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Editor: solpc2
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= !DataSets = = DataSets =


The naming scheme for DRMS datasets is described in the [http://hmi.stanford.edu/development/JSOC_Documents/Drafts/dataset_naming_proposal.pdf Dataset Naming Proposal].

There are some deviations and some potentially key parts are not yet implemented. For instance the "external" record set types are not yet supported. For DRMS datasets, the @filename feature is not implemented. But since the @filename construct allows multiple series and possibly multiple catalogs to be included it should be implemented at a higher level. So for now, only a single record-set is returned by open_records. This could be implemented in drms_open_records collecting any multiple record sets.

Also for absolute record numbers, a ":" is used rather than the "#". The prime key ancillary information is apparently not implemented (maybe it is - need to look at code...). The query type of record set is specified by

  • [?<where clause>?]

rather than

  • [$<query>$>

The format of dataset names presently supported is described in DrmsNames

JsocWiki: DataSet (last edited 2013-05-01 04:35:24 by localhost)