HMI Data Series hmi.Synoptic_Mr_720s - Synoptic Charts - Radial Field

Data Series General Description

The HMI radial field synoptic maps in the data series hmi.Synoptic_Mr_720s provide magnetic field for each Carrington Rotation starting with CR 2096 in April, 2010.

The maps are constructed from HMI 720s line-of-sight magnetograms (["hmi.M-720s-info"]). Typically central meridian data from 20 magnetograms collected over a 4-hour interval contribute to each longitude in the synoptic map. The magnetograms collected over a ~27.27-day interval are combined to make a synoptic map with 3600 longitudes and 1440 steps in sine latitude. [ CR 2106] was constructed from observations taken from January 20 - February 16, 2011.

The data in hmi.Synoptic_Mr_720s is the basis for computation of all other HMI synoptic maps.

Steps in Constructing an HMI Synoptic Map

The nominal photon noise in a 720s magnetogram pixel is 10-15G. Each synoptic maps combines 20 magnetograms averaged to about 1/3 the spatial resolution, so the low-latitude noise level should be well below 0.5 G. To estimate the radial field in this series the line-of-sight observations are divided by cosine of the angle from disk center, so the noise level will increase accordingly. Systematic errors are not included in the estimate.

The data series name is hmi.Synoptic_Mr_720s. It can be accessed using [ lookdata] or [ exportdata]. Convenient access to both data and images is available from the [ Synoptic Catalog].

Final synoptic data are in the synopMr data segment. One record is available for each Carrington rotation. The prime keyword for the data series is the rotation number CAR_ROT. A more complete description of the keywords is given in the next section.

Data Series Keywords

The complete list of keywords for hmi.Synoptic_Mr_720s is available as a [ pdf]

The Keywords for any JSOC data series as defined in the JSD can be inspected using the Series Content tab of the lookdata web access tool.

General information is available for JSOC [ Names] and [ Keywords].

A helpful description of WCS coordinate systems as implemented by HMI can be found [ here].