== How to enable another user to ingest data into a series you've created == * Run psql as yourself, (e.g. at prompt, type: psql -h hmidb -d jsoc), then type the following once you've entered psql (Postgres): * grant insert on seriesname to username; * grant update on seriesname_seq to username; where seriesname is your series (e.g. su_name.myseries), and username is the user you want to access your series. Make sure to follow with the semi-colon to signal to Postgres that you want it to execute your command. If you hit return without it, type \g (for "go") or \r (for "reset" or "clear"). * To grant permission to all users to insert records in the series (for example), type * grant insert on seriesname to public; * grant update on seriesname_seq to public; To view the permissions of the data series: * \dp seriesname * \dp seriesname_seq (Semi-colons are not needed to execute \dp commands.)