Prime Keys are: ObsTime DB Index Keys are same as Prime Keys All Keywords for series sha.GONGbbvzi: SITE (string) GONG site code SITENAME (string) Keyword: TIMEZONE (int) Time zone LAT (double) Geographic latitude of Obsrvr (some +0.597829 LON (double) Geographic longitude of Obsrvr DTYPE (string) Data Type ITIME (float) time between EOI interrupts for OBS type PIXLENX (float) Relative pixel size, x-direction PIXLENY (float) Relative pixel size, y-direction P_ANGLE (float) Nominal position angle - pi/2 OFFSET (float) Nominal position angle ObsTime (time) midpoint of observation URL (string) URL for record segment VELSCALE (float) velocity scaling: (v_sun + VEL_BIAS) / v_obs VEL_BIAS (float) velocity bias: VELSCALE * v_obs - v_sun Date_Obs (string) GONG DATE-OBS Time_Obs (string) GONG TIME-OBS HA (double) Hour angle B0 (double) Heliographic latitude of Earth center L0 (double) Heliographic longitude of Earth center RADIUS (double) Apparent solar radius SEMIDIAM (double) Apparent solar semidiameter C_MA (double) Image ellipse semimajor axis C_MI (double) Image ellipse semiminor axis FNDLMBAN (double) Position angle of image ellipse major axis FNDLMBXC (double) Image center column 1-indexed FNDLMBYC (double) Image center row 1-indexed SolarPA (float) position angle of Carrington axis