Release Notes JSOC V5.14 15AUG2011 ------------------------ --------- A release is a set of files, each having a specific version. And a release typcially has a version number because over time you have newer and newer releases of the same product. For example, a hypothetical 1.3 release may contain fileA#1.8, fileB#1.2, fileC#2.2 and a 1.4 release may contain fileA#2.5, fileB#2.1, fileC#2.9. JSOC releases are similarly versioned and contain a set of such files. JSOC release code is guaranteed to compile on cluster nodes (eg., n00, n02). At the time of the creation of the release, the release versions of each file will be the most recent. But as time passes, newer versions of some files will be made, and there is no guarantee that these changes will not destabilize JSOC (ie., they may cause JSOC to no longer compile or execute properly). There are several ways to use this release. If you wish to simply use pre-built binaries, you can simply use the production binaries, which are located at /home/jsoc/cvs/Development/JSOC (The release binaries are actually in /home/jsoc/cvs/JSOC, but as our production code changes emore quickly than releases are generated, we put critical fixes in the "Development" tree. To be sure you use code that has been built with these critical fixes, you'll need to use the "Development" tree. As time passes our production code will stabilize. When that happens, you should use /home/jsoc/cvs/JSOC. But for now, you should use the "Development" tree.). Every time a release is created, the binaries in this location get updated. Only the jsoc user can update these binaries. You could run /home/production/cvs/JSOC/Development/bin/linux_x86_64/show_keys, for example. If instead you want to work with stable source files, then you must have a sandbox, which is a local copy (in your home directory) of the files in the cvs depot. You would probably want to work with a sandbox if you plan on making eventual changes to the depot files. Changes you make to your sandbox files are not visible to other users until you "commit" those changes back to the cvs depot. Please see "If You Don't Have a Sandbox" below for more information on how to create a sandbox. Obtaining the Release --------------------- To update your working directory to this release, or to check-out this release anew, please visit Please keep in mind that users may have modified files since the release was created, so use of the scripts documented in the web page may result in a working directory whose content is not identical to the release. Additional Info --------------- Use the Apache cvs gui to see the diffs between file revisions. For example, go to and click on the name in the File column and then click on "diffs to previous #" to see the diffs. Changes since previous release (V5.13 - Jun 2, 2011) -------------------------------------------------------- NEW FEATURES: - Multi-SUMS: To better balance work load, the SUMS server program, sum_svc, has been replicated. The result is a set of server programs instead of just one. Each one handles one specific SUMS API function call (e.g., SUM_get()). For configuration purposes, there are two new defines, SUM_NUMSUM and SUM_MAXNUMSUMS, that allow DRMS sites to specify the number of SUMS processes to be used for handling each type of SUMS API function call, and to specify the maxmimum number of SUMS processes per function. These defines have been fully localized. - The drms_run program now handles the SIGINT and SIGUSR1 signals properly so that the drms_run script and drms_server get terminated properly when the drms_run program traps one of these signals. - drms_server_registercleaner() and drms_client_registercleaner() have been modified so that they can perform more than a single action when the application traps a SIGINT. - libDRMS prevents module code from adding new records to a series if there is a summary (aka "shadow") table associated with that series. This change is in preparation for a future, larger change whereby queries will take advantage of summary tables to optimize db queries. - was ported to a perl script ( that can be run in the background. cannot be run in the background. Due to periodic long run times, this script needs to be run in the background. - User lookdata and exportdata requests can now be aborted. Issuing a ctrl-C on the command-line will also abort module runs. But these aborts are only partial for now. Neither has the SUMS part of this process been implemented, nor has the abort from the export page been fully implemented. - The log file, fetchlog.txt, written to by jsoc_fetch is now automatically managed. It is now tarred and compressed at regular intervals. - There is a new program that gathers web response-time data. This is used to update a field in the jsoc status page. - perror() is now called whenever there is a fits_close_file() error. This will facilitate the analysis of future problems with writing fits files. - The verification of checksums no longer occurs when slices of data are being read from fits files. Originally, a checksum was being calculated on every slice read, which meant N verifications for every file read by slices. - There have been some changes to lookdata and exportdata to temporarily block requests for record-counts of large record-sets. - Three SUMS files were added to the source code. These files are needed for running multiple sum_rm. They will not likely be used by remote sites, but are available should the need arise. -, the script used for checking-out/updating code from the Stanford CVS source-code repository, has a new flag, -R, to be used to specify the CVS tag for files from project directories. This flag is relevant to NetDRMS check-outs only. This allows users to specify a set of "base" files with one CVS tag, and a set of "proj" files with a different CVS tag. DEFECTS FIXED: - Whe writing to a sliced image (fits file), the last dimension's length keyword (NAXISn) was not always being updated properly. This has been fixed. - jsoc_info, when providing information about linked keywords, now uses the linked keyword's data type instead of the source keyword's. - Several diagnostic stdout messages were removed from libDRMS. These messages were interfering with modules and scripts that use stdout to evalutate the results of other module runs. - A problem with the export of linked segments was fixed. The code that creates filenames was mixing up the source and target records in various places. It needed to use the source record for the segment and keyword names, but use the target record for segment file paths and keyword values. - The export code reverted back to using drms_open_records() instead of using drms_open_recordset(). The latter does not yet have the ability to operate on segment lists - even if you specify a segment list, drms_open_recordset() ignores this request and operates on all segments. - jsoc_export_as_fits now accurately reports the number of exported files. - The misnomer warning message, "Couldn't open packing-list file...", that used to display when attempting to export a record-set that contained no online data has been removed. Instead, the packing list contains text to that effect. - jsoc_export_as_is now checks for empty segment filenames before attempting to make links to the underlying files. Before this fix, this was causing grief for tar when the latter tried to remove the links to original SUMS files. Empty segment filenames were resulting in links to SUMS SU directories, and tar was attempting to remove read-only files. - The use of the suffix "_IN" for exports from the internal export page was restored. Prior to this fix, and after a bug was introduced, "_IN" was being used for both internal and external exports. - jsoc_fetch and code that maintains log files now properly synchronize their access to the fetchlog.txt log. - SUMS now pays attention to the result of sum_chmown() calls. - Several production pipeline processes have been converted to use the new jsocprod linux user and some use the jsocprod db user. Ultimately, they will all use these user accounts. - Removed level-0 dependency on jpleph (ephemeris calculating code from JPL), which was no longer needed. EXISTING DEFECTS: - Please see for a list and description of most known bugs. - The DRMS code that recovers from SUMS failures when the tape system goes down is not yet working properly. SUMS needs to be modified to provide the correct error code to DRMS - until then, if the tape services crashes or is terminated, then DRMS modules can hang indefinitely.