Usage: create_series {-f} file.jsd
optional args:
{} - Database machineBR {dbname=jsoc} - Name of main DRMS databaseBR {dbuser=$USER} - Database login nameBR {dbpasswd=NULL} - Database password, obtained from /home/<dbuser>/.pgpass by defaultBR
Create_series reads a [wiki:Jsd JSOC Series Definition file] (.jsd) and creates the necessary tables in the DRMS database to create the described series. The "force" flag (-f) tells create_series to replace an existing series definition with the new one. Since this removes all the metadata for a series - essentially deleting the series - the user is prompted to confirm. Except for initial debugging of the .jsd file it is probably an error to use the -f flag.
create_series should not be run as part of a drms_run session.
By default, all series are created with univerasl select (read) permission, but update and insert permission for the owner only. For instructions on modifying the permissions of a data series, see
Note that if your JSD file defines more than one prime keyword (in the Index specification) create_series will announce e.g. for series "xxyz" that:
"NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "xxyx_pkey" for table "xxyx"
This is normal.