
This is a tool developed by the JSOC team for internet data searching and data queuing.

You can access it at: [http://jsoc.stanford.edu/ajax/lookdata.html]

The tool has numbered sections. The document below corresponds to those sections.

  1. "Find the Dataseries"

All JSOC data is stored in a database system ("DRMS") that references a large filing system ("SUMS"). All the data is stored by "namespace" (e.g. 'sid', 'hmi', 'hmi_ground', 'aia', etc). It is further broken down and stored in series. Each series represents a set of data, typically a table in the database. If you know the namespace and series for your data, you can enter it in the blank. The default is "NOT ^dsds\.", because the namespace 'dsds' contains over 13,000 series, and is mostly old MDI data ported over from our Oracle system. BRBR The form blank searches any series names as a wildcard with whatever you enter. If you were to enter 'sid', it would get all tables in namespaces such as su_sid, sid_awe, or sid, if such namespaces existed, and it would find any series that had "sid" in the name, such as su_jennifer.sidtest2 or su_deborah.sid. BRBR While the search for series is happening, the lookdata page will tell you that it is "processing", and offer you an "abort" button if you wish to stop the search.