Wednesday @ 4:15 p.m.
Knowledge Base Tools INPUT: Surface-to-Heliosphere Events
Leader: K. Schrijver
Focus on: surface-to-heliosphere events
Products: prioritized list, working groups, tasked co-Is
This session discusses events from the solar surface into the heliosphere.
- What kinds of events should be identified?
- What tools exist or need to be developed to identify the events and quantify their properties?
- What parameters should be derived/measured?
The outcome of the sessions should be a prioritized list of events that will be of most use for the community, plus plans on how to incorporate, find, and validate these.
10 min. Schrijver: Discussion: what types of events are needed, and what kinds of metrics/attributes should quantify them?
10 min. Nitta: Flares and CMEs
10 min. De Pontieu: Oscillation events
5 min. Ireland: The SIPWORK community: activities and tools
10 min. Berghmans: Feature finding and catalogs in Brussels
5 min. Eparvier: Feature needs from the irradiance perspective
- Remainder: open discussion
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