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Here is a list of all modules:
HMI_IQUV_averaging - derive Stokes vector I,Q,U, and V observables
HMI_observables - derive line-of-sight observables
Section 1. Programs, DRMS Modules, Shell Scripts
All JSOC Modules Common Interface
DRMS Utilities
- Convert index to key value or the reverse
create_series - create a new DRMS series from a .jsd file
delete_series - delete an existing DRMS series
describe_series - print summary information about a series
drms_log - for each record, print the log's storage-unit path
drms_query - for each record specified, print the psql 'recnum' value, and optionally the record-directory path
drms_server - Manages a database session and passes database requests to database from client modules
retrieve_dir - retrieve a directory from SUMS
retrieve_file - retrieve a file from SUMS
set_info - Add or update records with new keyword or segment filename values
set_suretention - Modify the retention time of storage units
show_coverage - Examine data completeness of series of certain types
show_info - Examine a dataseries structure or contents
show_series - lists currently available DRMS series
store_dir - store a directory of files to SUMS
store_file - store a file to SUMS
Stanford University Applications
Administrative Utilities
createtabstructure - Generate SQL that describes how to create the specified series in DRMS
masterlists - create a database namespace and DRMS master tables for that namespace
Data Export
jsoc_export_as_fits - Export internally stored data to a FITS file
jsoc_info - same as show info, except that can output json and run under cgi-bin
jsoc_stats1 - save client provided elapsed time for query
Data Migration
General Utilities
jsoc_getJP2images get paths of existing jp2000 images
jsoc_rebin reduce/increase image size by integer multiples
rebin2 reduce/increase resolution to that of MDI/HMI
render_image Make .png or .ppm image from a segment image file in a series.
Level Zero
hmi_import_egse_lev0 - ingest pre-launch level-0 data files
Template Doxygen markup for DRMS modules
drms_run - Run a DRMS module and connect it to a running DRMS server application (drms_server)
hg_patch extracts a rectangular
im_patch (image_patch) extracts a rectangular
Section 3. API Libraries
All DRMS API functions
Functions for managing the mapping between internal and external keywords
Functions for reading and writing keywords
Functions for reading from links
Functions for working with DRMS command-line parameters
Functions for working with definition-file strings
Functions for working with record-query strings
Functions for working with records
Functions for working with segments
Functions for working with the connection to the database
Core DRMS API functions
DRMS common main program
SUMS API functions
jmtx - Do an mtx command under SUMS
jpe - Execute an old MDI pe map file under DRMS/SUMS
module_flatfield - derive line-of-sight observables
module_flatfield_combine - update flatfield series
show_keys - Examine a dataseries structure or contents
sum_adv - advise if sum_svc has an active user
Generated on Mon Mar 26 07:00:54 2018 for JSOC_Documentation by