HMI_observables - derive line-of-sight observables

HMI_observables begin= end= levin= levout= wavelength= quicklook= camid= cadence= lev1= smooth= rotational= linearity=
HMI_observables creates line-of-sight observables (WARNING: the output series names are built-in and the program should not be run without editing and recompiling except for production). The code main outputs are level 1.5 DRMS records: line-of-sight Dopplergrams, magnetograms, Fe I line width, Fe I line depth, and solar continuum intensity. The code produces these records for all the slotted times in the time interval provided by the user. HMI_observables can produce definitive or quick-look (near-real time, nrt) observables.

Depending on the values of the command-line arguments, the outputs of HMI_observables are put in different DRMS series. For line-of-sight observables obtained from definitive level 1 records and from a standard observable sequence with a 45s cadence, the output DRMS series are: hmi.V_45s (Dopplergram), hmi.M_45s (magnetogram), hmi.Ic_45s (continuum intensity), hmi.Lw_45s (linewidth), and hmi.Ld_45s (linedepth). For quicklook/nrt observables, the output series are: hmi.V_45s_nrt, hmi.M_45s_nrt, hmi.Ic_45s_nrt, hmi.Lw_45s_nrt, and hmi.Ld_45s_nrt. Another standard set of products is obtained from the 12-minute averaged IQUV records computed by HMI_IQUV_averaging (levin must be set to "lev1p", camid must be set to 0, and cadence must be set to 720.0 for the HMI_observables code to run on such data). The output of HMI_observables is put in: hmi.V_720s, hmi.M_720s, hmi.Ic_720s, hmi.Lw_720s, and hmi.Ld_720s (if quicklook=0), or in hmi.V_720s_nrt, hmi.M_720s_nrt, hmi.Ic_720s_nrt, hmi.Lw_720s_nrt, and hmi.Ld_720s_nrt (if quicklook=1).

The "_720s" observables are obtained from the I+V and I-V data segments of the 12-min averaged IQUV records, while the "_45s" observables are obtained from the level 1 records. Under normal operations, if "_720s" observables have been produced, other DRMS modules (hmi_segment_module and hmi_patch_module) using these 12-min observables are run: for production these two modules should always be called after HMI_observables.

Mandatory arguments:
Optional arguments:
Example 1:

To calculate definitive standard 45s-cadence line-of-sight observables for the time range 2010.10.1_0:0:0_TAI to 2010.10.1_2:45:00_TAI:

HMI_observables begin="2010.10.1_0:0:0_TAI" end="2010.10.1_2:45:00_TAI" levin="lev1" levout="lev15" wavelength=3 quicklook=0 camid=1 cadence=45.0 lev1="hmi.lev1"

Example 2

To calculate nrt/quick-look standard 45s-cadence line-of-sight observables for the time range 2010.10.1_0:0:0_TAI to 2010.10.1_2:45:00_TAI:

HMI_observables begin="2010.10.1_0:0:0_TAI" end="2010.10.1_2:45:00_TAI" levin="lev1" levout="lev15" wavelength=3 quicklook=1 camid=1 cadence=45.0 lev1="hmi.lev1_nrt"

Example 3:

To calculate definitive line-of-sight observables from the 12-min averaged IQUV data (series hmi.S_720s), for the time range 2010.10.1_0:0:0_TAI to 2010.10.1_2:45:00_TAI:

HMI_observables begin="2010.10.1_0:0:0_TAI" end="2010.10.1_2:45:00_TAI" levin="lev1p" levout="lev15" wavelength=3 quicklook=0 camid=0 cadence=720.0 lev1="hmi.lev1"

v 1.26: possibility to apply a rotational flat field instead of the pzt flat field, and possibility to use smooth look-up tables instead of the standard ones. support for the 8- and 10-wavelength observable sequences v 1.27: code now aborts when status of drms_segment_read() or drms_segment_write() is not DRMS_SUCCESS v 1.28: possibility to apply a rotational flat field instead of the pzt flat field, and possibility to use smooth look-up tables instead of the standard ones. support for the 8- and 10-wavelength observable sequences v 1.29: correcting for non-linearity of cameras on May 1, 2015: code modified to run on FTSID=1022 (mod L observables sequence) on May 13, 2015: code modified to correct for higher front camera intensity when both cameras need to be combined on May 15, 2015: increased RSUNerr from 0.5 to 5.0 pixels, to match changes in HMI_IQUV_averaging.c

HMI_observables begin= end= levin= levout= wavelength= quicklook= camid= cadence= lev1= smooth= rotational=
HMI_observables creates line-of-sight observables (WARNING: the output series names are built-in and the program should not be run without editing and recompiling except for production). The code main outputs are level 1.5 DRMS records: line-of-sight Dopplergrams, magnetograms, Fe I line width, Fe I line depth, and solar continuum intensity. The code produces these records for all the slotted times in the time interval provided by the user. HMI_observables can produce definitive or quick-look (near-real time, nrt) observables.

Depending on the values of the command-line arguments, the outputs of HMI_observables are put in different DRMS series. For line-of-sight observables obtained from definitive level 1 records and from a standard observable sequence with a 45s cadence, the output DRMS series are: hmi.V_45s (Dopplergram), hmi.M_45s (magnetogram), hmi.Ic_45s (continuum intensity), hmi.Lw_45s (linewidth), and hmi.Ld_45s (linedepth). For quicklook/nrt observables, the output series are: hmi.V_45s_nrt, hmi.M_45s_nrt, hmi.Ic_45s_nrt, hmi.Lw_45s_nrt, and hmi.Ld_45s_nrt. Another standard set of products is obtained from the 12-minute averaged IQUV records computed by HMI_IQUV_averaging (levin must be set to "lev1p", camid must be set to 0, and cadence must be set to 720.0 for the HMI_observables code to run on such data). The output of HMI_observables is put in: hmi.V_720s, hmi.M_720s, hmi.Ic_720s, hmi.Lw_720s, and hmi.Ld_720s (if quicklook=0), or in hmi.V_720s_nrt, hmi.M_720s_nrt, hmi.Ic_720s_nrt, hmi.Lw_720s_nrt, and hmi.Ld_720s_nrt (if quicklook=1).

The "_720s" observables are obtained from the I+V and I-V data segments of the 12-min averaged IQUV records, while the "_45s" observables are obtained from the level 1 records. Under normal operations, if "_720s" observables have been produced, other DRMS modules (hmi_segment_module and hmi_patch_module) using these 12-min observables are run: for production these two modules should always be called after HMI_observables.

Mandatory arguments:
Optional arguments:
Example 1:

To calculate definitive standard 45s-cadence line-of-sight observables for the time range 2010.10.1_0:0:0_TAI to 2010.10.1_2:45:00_TAI:

HMI_observables begin="2010.10.1_0:0:0_TAI" end="2010.10.1_2:45:00_TAI" levin="lev1" levout="lev15" wavelength=3 quicklook=0 camid=1 cadence=45.0 lev1="hmi.lev1"

Example 2

To calculate nrt/quick-look standard 45s-cadence line-of-sight observables for the time range 2010.10.1_0:0:0_TAI to 2010.10.1_2:45:00_TAI:

HMI_observables begin="2010.10.1_0:0:0_TAI" end="2010.10.1_2:45:00_TAI" levin="lev1" levout="lev15" wavelength=3 quicklook=1 camid=1 cadence=45.0 lev1="hmi.lev1_nrt"

Example 3:

To calculate definitive line-of-sight observables from the 12-min averaged IQUV data (series hmi.S_720s), for the time range 2010.10.1_0:0:0_TAI to 2010.10.1_2:45:00_TAI:

HMI_observables begin="2010.10.1_0:0:0_TAI" end="2010.10.1_2:45:00_TAI" levin="lev1p" levout="lev15" wavelength=3 quicklook=0 camid=0 cadence=720.0 lev1="hmi.lev1"

v 1.26: possibility to apply a rotational flat field instead of the pzt flat field, and possibility to use smooth look-up tables instead of the standard ones. support for the 8- and 10-wavelength observable sequences

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