Differences between revisions 2 and 4 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2014-01-17 08:49:13
Size: 744
Editor: ToddHoeksema
Revision 4 as of 2014-05-23 06:15:36
Size: 883
Editor: ToddHoeksema
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 . The current version of the code is termed '''fd10'''.  . The current version of the code is termed '''fd10'''. See the release notes for the [[ME720sfd10| FD10 version]] of the VFISV Code.
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--- See also the [[ME720sfd10| FD10]] release notes

=== Links ===

Processing Notes for VFISV

VFISV is the Very Fast Inversion of the Stokes Vector code optimized for use with the HMI observations.

  • The current version of the code is termed fd10. See the release notes for the FD10 version of the VFISV Code.

  • An earlier version of the codes was e15w1332

Milestones in fd10 processing


  • Use of time dependent phase maps for HMI filter profiles
  • Improved phase maps reduce field strength and effects of fringes in the HMI wavelength filters.
    • CODEVER4 = 1.33; INVCODEV = "vfisv FD10 2013 Apr. 30; uses time-dependent HMI..."
    • Phase map used indicated in keyword INVPHMAP


  • First pipeline version of fd10 code
  • CODEVER$ = 1.22; INVCODEV = "vfisv FD10 2012 Apr. 13"

See also the FD10 release notes

Back to PipelineCode

JsocWiki: VFISVNotes (last edited 2014-05-23 06:15:36 by ToddHoeksema)