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Editor: l4-m0
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== HMI Pipeline Module - Module_Name_Here == == HMI Pipeline Module - BxByBzTransform ==
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Transform vector magnetic field from image coordinates to heliographic central eclipse coordinates. A project method, Lambert's Azimuthal equivalent, will be used for this transformation. Vector transformation will base on the formulae specified by Hagyard (1987). This method will preserves area. The module will be applied to ARPS only. Uncertanties will be estimated based on variance and covariance from Inversion  code. Transform disambiguated vector magnetic field from native HMI image coordinates to local planar rectilinear heliocentric coordinates.

Lambert's Azimuthal equivalent projection method will be used for this transformation.  This method preserves area. Vector transformation will base on formulae specified by Hagyard (1987).

The module can be applied appropriately only to localized ARPs.

Uncertainties will be estimated based on variance and covariance from the Inversion code.
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 . Inputs: B_total, Filling Factor (under condition), inclination, azimuth and their uncertaities on image coordinates.  . Inputs: B_total, Filling Factor (where appropriate), inclination, azimuth and their uncertainties in image coordinates.
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 . Output: Bxyz with uncertaities on heliographic central coordinates.  . Output: Bx, By, Bz magnetic field components with uncertainties in localized area in planar heliocentric coordinates.
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 . 6-hours (?).  . 6 hours?
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 . Yes (?).  . No (?).

HMI Pipeline Module - BxByBzTransform

Transform disambiguated vector magnetic field from native HMI image coordinates to local planar rectilinear heliocentric coordinates.

  • - Lambert's Azimuthal equivalent projection method will be used for this transformation. This method preserves area. Vector transformation will base on formulae specified by Hagyard (1987). - The module can be applied appropriately only to localized ARPs. - Uncertainties will be estimated based on variance and covariance from the Inversion code.

Module Inputs
  • Inputs: B_total, Filling Factor (where appropriate), inclination, azimuth and their uncertainties in image coordinates.

Module Outputs
  • Output: Bx, By, Bz magnetic field components with uncertainties in localized area in planar heliocentric coordinates.

  • 6 hours?

  • No (?).

  • Indicate if there are any options when running the code

Overall Status of Module
  • 60%

Status of Code
  • Project.c from Rick.

Status of DRMS module
  • Indicate status of DRMS module version of module

Issues needing resolution
  • List issues that still need to be resolved
  • Describe as many as you like

Responsible scientist
  • Give name of local coordinator for development of this module

Y. Liu


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JsocWiki: BxByBzTransform (last edited 2013-05-01 04:35:26 by localhost)