Prime Keys are: T_OBS is slotted 'ts_slot' using T_OBS_index FSN DB Index Keys are: T_OBS_index FSN All Keywords for series aia.lev1: BLD_VERS (string) Build Version: from jsoc_version.h T_OBS_step (double) T_OBS step T_OBS_epoch (time) T_OBS_round (int) center of slot ORIGIN (string) ORIGIN Location where file made DATE (time) Date_time of processing; ISO 8601 TELESCOP (string) For AIA: SDO/AIA INSTRUME (string) For AIA: AIA_ATA1, AIA_ATA2, AIA_ATA3 or AIA_ATA4 DATE__OBS (time) [DATE-OBS] Date when observation started; ISO 8601 T_OBS (time) Observation time CAMERA (int) For AIA: 1, 2, 3 or 4 IMG_TYPE (string) Image type: LIGHT or DARK EXPTIME (double) Exposure duration: mean shutter open time EXPSDEV (float) Exposure standard deviation INT_TIME (float) CCD integration duration WAVELNTH (int) Wavelength WAVEUNIT (string) Wavelength unit: angstrom WAVE_STR (string) Wavelength_FilterPosition FSN (int) FSN Filtergram Sequence Number FID (int) FID Filtergram ID QUALITY (int) Level 1 Quality word TOTVALS (int) Expected number of data values (pixels) DATAVALS (int) Actual number of data values in image MISSVALS (int) Missing values: TOTVALS - DATAVALS PERCENTD (float) Percent data; 100*DATAVALS/TOTVALS DATAMIN (int) Minimum value of all pixels DATAMAX (int) Maximum value of all pixels DATAMEDN (int) Median value of all pixels DATAMEAN (float) Mean value of all pixels DATARMS (float) Rms deviation from the mean value of all pixels DATASKEW (float) Skewness from the mean value of all pixels DATAKURT (float) Kurtosis of all pixels DATACENT (float) Median value of center column of the image PIXLUNIT (string) Pixel intensity unit KEYWDDOC (string) AIA FITS keyword documentation OSCNMEAN (float) Mean value of oversan rows OSCNRMS (float) Rms deviation from the mean value of overscan rows FLAT_REC (string) Flatfield series record pointer NSPIKES (int) Number of cosmic ray affected pixels detected in image CTYPE1 (string) CTYPE1: HPLN-TAN (SOLARX) CUNIT1 (string) CUNIT1: arcsec CRVAL1 (float) CRVAL1: x origin - center of the solar disk CDELT1 (float) CDELT1: image scale in the x direction CRPIX1 (float) CRPIX1: location of sun center in CCD x direction CTYPE2 (string) CTYPE2: HPLT-TAN (SOLARY) CUNIT2 (string) CUNIT2: arcsec CRVAL2 (float) CRVAL2: y origin - center of the solar disk CDELT2 (float) CDELT2: image scale in the y direction CRPIX2 (float) CRPIX2: location of sun center in CCD y direction CROTA2 (float) CROTA2: INST_ROT + SAT_ROT R_SUN (float) Radius of the Sun in pixels on the CCD detector MPO_REC (string) Master Pointing series record pointer INST_ROT (float) Master pointing CCD rotation wrt SDO Z axis IMSCL_MP (float) Master pointing image scale X0_MP (float) Master pointing X0 sun center in CCD frame Y0_MP (float) Master pointing Y0 sun center in CCD frame RSUN_LF (float) Limb fit Solar radius X0_LF (float) Limb fit X0 sun center in CCD frame Y0_LF (float) Limb fit Y0 sun center in CCD frame ASD_REC (string) Ancillary Science Data series record pointer SAT_Y0 (float) Position of solar center wrt the SDO -Y axis SAT_Z0 (float) Position of solar center wrt the SDO Z axis SAT_ROT (float) Angle of solar pole wrt the SDO X axis ACS_MODE (string) ACS pointing mode - ACS_AN_ACS_MODE ACS_ECLP (string) ACS eclipse flag - ACS_AN_FLAG_CSS_ECLIPSE ACS_SUNP (string) ACS sun presense flag - ACS_AN_FLAG_DSS_SUNPRES ACS_SAFE (string) ACS safe hold flag - ACS_AN_FLAG_ACE_INSAFEHOLD ACS_CGT (string) ACS ID of Controlling Guide Telescope - ACS_AN_NUM_CGT ORB_REC (string) Orbit vector series record pointer DSUN_REF (double) Reference distance to Sun: 149,597,870,691.0 m DSUN_OBS (double) Distance from SDO to Sun center RSUN_REF (double) Reference radius of the Sun: 696,000,000.0 m RSUN_OBS (double) Apparent radius of the Sun seen by SDO GCIEC_X (double) Geocentric Inertial X position GCIEC_Y (double) Geocentric Inertial Y position GCIEC_Z (double) Geocentric Inertial Z position HCIEC_X (double) Heliocentric Inertial X position HCIEC_Y (double) Heliocentric Inertial Y position HCIEC_Z (double) Heliocentric Inertial Z position OBS_VR (double) Speed of observer in radial direction OBS_VW (double) Speed of observer in solar-west direction OBS_VN (double) Speed of observer in solar-north direction CRLN_OBS (float) Carrington longitude of the observer CRLT_OBS (float) Carrington latitude of the observer CAR_ROT (int) Carrington rotation number of CRLN_OBS ROI_NWIN (int) Number of Windows for Region of Interest (ROI) ROI_SUM (int) Summing Mode: 1x1, 2x2, 4x4 (0,1,2) ROI_NAX1 (int) Number of CCD columns for width of ROI1 ROI_NAY1 (int) Number of CCD rows for height of ROI1 ROI_LLX1 (int) CCD X location of lower left corner of ROI1 ROI_LLY1 (int) CCD Y location of lower left corner of ROI1 ROI_NAX2 (int) Number of CCD columns for width of ROI2 ROI_NAY2 (int) Number of CCD rows for height of ROI2 ROI_LLX2 (int) CCD X location of lower left corner of ROI2 ROI_LLY2 (int) CCD Y location of lower left corner of ROI2 ISPSNAME (string) ISP SERIES NAME ISPPKTIM (time) PACKET_TIME, Prime key value for the ISP record ISPPKTVN (string) PACKET_VERSION_NUMBER AIVNMST (int) AIA_VER_NUM_IMAGE_STATUS AIMGOTS (int) AIA_IMG_OBT_TIME_SH_SEC ASQHDR (longlong) AIA_SEQ_HEADER ASQTNUM (short) AIA_SEQ_TEL_NUM ASQFSN (int) AIA_SEQ_FRAME_SN AIAHFSN (int) AIA_IMG_HIST_FSN AECDELAY (int) AIA_IMG_AEC_DELAY AIAECTI (int) AIA_IMG_AEC_TABLE_ID AIASEN (int) AIA_IMG_AS_ENCODER AIFDBID (int) AIA_IMG_FDB_ID AIMGOTSS (int) AIA_IMG_OBT_TIME_SH_SS AIFCPS (short) AIA_IMG_FC_POSITION AIFTSWTH (int) AIA_IMG_FLT_TYPE_SW_TH AIFRMLID (int) AIA_IMG_FRMLIST_ID AIFTSID (int) AIA_IMG_FTS_ID AIHISMXB (int) AIA_IMG_HIST_MAX_BIN AIHIS192 (int) AIA_IMG_HISTC_BN_192 AIHIS348 (int) AIA_IMG_HISTC_BN_348 AIHIS604 (int) AIA_IMG_HISTC_BN_604 AIHIS860 (int) AIA_IMG_HISTC_BN_860 AIFWEN (int) AIA_IMG_FW_ENCODER AIMGSHCE (int) AIA_IMG_SH_CMDED_EXPOSURE AECTYPE (short) AIA_IMG_AEC_TYPE AECMODE (string) AIA_IMG_AEC_MODE AISTATE (string) AIA_IMG_ISS_LOOP AIAECENF (short) AIA_IMG_AEC_ENA_FLAG AIFILTYP (short) AIA_IMG_FILTER_TYPE AIMSHOBC (float) AIA_IMG_SH_OPEN_BOT_CENTR AIMSHOBE (float) AIA_IMG_SH_OPEN_BOT_EDGE AIMSHOTC (float) AIA_IMG_SH_OPEN_TOP_CENTR AIMSHOTE (float) AIA_IMG_SH_OPEN_TOP_EDGE AIMSHCBC (float) AIA_IMG_SH_CLOSE_BOT_CENTR AIMSHCBE (float) AIA_IMG_SH_CLOSE_BOT_EDGE AIMSHCTC (float) AIA_IMG_SH_CLOSE_TOP_CENTR AIMSHCTE (float) AIA_IMG_SH_CLOSE_TOP_EDGE AICFGDL1 (short) AIA_IMG_CFG_DELAY_1 AICFGDL2 (short) AIA_IMG_CFG_DELAY_2 AICFGDL3 (short) AIA_IMG_CFG_DELAY_3 AICFGDL4 (short) AIA_IMG_CFG_DELAY_4 AIFOENFL (short) AIA_IMG_FOCUS_ENA_FLAG AIMGFSN (int) AIA_IMG_FRLIST_POS AIMGTYP (int) AIA_IMG_IMAGE_TYPE AIAWVLEN (int) AIA_IMG_WAVELENGTH AIAGP1 (int) AIA_IMG_GP1 AIAGP2 (int) AIA_IMG_GP2 AIAGP3 (int) AIA_IMG_GP3 AIAGP4 (int) AIA_IMG_GP4 AIAGP5 (int) AIA_IMG_GP5 AIAGP6 (int) AIA_IMG_GP6 AIAGP7 (int) AIA_IMG_GP7 AIAGP8 (int) AIA_IMG_GP8 AIAGP9 (int) AIA_IMG_GP9 AIAGP10 (int) AIA_IMG_GP10 AGT1SVY (short) AIA_GT1_SUNVECTOR_Y AGT1SVZ (short) AIA_GT1_SUNVECTOR_Z AGT2SVY (short) AIA_GT2_SUNVECTOR_Y AGT2SVZ (short) AIA_GT2_SUNVECTOR_Z AGT3SVY (short) AIA_GT3_SUNVECTOR_Y AGT3SVZ (short) AIA_GT3_SUNVECTOR_Z AGT4SVY (short) AIA_GT4_SUNVECTOR_Y AGT4SVZ (short) AIA_GT4_SUNVECTOR_Z AIMGSHEN (short) AIA_IMG_SH_ENCODER QUALLEV0 (int) Level 0 Quality word LVL_NUM (float) LVL_NUM data level number DATAP01 (float) DATAP01 DATAP10 (float) DATAP10 DATAP25 (float) DATAP25 DATAP75 (float) DATAP75 DATAP90 (float) DATAP90 DATAP95 (float) DATAP95 DATAP98 (float) DATAP98 DATAP99 (float) DATAP99 TEMPCCD (float) CCD temperature TEMPCEB (float) CEB temperature TEMPSMIR (float) SMIR temperature TEMPPMIR (float) PMIR temperature DN_GAIN (float) DN/electron DN_GN_V (float) version # DN_GAIN EFF_AREA (float) effective area EFF_AR_V (float) version # EFF_AREA Segments for series aia.lev1: image_lev1 dn fits 4096x4096 lev1 image fits file bad_pixel location fits VAR bad pixel list spikes location fits VARxVAR spiked pixel list