jpe - Execute an old MDI pe map file under DRMS/SUMS

This is the old pe.c from SOI MDI that is converted to run like the original pe but with DRMS/SUMS interface instead of DSDS. More...

jpe [-v] [-h] [-A] [touch=#] map=map_file_name

-v: verbose output
-h: print out help message
-A: access the tape_svc if need to retrieve data (the old Ampex flag)
touch= of days to retain input datasets before deletable.
NOTE: input only, the output retention is determined by the a= in the map file.
map= map file with the pe directives
map file:
This is a text file that specifies a pipeline to be run by PE.
Notice that it operates on "keyword=value" pairs. In the case of flags, any
non-zero value is treated as true.
Control Statements:
#	A shell escape command. Any setenv is intercepted and interpreted 
#	locally for the PE environment. No metachars for a setenv. Note that
#	a map file is not a shell script. Pe validates the entire map file and
#	executes any shell escape commands before any servers are started.
#	DSDS will be asked to allocate n megabytes for the output of this pipe.
#	The output directory that DSDS assigns can be used in the name template
#	env variable "prog:" by specifying {dbase}. Notice that if you do not 
#	specify d=1 (see below) for a server, but did specify DSDSOUT then you 
#	must set a default {dbase} so that the name template will also map the 
#	input.
#	The host name that all the servers are to run on. If the fsn-lsn split
#	feature is reimplemented then multiple hosts can be given [,name,...].
#	Also multiple copies of	the servers can then be run on the same host by 
#	specifying the host name more than once.
#	Omit pe warning messages arising from analysis of the map file. This 
#	is used	by map building programs that use pe features that may result
#	in a warning. A user building a map file should never use NOWARN.
#	Any servers between a START_GROUP/END_GROUP pair will be started at the
#	same time by pe. Normally a server does not start until the previous
#	server has completed. Pe will check for any mismatched pairs.
#	Any servers between a START_ARCHIVE/END_ARCHIVE pair will be archived
#	only according to the archive flag of the last server of the group.
#	This allows the same server (e.g. gather_info_svc) to be run more than
#	once with the same output dirs with only one archive occuring according
#	to the last run.  Pe will check for any mismatched pairs.
Line Tokens:
p=	The name of the server process to run.
d=	A non-zero indicates that this servers input will be obtained from DSDS.
#       Otherwise a name template, found in the env variable of the name of the
#       "prog:" in the ds name, will be used to determine the input directory.
a=	Determines the type of archiving for this server's output.
#       This will be a nop unless DSDSOUT=n is specified. Examples:
#	a=t5 Temporary dataset. Do not archive and do not mark delete pending
#	     for 5 days.
#	a=n5 Normal. Archive but do not mark delete pending for 5 day.
#	a=p  Permanent. Archive but never mark delete pending.
#	a=a  Appendable. The output dataseries will be appended to. The 
#	     dataseries must be defined in the ds_naming table. The data is 
#	     not archived and not deleted. No DSDSOUT=n is required as the 
#	     storage is in seperate disk partitions assigned for append.
l=	The default is for pe to copy the history log file and the map file
#	that was run, into the dataset output working dirs. This is 
#	overridden by a log flag of l=0. This is used for data that is 
#	appended to a dir outside of DSDS storage and you don't want
#	the history log and map file to show up for every run.
#	NOTE!! The l= is obsolete with the V3R0B0 release (29Apr98).
#	It is replaced by COPY_HISTORY=no to override the default.
x=	The default action, if a module send back an abortflg and is not part 
#	of a group (i.e. START_GROUP/END_GROUP), is to abort further execution 
#	of the map file and to not archive the output wd of the module. 
#	The x=1 will override this default abort action and case the map file 
#	to continue and any output wd to be archived.
#	NOTE!! The x= is obsolete with the V2R7B0 release (15Dec97).
#	It is replaced by ABORT_ACTION=continue to override the default.
in=	The datacollection for the pipe's input data. This isn't necessarily 
#	called "in", but whatever the server's input ds argument is called.
out=	The datacollection for the pipe's output data. This isn't necessarily 
#	called "out", but whatever the server's output ds argument is called.
arg=	Optional argument name and value to override any default argument 
#	values for a server.
history= The name of the history log output file. The default is
#	/tmp/modulename_username_pvmtid.log.
errlog=  The name of the error log output file. The default is the
#	history log file.
Any control statement must be on a separate line.
Any non-control line must start with p= ,and must be a separate line.
Any p= line may optionally contain an a=[t,n,p][#].
Any p= line may optionally contain an d=1.
Any p= line may optionally contain an l=0 and an x=1.
Any p= line may optionally contain any argument value for the server.
Any line, except a "!" line, may be extended by ending it with " \".
The "\" line extention cannot be used between a "key=value" pair.
Any string argument may contain imbedded spaces by quoting the string, e.g.
name="my string". However no quoted string may contain the "*" character.
Example 1:
#/tmp/map.mdical.nouser.140567 built by dohrsc
!setenv mdi wd:{dbase}/{level}/{series}/{#%06d#series}
!setenv mdi_rec wd:{dbase}/info/{prog}/{level}/{series};bn:{#%06d#series}
p=mdical d=1 a=t4 ABORT_ACTION=continue \
  in=prog:mdi,level:lev0,series:4b4a2d00_01h[140567] \
p=cpinfo ABORT_ACTION=continue COPY_HISTORY=no a=a compress=yes \
  in=prog:mdi,level:lev1,series:4b4a2d00_01h[140567] \
p=gather_qual \
p=mdical d=1 a=t4 ABORT_ACTION=continue \
  in=prog:mdi,level:lev0,series:4a4a2d00_01h[140567] \
p=cpinfo ABORT_ACTION=continue COPY_HISTORY=no a=a compress=yes \
  in=prog:mdi,level:lev1,series:4a4a2d00_01h[140567] \
p=gather_qual \
p=mdical d=1 a=t4 ABORT_ACTION=continue \
  in=prog:mdi,level:lev0,series:40483d00_01h[140567] \
p=cpinfo ABORT_ACTION=continue COPY_HISTORY=no a=a compress=yes \
  in=prog:mdi,level:lev1,series:40483d00_01h[140567] \
p=gather_qual \
Example 2:
!setenv mdi wd:{dbase}/{level}/{series}/{#%06d#series},bn:{series}.{#%04d#series}
p=v2helio d=1 a=0 \
   in=prog:mdi,level:lev1.5,series:vw_V_06h[4950] \
   out=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:V_heliomap_06h[4950] \
   MAPMMAX=600 \
   SINBDIVS=200 \
   VCORLEV=1 \
   LGSHIFT=1 \
   DATASIGN=-1 \
   MAPLGMIN=-89.0 \
   MAPLGMAX=89.0 \
   MAPBMAX=89.0 \
   MAPRMAX=0.95 \
   APODIZE=1 \
   APINNER=0.83 \

p=v2helio d=1 a=0 \
   in=prog:mdi,level:lev1.5,series:vw_V_06h[4951] \
   out=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:V_heliomap_06h[4951] \
   MAPMMAX=600 \
   SINBDIVS=200 \
   VCORLEV=1 \
   LGSHIFT=1 \
   DATASIGN=-1 \
   MAPLGMIN=-89.0 \
   MAPLGMAX=89.0 \
   MAPBMAX=89.0 \
   MAPRMAX=0.95 \
   APODIZE=1 \
   APINNER=0.83 \

p=v2helio d=1 a=0 \
   in=prog:mdi,level:lev1.5,series:vw_V_06h[4952] \
   out=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:V_heliomap_06h[4952] \
   MAPMMAX=600 \
   SINBDIVS=200 \
   VCORLEV=1 \
   LGSHIFT=1 \
   DATASIGN=-1 \
   MAPLGMIN=-89.0 \
   MAPLGMAX=89.0 \
   MAPBMAX=89.0 \
   MAPRMAX=0.95 \
   APODIZE=1 \
   APINNER=0.83 \
p=helio2mlat d=0 a=0 \
   in=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:V_heliomap_06h[4950] \
   out=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:V_mlat_06h[4950],sel:[0-359] \

p=helio2mlat d=0 a=0 \
   in=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:V_heliomap_06h[4951] \
   out=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:V_mlat_06h[4951],sel:[0-359] \

p=helio2mlat d=0 a=0 \
   in=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:V_heliomap_06h[4952] \
   out=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:V_mlat_06h[4952],sel:[0-359] \

#p=helio2mlat d=0 a=0 \
#   in=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:V_heliomap_06h[23187] \
#   out=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:V_mlat_06h[23187],sel:[0-359] \
#   LMAX=300

p=qdotprod d=0 a=0 \
   in=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:V_mlat_06h[4950],sel:[0-359] \
   out=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:vw_V_pox_0-300_06h[4950] \
   LMIN=0 \

p=qdotprod d=0 a=0 \
   in=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:V_mlat_06h[4951],sel:[0-359] \
   out=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:vw_V_pox_0-300_06h[4951] \
   LMIN=0 \

p=qdotprod d=0 a=0 \
   in=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:V_mlat_06h[4952],sel:[0-359] \
   out=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:vw_V_pox_0-300_06h[4952] \
   LMIN=0 \

#p=qdotprod d=0 a=0 \
#   in=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:V_mlat_06h[23187],sel:[0-359] \
#   out=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:vw_V_pox_0-300_06h[23187] \
#   LMIN=0 \
#   LMAX=300

p=retile d=0 a=n10 \
   in=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:vw_V_pox_0-300_06h[4950-4952] \

p=retile d=0 a=n10 \
   in=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:vw_V_pox_0-300_06h[4950-4952] \

p=retile d=0 a=n10 \
   in=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:vw_V_pox_0-300_06h[4950-4952] \

#p=retile d=0 a=n10 \
#   in=prog:mdi,level:lev2,series:vw_V_pox_0-300_06h[23184-23187] \
#   out=prog:mdi,level:sht,series:vw_V_pox_300-300_01d[5796]
jpe is designed to run all the current SSSC map files, but with in
and out data from DRMS/SUMS instead of DSDS. It will automatically
convert SSSC dataset names to DRMS names, for example:
is converted to:
NOTE: There is a table in the jsoc DB named dsds.drms_names that has
all the dsds to drms names, e.g.
jsoc=> select drms from dsds.drms_names where      
jsoc-> dsds='prog:mdi,level:lev1.5,series:fd_V_01h';
(1 row)

I can't guarantee that all dsds names are in dsds.drms_names.

The following pe runtime options are not applicable and have been
eliminated from jpe:

    -d is the debug mode where all servers are run under dbx
    -L is local dsds_svc mode
    -t is tae mode with peui
    db= data base name (e.g. mdi_2)
    rcp= gives the dir to rcp the input ds to before running a module. This is 
         for machines for which the NFS of the /PDS partitions is too slow.
    pds= gives the name of the machine to assign local /PDS storage from.

Also the 'touch=keep' has been eliminated (I don't believe it was ever
used in pe).

The following map file features have been eliminated from jpe:

 No output to level#0. This was a debug tool for pe. There is no
    level#0 in DRMS.

 In pe the output of one module could be the input for another module
    in the map file. Pe just had a single allocated wd for the entire
    map file, and the template in the map file could find any output ds.
    However, with DRMS a query must be done for all the ARG_DATA_IN.

 Pe put explicit level::s in rdb files. They are all now -1.

Jpe is currently just made for JSOC_MACHINE=linux_x86_64.
It runs with all the SSSC MACHINE=linux4 32bit executables on the x86_64
old cluster nodes.
It will only run with the Stanford sunum's which are the low 32bits
and fit in the ulong for the ds_index of the old code.

Forces all jpe map files for d=0 to d=1. We must query DRMS for IN 
because template doesn't map previous out to in like in pe world.

It must have the JSOC soi lib via:

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /home/production/cvs/JSOC/_linux_x86_64/base/local/libs/soi

Any machine that will run jpe must have:

    /soidata/info -> /SUM0/PAS

for the appendable ds.
At cutover, this needs to be rsynced with /PAS/D136007

We need to plan the SSSC to JSOC cutover after the Ampex migration 
is complete.

I will look into how the pui and data exports will change from 

TBD: Eliminate this call from various map files. Or probably better,
make the script a noop. Don't need to copy from
/PDS to /SUMS anymore after fix all exports to be from /SUMS:
p=script \
   script=/home/jeneen/STAGING/script/sums_ingest.csh \
   arg1=vw_V_06h \

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