NetDRMS Release Notes
Version 6.3
Significant changes since
Release 6.1
- Socket-connect modules can now make direct database connections.
- Created a configurable class of (production) users who can reduce the
disk retention of any series.
- A new DRMS API function was added: drms_writeslice_ext(). It takes the
final size of the final dimension of the image as an argument, allowing
the caller to pre-specify the final dimensions of the image. The caller
can then "fill-in" the pixels by writing slices as desired.
- A new hcontainer function was added: hcon_map_ext(). It allows
the caller to call an arbitrary function on every element of the hcontainer,
allowing the caller to also pass data to this function.
- A new script was added that removes a replication node from the
slony-replication subscription service.
- A new parameter was added to the slony-log parser (
to allow the caller to specify the set of replication nodes for which parsing
should be performed.
- The configuration file reader used by the slony-log parser was swapped out
for a version that allows nested parameters (a config-file parameter whose
value contains another config-file parameter).
- Some perl scripts were written to manage the list of replication nodes
that are subscribed to for each series. The list of series to which nodes
are subscribed is now maintained in a database table. The code that reads
or writes this information was modified to use these new scripts/tables.
- jsoc_info was modified to add the series owner to the series struct
it provides in its series_struct call.
- Perl functions that were used in many modules were put into perl modules
in base/libs/perl.
- A TAI offset was added for UT leap second on 2012.07.01.
- A new module, dscp, was added. It copies one DRMS data series to
another. The destination series must already exist, and its definition
largely controls how dscp operates. This module will duplicate all segment
data (FITS files).
- Support for "autobang" was added to show_info. The '-b' flag will
cause the automatic addition of "[! 1=1 !]" to all SQL queries. The effect
of this is to disable the prime-key logic so that queries return all
obsolete DRMS records, in addition to the current versions of these records.
- show_series can now show the series database owner.
Known or Reported Bugs
NetDRMS 6.3 is a subset of JSOC Version 6.3, q.v.
12 Sep 2012, 15:35-0700 |