usage: jv2ts in=... tsout=... segin=... segout=... histlink=... srclink=... v2hout=... h2mout=... PERM=... VERB=... FORCEOUTPUT=... TAG=... VERSION=... CALVERKEY=... LMIN=... LCHUNK=... NORM=... TSTART=... TTOTAL=... TCHUNK=... LMAX=... SUBMEAN=... NORMLIZE=... CENTLONG=... ZEROMISS=... LGAPOD=... LGAPMIN=... LGAPWIDT=... MAPMMAX=... SINBDIVS=... MAPRMAX=... NAN_BEYOND_RMAX=... MAPLGMAX=... MAPLGMIN=... MAPBMAX=... LGSHIFT=... REF_T0=... REF_L0=... SOLAR_P=... PSIGN=... PERR=... IERR=... REF_TB0=... INTERPO=... APODIZE=... APINNER=... APWIDTH=... APEL=... APX=... APY=... VCORLEV=... MCORLEV=... MOFFSETFLAG=... OUTSCALE=... OUTBIAS=... DISTORT=... CUBIC=... TILTALPHA=... TILTBETA=... TILTFEFF=... OFLAG=... DATASIGN=... MAXMISSVALS=... CARRSTRETCH=... DIFROT_A=... DIFROT_B=... DIFROT_C=... in (string): input data records (no default) tsout (string): output data series default value: not specified segin (string): input data segment default value: not specified segout (string): output data segment default value: not specified histlink (string): name of link to ancillary dataseries for processing metadata. specify "none" to suppress warning messages. default value: HISTORY srclink (string): name of link to source data default value: SRCDATA v2hout (string): output data series for jv2helio default value: not specified h2mout (string): output data series for jhelio2mlat default value: not specified PERM (int): set to 0 for transient records, nonzero for permanent records default value: 1 VERB (int): option for level of verbosity: 0 gives only error and warning messages; >0 prints messages outside of loop; >1 prints messages inside loop; >2 for debugging output default value: 1 FORCEOUTPUT (int): option to specify behavior on missing inputs; 0 gives an error on missing or duplicate inputs, >0 makes outputs regardless default value: 0 TAG (string): this parameter sets a keyword of the same name to the same value, usually used as an additional primekey default value: none VERSION (string): this parameter sets a keyword of the same name to the same value, useful for selecting obsolete records default value: not specified CALVERKEY (int): short integer bit mask determining which 4-bit fields of CALVER64 are permitted to change on input. set the bit to disallow change of the corresponding nybble. default value: 2 LMIN (int): minimum l in output default value: 0 LCHUNK (int): increment in l on output, default is lmax+1 default value: 0 NORM (int): set to nonzero to use cnorm=sinbdelta*sqrt(2) in sgemm call, otherwise use cnorm=1 default value: 1 TSTART (time): start time of first output record (no default) TTOTAL (string): total length of time in output (no default) TCHUNK (string): length of output timeseries default value: not specified LMAX (int): maximum l (maximum m) in the output, cannot be greater than MAPMMAX default value: 300 SUBMEAN (int): nonzero subtracts mean of input image default value: 0 NORMLIZE (int): nonzero multiplies by sqrt((fraction nonmissing)/2) for each row default value: 0 CENTLONG (int): nonzero centers the longitude Fourier transform on the center of the remapped image default value: 1 ZEROMISS (int): zero sets any row containing a NaN to DRMS_MISSING default value: 0 LGAPOD (int): nonzero apodizes in longitude default value: 0 LGAPMIN (double): start of longitude apodization, degrees default value: 60.0 LGAPWIDT (double): width of longitude apodization, degrees default value: 10.0 MAPMMAX (int): determines mapcols default value: 1536 SINBDIVS (int): number of increments in sin latitude from 0 to 1 default value: 512 MAPRMAX (float): maximum image radius default value: 0.95 NAN_BEYOND_RMAX (int): set to nonzero to set output to DRMS_MISSING outside MAPRMAX, otherwise uses 0.0 outside MAPRMAX default value: 0 MAPLGMAX (float): longitude maximum, degrees default value: 72.0 MAPLGMIN (float): longitude minimum, degrees default value: -72.0 MAPBMAX (float): latitude maximum, degrees, also used for minimum default value: 72.0 LGSHIFT (int): option for longitude shift: 0=none; 1=fixed rate; 2=nearest degree; 3=nearest tenth of a degree default value: 0 REF_T0 (time): reference time for computing fixed rate longitude shift default value: 1987.01.03_17:31:12_TAI REF_L0 (float): reference longitude for computing fixed rate longitude shift default value: 0.0 SOLAR_P (float): P-angle; if unset, taken from keywords default value: 999.0 PSIGN (float): sign of SOLAR_P default value: 1.0 PERR (float): fixed P-angle error, likely -0.22 default value: 0.0 IERR (float): error in Carrington inclination, likely -0.10 default value: 0.0 REF_TB0 (time): reference time for computing correction to P and B angles, roughly when B0=0 default value: 2001.06.06_06:57:22_TAI INTERPO (int): option for interpolation: 0=bilinear; 1=cubic convolution default value: 1 APODIZE (int): option for apodization: 0=none; 1=use true solar coordinates; 2=use ideal solar coordinates (b0=0) default value: 0 APINNER (float): start of apodization in fractional image radius default value: 0.90 APWIDTH (float): width of apodization in fractional image radius default value: 0.05 APEL (int): set to nonzero for elliptical apodization described by APX and APY default value: 0 APX (float): divide the x position by this before applying apodization default value: 1.00 APY (float): divide the y position by this before applying apodization default value: 1.00 VCORLEV (int): option for velocity correction: 0=none; 1=subtract a model of differential rotation; 2=also divide by line of sight projection factor for purely radial velocities default value: 2 MCORLEV (int): option for magnetic correction: 0=none; 1=line of sight; 2=radial default value: 0 MOFFSETFLAG (int): set to nonzero to get BFITZERO from input record and subtract from data before interpolating default value: 0 OUTSCALE (float): bscale to use for output default value: 1.0 OUTBIAS (float): bzero to use for output default value: 0.0 DISTORT (int): option for distortion correction: 0=none; 1=full disk(fd) data; 2=vector-weighted(vw) data default value: 0 CUBIC (float): cubic distortion in fd units default value: 7.06E-9 TILTALPHA (float): tilt of CCD, degrees default value: 2.59 TILTBETA (float): direction of CCD tilt, degrees default value: 56.0 TILTFEFF (float): effective focal length default value: 12972.629 OFLAG (int): set to nonzero to force reading orientation from keyword, otherwise "SESW" is assumed) default value: 0 DATASIGN (int): value to multiply data; set to 0 to take DATASIGN from keyword, or 1.0 if not found default value: 0 MAXMISSVALS (int): if >0, this becomes threshold on MISSVALS from keyword default value: 0 CARRSTRETCH (int): set to nonzero to correct for differential rotation according to DIFROT_[ABC] default value: 0 DIFROT_A (float): A coefficient in differential rotation adjustment (offset) default value: 13.562 DIFROT_B (float): B coefficient (to sin(lat) ^ 2) default value: -2.04 DIFROT_C (float): C coefficient (to sin(lat) ^ 4) default value: -1.4875