
{{{#!/bin/sh -f #Change this to reflect your cluster name, log file location, host, port number, and your user and db name!!! SLONYCLUSTER=jsoc_example ARCHIVEDIR=/surge/slony/jsoc_slave_logs REPLICATIONUSER=postgres PGDATABASE=jsoc PGPORT=5444 PGHOST=myhost.stanford.edu #End your changes FILEPREFIX=slony1_log_2_ NEXTQUERY="select at_counter+1 from \"_${SLONYCLUSTER}\".sl_archive_tracking;" nextseq=psql -d ${PGDATABASE} -p ${PGPORT} -U ${REPLICATIONUSER} -h ${PGHOST} -A -t -c "${NEXTQUERY}" #last_counter=400000 while true; do #while [ $nextseq -lt $last_counter ]; do #Could do fewer selects/psqls I suppose, but better safe than sorry for the time being


JsocWiki: Slony1Loop (last edited 2013-05-01 04:35:26 by localhost)