jsoc_getJP2images {t=0} {j=0} in=aia lev1 query
The json output (j=1) is 3 objects, "images", "count", and "status". the "images" object is an array of individual image objects each of which contains 3 or 4 strings: "time", "wave", "url", and optionally "HMItag". "time" is of the form yyyymmdd_hhmmss and wave is the AIA wavelength. "url" is a complete url to fetch the image. If the flag "t=1" from an html call, or the flag -t on command line then the HMI time tag for the nearest 15m slot is shown.
create output in json with proper html header, else ascii with html header. -t add timetag for nearest HMI 15m slot.in | The AIA lev1 record-set spec. |
jsoc_getJP2images in='aia.lev1[2013.10.20/1d@15m]' -j
{"images":[ {"time":"20150826_235958","wave":"211","url":"http://jsoc.stanford.edu/data/aia/images/2015/08/26/211/2015_08_26__23_59_58_62__SDO_AIA_AIA_211.jp2","HMItag":"20150827_000000"} ,{"time":"20150827_000013","wave":"335","url":"http://jsoc.stanford.edu/data/aia/images/2015/08/27/335/2015_08_27__00_00_13_63__SDO_AIA_AIA_335.jp2","HMItag":"20150827_000000"} ,{"time":"20150827_000034","wave":"171","url":"http://jsoc.stanford.edu/data/aia/images/2015/08/27/171/2015_08_27__00_00_34_34__SDO_AIA_AIA_171.jp2","HMItag":"20150827_000000"} ], "count":3, "status":0}