Differences between revisions 2 and 3
Revision 2 as of 2009-05-07 06:27:03
Size: 362
Editor: l4-m0
Revision 3 as of 2009-05-07 06:46:25
Size: 654
Editor: l4-m0
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All or part of a magnetogram remapped to standard heliographic synoptic coordinates. All or part of a solar image remapped to standard synoptic heliographic coordinates makes a synoptic frame.
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A number of individual magnetograms can be combined to construct a synoptic frame. A number of individual magnetograms can be combined to construct a synoptic frame, but a frame effectively shows a snapshot of some appreciable part of the visible disk for a particular time.
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A synoptic frame could be a subset of a SynopticMap. A synoptic frame can be inserted into a synoptic map to produce a kind of [:SynopticMap:synchronic map].
A synoptic frame is a subset of a complete SynopticMap. A synoptic frame can be inserted into a synoptic map to produce a kind of [:SynopticMap:synchronic map].

A series of synoptic frames made into synchronic maps can be useful for studying the effects of time evolution of the solar magnetic field in a global context.

Synoptic Frame

All or part of a solar image remapped to standard synoptic heliographic coordinates makes a synoptic frame.

A number of individual magnetograms can be combined to construct a synoptic frame, but a frame effectively shows a snapshot of some appreciable part of the visible disk for a particular time.

A synoptic frame is a subset of a complete SynopticMap. A synoptic frame can be inserted into a synoptic map to produce a kind of [:SynopticMap:synchronic map].

A series of synoptic frames made into synchronic maps can be useful for studying the effects of time evolution of the solar magnetic field in a global context.

JsocWiki: SynopticFrame (last edited 2013-05-01 04:35:25 by localhost)