Differences between revisions 1 and 5 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2009-03-31 06:50:07
Size: 1050
Editor: filament
Revision 5 as of 2009-04-07 03:19:29
Size: 2891
Editor: DN0a2193ac
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 3: Line 3:
Summarize the task performed by this module in a couple sentences
Line 5: Line 4:
---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - other version:''' ----
For a given time, this pipeline module first searches for the low-noise remapped LOS magnetogram at the
given time (produced by the module B_LOS-Remap_and_Average) and the LOS synoptic Carrington map centered at the given time
(produced by the module B_LOS-CarringtonMap), then converts the synoptic Carrington map
to the synchronic heliographic map by correcting the effect of differential rotation, and finally merges
the magnetogram into the synchronic map to produce the LOS synchronic frame at the specific time.
Line 6: Line 12:
 . List inputs here
A specific time associated with large-scale dynamic phenomena
Line 9: Line 16:
 . List outputs here
The LOS synchronic frame at the specific time, as a
proxy of the instatanioues entire-surface LOS field distribution at the time.
Line 12: Line 22:
 . Indicate nominal cadence on which module is run
The time scale of the interested large-scale dynamic phenomena
Line 15: Line 26:
 . Indicate if/when products are archived
Line 18: Line 30:
 . Indicate if there are any options when running the code   
Line 21: Line 34:
 . Indicate estimate of percentage complete for the module   70% complete
Line 24: Line 38:
 . Name heritage or percent complete for Basic Code   95% complete for IDL and 0% for Fortran
Line 27: Line 42:
 . Indicate status of DRMS module version of module   No

---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - your version:''' ----
For a given time, this pipeline module first searches for the low-noise remapped LOS magnetogram at the
given time (produced by the module B_LOS-Remap_and_Average) and the LOS synoptic Carrington map centered at the given time
(produced by the module B_LOS-CarringtonMap), then converts the synoptic Carrington map
to the synchronic heliographic map by correcting the effect of differential rotation, and finally merges
the magnetogram into the synchronic map to produce the LOS synchronic frame at the specific time.
===== Module Inputs =====

A specific time associated with large-scale dynamic phenomena

===== Module Outputs =====

The LOS synchronic frame at the specific time, as a
proxy of the instatanioues entire-surface LOS field distribution at the time.

===== Cadence =====

The time scale of the interested large-scale dynamic phenomena

===== Archive =====


===== Options =====

===== Overall Status of Module =====
70% complete

===== Status of Code =====
95% complete for IDL and 0% for Fortran

===== Status of DRMS module =====

---- /!\ '''End of edit conflict''' ----
Line 31: Line 90:
  * List issues that still need to be resolved
  * Describe as many as you like

---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - other version:''' ----
Transform IDL code to Fortrain code
Line 35: Line 95:
 . Give name of local coordinator for development of this module
Xuepu Zhao
   ---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - your version:''' ----
Transform IDL code to Fortrain code

===== Responsible scientist =====

---- /!\ '''End of edit conflict''' ----
Xuepu Zhao, J. Todd Hoeksema

HMI Pipeline Module - Module_Name_Here

/!\ Edit conflict - other version:

For a given time, this pipeline module first searches for the low-noise remapped LOS magnetogram at the given time (produced by the module B_LOS-Remap_and_Average) and the LOS synoptic Carrington map centered at the given time (produced by the module B_LOS-CarringtonMap), then converts the synoptic Carrington map to the synchronic heliographic map by correcting the effect of differential rotation, and finally merges the magnetogram into the synchronic map to produce the LOS synchronic frame at the specific time.

Module Inputs

A specific time associated with large-scale dynamic phenomena

Module Outputs

The LOS synchronic frame at the specific time, as a proxy of the instatanioues entire-surface LOS field distribution at the time.


The time scale of the interested large-scale dynamic phenomena




Overall Status of Module

70% complete

Status of Code

95% complete for IDL and 0% for Fortran

Status of DRMS module


/!\ Edit conflict - your version:

For a given time, this pipeline module first searches for the low-noise remapped LOS magnetogram at the given time (produced by the module B_LOS-Remap_and_Average) and the LOS synoptic Carrington map centered at the given time (produced by the module B_LOS-CarringtonMap), then converts the synoptic Carrington map to the synchronic heliographic map by correcting the effect of differential rotation, and finally merges the magnetogram into the synchronic map to produce the LOS synchronic frame at the specific time.

Module Inputs

A specific time associated with large-scale dynamic phenomena

Module Outputs

The LOS synchronic frame at the specific time, as a proxy of the instatanioues entire-surface LOS field distribution at the time.


The time scale of the interested large-scale dynamic phenomena




Overall Status of Module

70% complete

Status of Code

95% complete for IDL and 0% for Fortran

Status of DRMS module


/!\ End of edit conflict

Issues needing resolution

/!\ Edit conflict - other version:

Transform IDL code to Fortrain code

Responsible scientist

/!\ Edit conflict - your version:

Transform IDL code to Fortrain code

Responsible scientist

/!\ End of edit conflict

Xuepu Zhao, J. Todd Hoeksema


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JsocWiki: B_LOS-SynchronicFrame (last edited 2013-05-01 04:35:26 by localhost)