ----------------------------------- 2010.05.30_19:19:30_TAI-2010.05.31_19:19:30_TAI NB: the observables codes have been updated and now take into account the list of cosmic ray hits created by Richard (series su_richard.cosmic_rays_a). The gapfilling function tries to correct for these cosmic ray hits. a new QUALITY bit has been added: QUAL_NOCOSMICRAY (0x400) //some cosmic-ray hit lists could not be read for the level 1 filtergrams 12-min averaged IQUV re-processed for: ------------------------------------- 2010.04.24_06:00:00_TAI-2010.04.26_14:00:00_TAI 2010.04.16_13:23:00_TAI-2010.04.16_18:44:25_TAI reprocessed because the level 1 data have been reprocessed today for this timespan (limb finder was improved) requested by Jesper l.o.s. observables re-processed for: --------------------------------- 2010.04.06_00:00:00_TAI-2010.04.13_12:00:00_TAI reprocessed because the level 1 data have been reprocessed today for this timespan (normalization by exposure time) requested by Rick