=== Wednesday @ 4:15 p.m. === == Local HS 3: Subsurface Flows; Near-surface and Magnetic Effects == ===== Leaders: Brad Hindman, Charlie Lindsay, & Junwei Zhao ===== 1. Helioseismic Signatures of Near-Surface Magnetic Fields (Doug Braun) * What are the helioseismic signatures of near-surface anomalies? * What are the effects of these on diagnostics of underlying thermal structure, flows, magnetic fields and other local physical anomalies in the solar interior? * What are the effects of various filtering and other analytical techniques applied to seismic observations containing the signatures of near-surface anomalies? * What can the above effects tell us about active region structure and dynamics (mode conversion, for example)? * What can/should be done about prospective artifacts caused by near-surface anomalies? 2. Further Magnetic Effects in Helioseismic Signatures (Paul Rajaguru) * What helioseismic signatures can be caused by variations in line profiles due to Zeeman splitting? * What supporting research can/needs to be done to separate these signatures from those of flows, sound-speed anomalies and other objects of helioseismic diagnostics? * What are the effects of phase-speed filtering on helioseismic diagnostics of thermal structure and flows beneath active regions? * Can these be credibly accounted for? If so, by what means? 3. The Role of MHD Simulations in Helioseismic Diagnostics (Konstantin Parchevsky) * What is the practicality of credible simulations of near-surface acoustics in the quiet Sun and active regions? * What kinds of seismic environments can be simulated? * What is the role of fully compressible simulations of convection with and without magnetic fields? 4. Large-Scale Flows (Rudi Komm) * What is needed for diagnostics of large-scale flows in the HMI era? * What are the effects of surface magnetic regions on seismic diagnostics of large scale flows, and how can we devise a realistic account for them? * What resources do we need to understand what drives large-scale flows? 5. Testing Helioseismic Methods for HMI (Aaron Birch) * What are the major control issues surrounding flows and near-surface and magnetic effects as presently understood? * What can MHD simulations give us for testing helioseismic models of local solar interior anomalies? * What is needed to derive realistic artificial data from simulations? * What control facilities can be developed without recourse to detailed MHD simulations? --- A Closely Related Topic in Session on KB Tools - Helioseismic & Magnetic Events (Friday @ 10:30 a.m.) * What can seismic emission from flares tell us about the mechanics of flares in the HMI era? * What control facilities does seismic emission from flares offer for helioseismic diagnostics? * What can seismic emission from flares tell us about the thermal structure and dynamics of the solar interior underlying magnetic regions? * What supporting observations of acoustically active flares would be useful? * What is the prospective utility of a white light flare alarm from the HMI pipeline in the solar and space-weather community at large? * What is the practicality of such a flare alarm? ---- Back to [[SDOTeamsMeeting|SDO Teams Meeting Agenda ]]