cosmic_ray_post input_series= camera= datum= hour=
par Options
where string is the series name of the intermediate flatfield (su_production.flatfield_fid) camera=cam
, side camera: cam=1, front camera: cam=2 datum="date"
date="" TAI-day for which the intermediate flatfields have been calculated. End of TAI-day datum is T_START of updated flatfield hour=hour
cosmic_ray_post input_series="su_production.flatfield_fid" camera=2 datum="2010.10.09" hour=2
module_flatfield input_series= camera= datum= camera= cadence= cosmic_rays= flatfield= fsn_first= fsn_last= cosmic_ray_series
where string is the series name of the input level 1 data (hmi.lev1 or hmi.lev1_nrt) camera=cam
, side camera: cam=1, front camera: cam=2 fid=fid
: observable FID (10054-10159) datum="date"
date="" TAI-day for which the flatfields and cosmic_rays are calculated. End of TAI-day datum is T_START of updated flatfield cadence=cadence
: integer number in seconds for the cadence for the framelist that is run (Example: Framelist Mod C, front camera: cadence=45, side camera: cadence=135) cosmic_rays=flag
: flag=1 if cosmic ray records should be produced, otherwise flag=0 flatfield=flag
: flag=1 if rotational flatfield should be produced, otherwise flag=0cosmic_ray_series="string"
where string is the series name of the output cosmic ray series (default is "su_production.cosmic_rays") fsn_first:
first FSN for which cosmic ray record is desired, which is included in the flatfield calculation, overrides argument datum: datum still needed for flatfield identification fsn_last:
last FSN or which cosmic ray record is desired, which is included in the flatfield calculation, overrides argument datum
module_flatfield input_series="hmi.lev1" camera=2 datum="2010.10.09" fid=10059 camera=2 cosmic_rays=1 flatfield=1 cadence=45 module_flatfield input_series="hmi.lev1" camera=2 datum="2010.10.09" fid=10059 camera=2 cosmic_rays=1 flatfield=1 cadence=45 fsn_first=12050442 fsn_last=12050459 cosmic_ray_series="hmi.cosmic_rays"