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Revision 1 as of 2009-03-31 06:44:22
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Editor: filament
Revision 6 as of 2009-12-01 10:03:01
Size: 1988
Editor: lilo
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Summarize the task performed by this module in a couple sentences
coronal/solar-wind MHD simulation(s) using Br data in synoptic map format: (a) low-resolution daily one by K.H., using updated map, and (b) high-resolution model at PSI, using calbrated map (conducted every 27~28 days)
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 . List inputs here
 . synoptic maps:
 . a) preliminary daily-updated map for daily model calculation
 . b) calibrated map for external model(s)
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 . List outputs here
 . 1) Corona : field lines, synthetic LoS-integrated coronal density, temperature etc.
 . 2) Interplanetary (at 30Rs ?): solar wind parameters (B, V, N, T) map ?
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 . Indicate nominal cadence on which module is run
 . a) daily model : 1/day
 . b) high-res. model : 1 (or more ?) every 27.3-day Carrington Rotation period
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 . Indicate if/when products are archived
 . 3D volume data will be archived
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 . Indicate if there are any options when running the code
 . a) daily MHD model will run on 8-CPU cluster machine, approximately 2~3 hours
 . b) HDF file provided by PSI once a CR period will be first converted to FITS format then send to DRMS
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 . Indicate estimate of percentage complete for the module

===== Status of Code =====
 . Name heritage or percent complete for Basic Code
 . a) Daily model, mostly finished :(1) take synotpic map through JSOC/DRMS, (2) prepare intiial values (3) do MHD simulation (4) send 3D data to JSOC.
 . b) External PSI model : mostly done : (1) script to get PSI data at their website, (2) convert HDF4 to JSOC-favorite format (3) send the 3D data to JSOC.
===== Code =====
 . a) 100 % of MHD part in Fortran, 99 % of C-wrapper
 . b) 99 % of script (using wget) to fetch data via http, and 99% of C-code to push the 3D data to JSOC
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 . Indicate status of DRMS module version of module
 . a) Remaining issues : define keyword.
 . b) Remaining issues : do define keyword other than physics unit and CR number.
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  * List issues that still need to be resolved
  * Describe as many as you like
 * On j8.q and j.q, some code returns NaN even though the data is OK. o.q and o8.q do not have such problem.....unnnn
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 . Give name of local coordinator for development of this module
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HMI Pipeline Module - Module_Name_Here

coronal/solar-wind MHD simulation(s) using Br data in synoptic map format: (a) low-resolution daily one by K.H., using updated map, and (b) high-resolution model at PSI, using calbrated map (conducted every 27~28 days)

Module Inputs
  • synoptic maps:
  • a) preliminary daily-updated map for daily model calculation
  • b) calibrated map for external model(s)

Module Outputs
  • 1) Corona : field lines, synthetic LoS-integrated coronal density, temperature etc.
  • 2) Interplanetary (at 30Rs ?): solar wind parameters (B, V, N, T) map ?

  • a) daily model : 1/day
  • b) high-res. model : 1 (or more ?) every 27.3-day Carrington Rotation period

  • 3D volume data will be archived

  • a) daily MHD model will run on 8-CPU cluster machine, approximately 2~3 hours
  • b) HDF file provided by PSI once a CR period will be first converted to FITS format then send to DRMS

Overall Status of Module
  • a) Daily model, mostly finished :(1) take synotpic map through JSOC/DRMS, (2) prepare intiial values (3) do MHD simulation (4) send 3D data to JSOC.
  • b) External PSI model : mostly done : (1) script to get PSI data at their website, (2) convert HDF4 to JSOC-favorite format (3) send the 3D data to JSOC.

  • a) 100 % of MHD part in Fortran, 99 % of C-wrapper
  • b) 99 % of script (using wget) to fetch data via http, and 99% of C-code to push the 3D data to JSOC

Status of DRMS module
  • a) Remaining issues : define keyword.
  • b) Remaining issues : do define keyword other than physics unit and CR number.

Issues needing resolution
  • On j8.q and j.q, some code returns NaN even though the data is OK. o.q and o8.q do not have such problem.....unnnn

Responsible scientist

K. Hayashi


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JsocWiki: ModelDynamicCorona (last edited 2013-05-01 04:35:23 by localhost)