usage: jretile in=... out=... segin=... segout=... histlink=... MEMUSE=... PERM=... VERB=... CALVERKEY=... LMIN=... LMAX=... LCHUNK=... TSTART=... TTOTAL=... TCHUNK=... in (string): input data records (no default) out (string): output data series (no default) segin (string): input data segment default value: not specified segout (string): output data segment default value: not specified histlink (string): name of link to ancillary dataseries for processing metadata default value: HISTORY MEMUSE (int): set to 0 to minimize use of file descriptors and memory, set to 1 to read slices and write whole files, 2 to read whole files and write slices, 3 to read whole files and write whole files. default value: 3 PERM (int): set to 0 for transient records, nonzero for permanent records default value: 1 VERB (int): option for level of verbosity: 0=only error and warning messages; >0=print messages outside of loop; >1=print messages inside loop; >2=debugging output default value: 1 CALVERKEY (int): short integer bit mask determining which 4-bit fields of CALVER64 are permitted to change on input. set the bit to disallow change of the corresponding nybble. default value: 2 LMIN (int): minimum l in output default value: 0 LMAX (int): maximum l in output default value: 0 LCHUNK (int): size of output chunk in l default value: 0 TSTART (time): start time of first output record (no default) TTOTAL (string): total length of time in output (no default) TCHUNK (string): length of output timeseries default value: not specified