Keiji's memo: This page is copy-and-past of ReleaseNote3 page

Release Notes for hmi.ME_720s_fd10 HMI Magnetic Field Data (VFISV)

Definitive, science-grade, HMI vector magnetic field data are now (May, 2012) available via JSOC under the series name hmi.ME_720s_fd10.

Major differences between 2011-Oct/Nov version (_e15w1332 series) and the current FD10 version

Temporal Coverage for Three Series below

[ Monthly charts] show the 12-minute time slots for which the ME inversion data processed with the VFISV module are available. The coverage charts also contain the status flags of the HMI observation, thus the quality and availability of input [ Stokes] data. See [:ME720se15w1332CoverChart: details] for an explanation of the coverage charts (* the color and legends in the coverage charts for version FD10 are same as those for the [:ME720se15w1332: previous version] of ME data).

hmi.ME_720s_fd10 ([ click here for data]), hmi.ME_720s_fd10_HARP ([ click here for data]), and hmi.ME_720s_fd10_HARP_nrt ([ click here for data]).

These three data series contain ME inversion data processed using VFISV ([ details]) using the codes implemented on April 13, 2012. There are known issues with these versions of VFISV, but this remains the best ME release version as of the date of implementation. We consider this a beta-test version of the HMI vector field inversion.

Our efforts to optimize the VFISV for the HMI data pipeline are on going, and we will create the series to fill the data processed by the newer codes when ready. The eventual pipeline code for HMI vector inversions will be different. We will announce the release of the new data through Solar News.

Versions of VFISV in the FITS files exported at JSOC database