Prime Keys are: CarrRot LonHG LatHG LonCM DB Index Keys are: CarrRot LonHG LatHG LonCM All Keywords for series mdi.hmi_rdVpspec16: CarrRot (int) Carrington rotation at MidTime LonHG (float) Longitude of tracked region center LatHG (float) Latitude of tracked region center LonCM (float) CM Longitude of region center at MidTime MidTime (time) Midpoint of tracking interval for AR LonSpan (float) Span of tracking interval start (time) Start of tracking interval stop (time) End of tracking interval coverage (float) Valid data coverage: valid / (valid + interp) CDELT1 (float) WCS coordinate increment at reference point value CDELT2 (float) WCS coordinate increment at reference point value CDELT3 (float) WCS coordinate increment at reference point value DataMin (float) log (data minimum) DataMax (float) log (data maximum) Delta_k (float) wavenumber step size Delta_nu (float) frequency step size D_omega (float) radial frequency step size apode_k_min (float) inner radius of k apodization annulus apode_k_max (float) outer radius of k apodization annulus apode_f (float) temporal apodization edge bscale_000 (double) data scaling multiplier bzero_000 (double) data scaling offset Cadence (float) Temporal image cadence Duration (int) Length of tracking interval Size (float) Diameter of tracked region Scale (float) Map scale ZRate (float) Zonal tracking rate wrt Carrington MRate (float) Meridional tracking rate MapProj (string) Map projection PosAng (float) Position angle of Carrington north wrt axis 2 Log_Base (double) Logarithmic base for power data CRPIX1 (float) WCS reference pixel location CRPIX2 (float) WCS reference pixel location CRPIX3 (float) WCS reference pixel location CRVAL1 (float) WCS reference point value CRVAL2 (float) WCS reference point value CRVAL3 (float) WCS reference point value Segments for series mdi.hmi_rdVpspec16: power m/s fits 256x256x832 Power Spectrum