= Getting JSOC Data = <> * Where are you? On campus, or around the world? * What do you need to do? Write programs to interface with our database, or just use the ones we already have? * What are your options? Lookdata, show_info, create_series, (links to man pages here, Link to "USER" section to talk about setting your environment and using ~jsoc DRMS code) * Naming conventions (Link to naming document, and list of existing namespace/series) * Some examples, from show_info & psql "where" (need to write these) * http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/interactive/tutorial-select.html will tell you more about the SQL language used to get specific data from JSOC. * see http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/interactive/queries-table-expressions.html#QUERIES-WHERE for information about WHERE clauses In the future, JSOC plans to have more extensive internet options available for users desiring data. At this time, we are prototyping those tools. Right now, the "lookdata" tool is available to you at: http://jsoc.stanford.edu/ajax/lookdata.html Planned for the future are a cgi-bin IDL interface and a more mature lookdata tool. Data will be available via the Solar Observatory (VSO) also. For general software development information see the [[JsocDevelopersGuide|Developers Guide]]. == JSOC Tools == * ~+'''[[LookData|Documentation for the JSOC LookData tool]]''' -- Learn how to get data from the web +~ * ~+'''[[http://jsoc.stanford.edu/ajax/lookdata.html]]''' -- The lookdata tool +~ * ~+'''[[DRMS|The DRMS software]]''' -- An introduction to the DRMS software tools +~ More...