HMI Observables
HMI line of sight Observables available at a cadence of 45s and 740s
LOS Linewidth data image:
available as hmi.Lw_45s, and hmi.Lw_720s -
LOS Dopplergram
available as hmi.V_45s, and hmi.V_720s -
LOS Linedepth data image:
available as hmi.V_45s, and hmi.V_720s -
LOS Magnetogram:
available as hmi.M_45s, and hmi.M_720s -
LOS Continuum data image:
available as hmi.Ic_45s, and hmi.Ic_720s and available with limb darkening removed hmi.Ic_noLimDarkening_720s
AIA lev1 Images
AIA images in twelve wavelengths
SDO/AIA-131 Angs
date:2012-07-20_21:01:06 UT -
SDO/AIA-1600 Angs
date:2012-07-20_21:01:06 UT -
SDO/AIA-1700 Angs
date:2012-07-20_21:01:06 UT -
SDO/AIA-171 Angs
date:2012-07-20_21:01:06 UTo -
SDO/AIA-193 Angs
date:2012-07-20_21:01:06 UT -
SDO/AIA-211 Angs
date:2012-07-20_21:01:06 UT -
date:2012-07-20_21:01:06 UT -
SDO/AIA-4500 Angs
date:2012-07-20_21:01:06 UT -
SDO/AIA-94 Angs
date:2012-07-20_21:01:06 UT -
SDO/AIA-304 Angs
date:2012-07-20_21:01:06 UT
HMI Active Region Patch (HARPS)
Movies and Images of active regions in photospheric line-of-sight magnetograms and photograms.
Marmask Image
HARPs identified on the solar surface on May 9, 2012

Marmask Video
LOS Synoptic Charts
Maps of the sun produced Carrington coordinates built by merging together solar observations taken over many hours or days.
Maps of the sun produced Carrington coordinates built by merging together solar observations taken over many hours or days.
Global Heliosiesmology Products
Maps of the sun produced Carrington coordinates built by merging together solar observations taken over many hours or days.