HMI Pipeline Module - Module_Name_Here
Inferring the horizontal plasma flow best matching the time-variation of B (in terms of MHD induction equation.)
Module Inputs
- Two magnetic field maps {global / local patch} {B_los, B_r}
Module Outputs
- Maps of (horizontal) plasma flow associated with the observed variation of photospheric magnetic field.
- and hopefully, other quantities such as (-v_h x B_r) x B_r
- 20 min. (???)
- 1~2 weeks, until ARs move far-side(?)
- use the standard option settings provided by G.F.
Overall Status of Module
- FLCT is kindly prepared by Berkeley developer G.Fisher as subprogram callable by C/Fortran code.
Status of Code
- 90%
- need to finish the wrapping c/fortran-code which
- 1) makes to speficy the two input data in accordance with "current" tim
- (so far, we have to (manually, as option in="YYYY.MM.DD" style) give the date on which the MDI fd_96m data are available)
- 2) makes output plots.
Status of DRMS module
- Finished making code to fetch two (disc) data on the specified time/date, via DRMS (and resize, if needed)
Issues needing resolution
- essentially finished to make code to take necessary data via DRMS, and pass the data to FLCT part
Responsible scientist
- K. Hayashi
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