NetDRMS Release Notes
Version 1.1
New Features since previous release (V 1.0):
FITS implementation of TAS files - TAS (Tiled-Array
Storage) is a DRMS segment protocol whereby data from more than one
DRMS record are stored to the same file. In previous JSOC releases,
the file was a homegrown file format (that didn't work 100% and it was
not cross-platorm compatible). In this release, TAS uses a FITS file
format. The TAS file has an extra dimension (one more than the number
of dimensions of the data) - each value along this dimension
corresponds to one DRMS record. The TAS file can be compressed for
non-floating point data. For floating-point data, it cannot be
compressed (compression would be lossy if this were allowed). Open TAS
files are cached so that multiple reads/writes to the same file do not
incur unneccessary file open/close overhead. In order to use this
feature, the .jsd version that creates the series that uses a TAS file
must be at least version 2.1
- Implementation of data slicing of FITS and TAS segment protocols
Overload the DRMS_Segment_t structure's per_segment field, and
rename to DRMS_Keyword_t::kwflags. This was needed so that we can
differentiate between keywords that existed in the original .jsd, and
ones that were implicitly created. We don't always want to show the
implicitly created keywords in a .jsd generated by the "show_info -j"
tdsignal.c - Implemented a threaded version of alarms. You can now
set an alarm, and receive it, despite being in a multi-threaded
environment. Added a sample module, proj/example/apps/threadsigs.c, to
demonstrate how this works.
Added functions drms_series_cancreaterecord(), drms_series_candeleterecord(),
and drms_series_canupdaterecord() that say whether the caller is able to
modify records in a series.
SUM_alloc2() - This API allows you to specify a SUNUM to allocate
space for. This differs from SUM_alloc(), which picks the SUNUM for
you (the next in an increasing series).
Record-set chunking. You can use new API functions, drms_open_recordset()
and drms_recordset_fetchnext(), that allow you to work with 'chunks' of
records in memory. The old drms_open_records() places ALL records in
memory. Working with chunks will minimize the memory footprint of your
module. Also, sufficiently large queries (queries that result in a large
number of records) are truncated with the drms_open_records() call, but
not with the drms_open_recordset() call. Currently, you must traverse the
records from the first to the last, in the order returned by the
drms_open_recordset() call.
libcmdparams.a's cmdparams structure now contains the original cmd-line
arguments (use cmdparams_get_argv() to fetch them).
show_info now lists the archive, retention, and unitsize in the series info,
and the sunum for each record for which information is printed.
Make support for building intel mac architectures. This does not mean that
mac binaries will compile and run. It means that the make files will now
allow an attempt to compile.
Bug Fixes:
cfitsio - By default, the cfitsio library will be named
"libcfitsio.a". However, for 64-bit machines that compile with gcc,
this can be overridden in the configure script by setting the
CFITSIOFNAME_GCC_X86_64 make variable.
show_info -j - Prevent segment-specific keywords from being expanded
into multiple keywords when creating the jsd entries. The jsd should
have the original keyword (eg., bzero), not a proliferation of
segment-specific keywords (eg., bzero_000, bzero_001, bzero_002,
etc.). The latter causes recursion (if you create a series from a .jsd
that contains bzero_000, bzero_001, bzero_002, etc., then you end up
with a series that has bzero_000_000, bzero_000_001, bzero_000_002,
etc., bzero_001_000, bzero_001_0001, etc.).
drms_export - Fix mapping from DRMS to FITS keywords that have
missing values. For certain data types, conversion between the type
used by DRMS and the corresponding type used by FITS was done
drms_segment_read() - Fix for reading of binary-protocol data
segments. The faulty code assumed that the binary reader was filling
in bzero/bscale values, but our binary files have no bzero/bscale
values. So the faulty code got garbage bzero/bscale values and used
those when converting data, which led to garbage data.
drms_stage_records() - Loop over record-set subsets (which are
specific to a series) because drms_getunits() is
series-specific. Also, if, within a subset, more than the maximum
allowed number of storage units are requested, loop.
create_tables.sql - removed inoperable script with name conflicting
with a valid one, commented out comments and replaced suggested
actions with real actions.
Control-C will now cleanly shut down drms modules. Previously, the server
was terminated, but the client did not get the memo. So the client would
keep trying to contact the server. This could generate lots of debug messages,
and at worst, crashes could occur.
Overhaul of parsing of record-set queries containing string values.
Also, some problems with parsing time strings were fixed (like the failure
when parsing negative time strings). Fix drms_sscanf() which is largely
reponsible for parsing these values (it is now named drms_sscanf2()).
Fix many issues with "show_info -j" not producing valid .jsd files.
.jsd Fix: .jsd files with 'index' keywords were resulting in series without
any dbindex.
Fix a crash in drms_query_bin(). The function was calculating a buffer
length the wrong way (it should have used PQgetlength()).
Significant improvement in TAS-file and FITS-file slice access.
When writing records to a TAS file, no longer are the superfluous and
empty slot directories created.
NetDRMS 1.1 is a subset of JSOC Version 4.7, q.v. for
release notes.
17 Oct 2008, 14:36-0700 |