usage: jrebinsmooth in=... out=... interout=... segin=... segout=... histlink=... srclink=... PERM=... VERB=... IBIN=... NBIN=... BIN_XOFF=... BIN_YOFF=... BIN_FILL=... IGAUSS=... GAUSS_SIG=... GAUSS_WID=... GAUSS_NSUB=... GAUSS_XOFF=... GAUSS_YOFF=... GAUSS_FILL=... in (string): input data records (no default) out (string): output data series (no default) interout (string): output data series for intermediate data (binned only) default value: not specified segin (string): name of input segment if not using segment 0 default value: not specified segout (string): name of output segment if not using segment 0 default value: not specified histlink (string): name of link to ancillary dataseries for processing metadata default value: HISTORY srclink (string): name of link to source data default value: SRCDATA PERM (int): set to 0 for transient records, nonzero for permanent records default value: 1 VERB (int): option for level of verbosity: 0=only error and warning messages; >0=print messages outside of loop; >1=print messages inside loop; >2=debugging output default value: 1 IBIN (int): flag for binning default value: 0 NBIN (int): factor for binning default value: -1 BIN_XOFF (int): offset in pixels in x direction to apply before binning default value: 0 BIN_YOFF (int): offset in pixels in y direction to apply before binning default value: 0 BIN_FILL (float): value to use outside valid area default value: 0.0 IGAUSS (int): flag for convolving with gaussian default value: 0 GAUSS_SIG (float): width of gaussian default value: -1.0 GAUSS_WID (int): half width of kernel default value: -1 GAUSS_NSUB (int): distance between sampled points in pixels default value: -1 GAUSS_XOFF (int): offset in pixels to add to x index of input image default value: 0 GAUSS_YOFF (int): offset in pixels to add to y index of input image default value: 0 GAUSS_FILL (float): value to use outside valid area default value: 0.0