Housekeeping Telemetry Time Averaging
The Housekeeping Telemetry Time Averaging is calculated from level 0 housekeeping day file data. The mean, maximum, minimum, and standard deviation are calculated. An instruction file is created to specify range of time, keywords, output drms series name, author, and owner.
Create Instruction file
Create Maxium, Minimum, Mean and Standard Deviation JSD file
The create mean, maximum, minimum, and standard deviation jsd( script is use to create the output drms series in DRMS using each keywords in the instruction file to create a keyword with a MAX, MIN, MEAN, and SD suffix that is a float. The time interval or range is use to create step in the slotted drms series. The author and owner are used to create the corresponding values in output drms series. This script does attempt to locate errors in instruction file and displays error messages.
Load Maxium, Minimum, Mean and Standard Deviation in DRMS Data Series
The load mean, maximum, minimum, and standard deviation executable(load_m3sd) is use to get data from housekeeping day files, and calculate values using the instruction file and a housekeeping day file
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