set_suretention -O sulist=<SUNUM 1>,<SUNUM 2>,<SUNUM 3>,... retention=<number of days>
set_suretention -O sulist=<file of SUNUMs>,... retention=<number of days>
set_suretention -bO sulist=<record-set specification>,... retention=<number of days> [ n=<max number of records> ]
There are three ways to specify the storage units to be modified. The caller can provide a comma-separated list of SUNUMs in the sulist parameter. An SUNUM is a unique integer that identifies a single storage unit. The caller can also list the SUNUMs in a file, and provide the path to the file in the sulist parameter. The SUNUMs must be white-space separated in this case. Finally, the caller can provide a DRMS record-set specification in the sulist parameter. In this case, set_suretention will resolve the specification into a set of DRMS records, and then obtain the SUNUMs of the storage units owned by those records. The optional n parameter will limit the number of DRMS records. A negative value will result in the selection of the last abs(n) records from the records identified by the record-set specification. A positive value will result in the selection of the first abs(n) records. The n parameter is relevant only when the sulist value is a record-set specification.
The retention parameter contains a 15-bit integer that represents the number of days to which the storage units' retention should be set. The modification is applied to all identified storage units.
The b flag slightly modifies the meaning of the DRMS record-set specification. If the flag is present, then the resulting set of records selected will contain any obsolete DRMS-record versions too. This flag is relevant only when the sulist value is a record-set specification. The O flag disables the database query time-out that otherwise exists. Without this flag, if the set_suretention call runs longer than the default time-out value (10 minutes), then the module is terminated with an error.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The caller must be the owner of all DRMS series implied by the DRMS records selected. However, set_suretention will not exit or error-out should the caller not own the affected series. Instead, the retention of the relevant storage units will remain unmodified.
-b: display results for obsolete DRMS records too (autobang).
-O: disable the default 10-minute database query time-out.
set_suretention -b sulist=hmi.M_45s[2012.05.12_23:50:15_TAI][2] retention=0
Example 2: To reduce the retention to zero days of a set of storage units, given a set of SUNUMs:
set_suretention sulist=324851808,324851834,324858457 retention=0
Example 3: To reduce the retention to ten days of a set of storage units, given a text file containing a list of SUNUMs:
set_suretention sulist=/tmp26/sulist.txt retention=10 maelstrom:/home/arta> cat /tmp/sulist.txt 324851808 324851834 324858457
Example 4: To increase the retention to 10000 days of the storage units for a set of records (assuming the storage units of all these records currently have a retention time less than 10000 days). NOTE: the storage units of obsolete record versions are not affected:
set_suretention sulist=hmi.M_45s[2012.05.12_23:50:15_TAI][2] retention=10000