
Synopsis: drms_run [-v|--verbose] [-L|--nolog] [-lifetime num] [-repeat num] [-dryrun] command {command_args}

drms_run runs a DRMS command in a DRMS session. It is a shell script that establishes a session, runs the command with its optional arguments, then terminates the session after doing any required commits to the database. Drms_run is the normal way of running a simple pipeline module, one that does not need multiple modules to complete a task. The optional flags for drms_run are:

The user command may be followed by arguments which will be passed to the command. The user's command and its args should be the final entries on the command line. I.e. all drms_run flags should preceed the command. Drms_run runs in the csh so be prepared to have the arguments parsed again by csh after they have already been parsed by your shell.

Warning - If your command arguments contain embedded spaces you should place the command and its arguments into a script file and pass that file (marked executable) to drms_run. This will preserve the quotation marks that you must use to keep the spaces from generating too many and incorrect arguments.

JsocWiki: DrmsRunCmd (last edited 2013-05-01 04:35:25 by localhost)