Stanford Solar Group Meetings
Friday, 10:30 am
since 05/13/2011
(at Cypress meeting room -11/11/2011, at P&AP 102/103 11/18/2011-)
Past Speakers
date |
speaker |
presentation topic |
2018/12/05 @ 4pm HEPL Seminar |
Mark Cheung |
Testing the Physics of Solar and Stellar Flares with NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory and Radiative MHD Simulations |
2018/10/11 |
Alberto Sainz Dalda |
Recovering Physical Information from the Solar Chromosphere using Machine Learning Techniques |
2018/08/15 |
Slava Sadykov |
Intelligent Databases and Machine-Learning Forecast of Solar Flares |
2018/07/26 |
Dean-Yi Chou |
Solar-cycle Variations of Meridional Flows |
2018/07/11 |
Sasha Kosovichev |
Cyclic Changes of the Sun's Seismic Radius |
2018/05/16 |
David Hathaway |
Improved Measurements of Giant Cell Flows |
2018/05/09 |
Alphonse Sterling |
Update on Solar Coronal Jets |
2018/03/21 |
Ivan Sharykinin |
Investigation of Relationship Between High-Energy X-ray Sources and Photospheric and Helioseismic Impacts of X1.8 Solar Flare of October 23, 2012 |
2018/03/14 |
Ellis Avallone |
Critical magnetic field strengths for unipolar solar coronal plumes in quiet regions and coronal holes? |
2018/02/14 |
Junwei Zhao |
A Wave of Magnetic Field Variations Observed with A Flare-Excited Sunquake Event |
2017/10/25 |
David Hathaway |
Improving Meridional Flow Measurements Derived from Magnetic Element Motions |
2017/10/18 |
Navdeep Panesar |
Flux Cancelation: The Key to Solar Eruptions |
2017/10/04 |
Erkka Lumme |
ELECTRIC field Inversion Toolkit (ELECTRICIT) and its applications in data-driven modeling of CME initiation |
2017/09/20 |
Sanjiv Tiwari |
Sunspots and Active Regions: Fine Structure, Coronal Heating, and Explosions |
2017/08/15 |
Yihua Yan |
The Mingantu Ultrawide Spectral Radioheliograph (MUSER): Progress and Observation |
2017/05/03 |
Ruizhu Chen |
Why do some flares cause sunquake and others don’t? |
2017/04/17 @ 2pm |
Raphael Attie |
Tracking active regions with SDO/HMI and the Balltracking framework |
2017/04/05 |
Rui Wang |
Solar Active Region Studies of Campaign Events Using Magnetic Field Reconstruction Methods |
2017/04/03 |
Saida Milena Díaz |
On the characterization of CME-driven shock in the interplanetary medium using type II radio burst |
2017/03/22 |
Junwei Zhao |
Improving the Quality of Far-Side Imaging |
2017/02/08 |
Ruizhu Chen |
Observational properties of center-to-limb effect |
2017/02/01 |
Eric Jonas |
Flare Prediction Using Photospheric and Coronal Image Data |
2016/12/07 |
Maria Spasojevic |
Wave Particle Interaction in the Earth’s Magnetosphere: Macro-scale and Micro-scale Processes |
2016/12/05 |
Xin Cheng |
Characteristics of the footpoints of magnetic flux ropes during the eruption |
2016/11/30 |
Chun Xia |
3D modeling cool solar prominences and coronal rain in the hot solar corona |
2016/08/24 |
Yang Liu |
Correction for 24-hour Oscillation in HMI Vector Magnetograms: An Empirical Approach |
2016/08/17 |
Mehmet Sarp Yalim |
A Data-Driven MHD Model of Global Solar Corona within Multi-Scale FLUid-Kinetic Simulation Suite (MS-FLUKSS) |
2016/06/15 |
Alexander James |
Photospheric Vector Magnetic Field Evolution of NOAA Active Region 11504 and the Ensuing CME |
2016/04/20 |
Dean-Yi Chou |
Measurements of Scattering Matrix for the Interaction of Solar Acoustic Waves with Sunspots |
2016/04/13 |
Lijia Guo |
IRIS observations and MHD simulation of explosive events in the transition region of the Sun |
2016/02/24 |
Fatima Rubio da Costa |
Modeling the 2014-March-29 X1.0 flare and Comparison with IRIS and DST/IBIS Observations |
2016/02/17 |
Aimee Norton |
P-modes to MHD Maves: Helioseismology and Vector Polarimetry |
2016/02/10 |
Junwei Zhao |
Tracing Helioseismic Waves from the Photosphere to the Corona |
2016/01/27 |
Joten Okamoto |
High-resolution observations of the solar atmosphere and approach to the coronal heating |
2016/01/13 |
Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo |
The rails inside the Sun and the butterflies that ride them |
2015/12/10 |
Judith de Patoul |
3D electron density distributions in the solar corona during solar minima: assessment for more realistic solar wind modeling |
2015/12/02 |
Kandaswamy Subramanian |
Challenges to the large-scale turbulent Solar dynamo |
2015/10/21 |
Craig DeForest |
Imaging almost nothing at all: Thomson scattering and the last frontier of the solar system |
2015/09/23 |
Nishant Singh |
Signatures of emerging active regions: case study from HMI data |
2015/09/02 |
Daniel Nobrega Siverio |
Cool ejection following flux emergence in a RMHD experiment including heat conduction |
2015/08/26 |
Shin Toriumi |
Light Bridge Structures in Developing Sunspot Regions |
2015/08/17 |
Christoph Kuckein |
A multiwavelength study along several phases of an M3.2 flare |
2015/08/12 |
Douglas Gough |
A subcritical discussion of supercritical waves |
2015/07/08 |
Douglas Gough |
What's at the heart of a Red Giant -- and the Sun? |
2015/06/19 |
Dean-Yi Chou |
Probing Magnetic Fields at the Base of Solar Convection Zone with Meridional Flows |
2015/09/28 |
Mark Linton |
Simulating the Emergence of Magnetic Flux from the Solar Interior as a Mechanism for Generating Coronal Flux Ropes |
2015/04/01 |
Anthony Yeates |
Surface Flux Transport and the Limits of Solar Cycle Prediction |
2015/03/04 |
Aimee Norton |
Flux Emergence Rates |
2015/02/18 |
Andres Munoz-Jaramillo |
Using Sunspot Demographics to Probe the Small-Scale vs. Global Components of the Dynamo |
2015/02/11 |
Junwei Zhao |
Detection of fast-moving outgoing waves from sunspots in the photosphere |
12/03/2014 |
Don Schmit |
Solar Prominences: Seeing the Forest Through the Trees |
11/26/2014 |
Viacheslav Sadykov |
Initial analysis of a flare event observed with IRIS and NST, and NLTE modeling of spectral lines |
11/19/2014 |
Mark Cheung |
Flux Emergence (theory) |
11/17/2014, 2pm |
Shin Toriumi |
Formation of a Flare-Productive Active Region: Observation and Numerical Simulation of NOAA AR 11158 |
9/17/2014 |
Marcelo Emilio |
Temporal Spectral Analysis of Be stars observed with CoRoT satellite |
9/3/2014 |
Alberto Sainz-Dalda |
Analysis of X1.0 flare spectra using machine learning techniques |
8/27/2014 |
Meng Jin |
Global Magnetohydrodynamics Simulation of the Coronal Mass Ejection on 2011 March 7: from Chromosphere to 1 AU |
8/20/2014 |
Paul Higgins |
Sunspotter: Using automated active region detection and crowd sourcing to study the Complexity-Flaring connection |
8/4/2014 |
Illa Rivero Losada |
Formation of magnetic flux concentration and observational implications |
7/30/2014 |
Douglas Gough |
On the Main-Sequence Age of the Sun |
7/16/2014 |
Ivan Sharykin |
Investigation of flare energy release using HMI and NST data |
7/2/2014 |
Leif Svalgaard |
Report on Extreme Space Weather Events workshop that I co-organized in Boulder |
6/25/2014 |
Monica Bobra, Sebastien Couvidat |
Solar Flare Prediction Using SDO/HMI Vector Magnetograms with Machine-Learning Algorithms |
5/7/2014 |
Manuela Temmer |
Evolution of CMEs and associated phenomena |
4/30/2014 |
Sasha Kosovichev |
Solar physics with sub-arcsec resolution |
4/23/2014 |
Todd Hoeksema |
FY 2015 Heliophysics budget |
2/12/2014 |
Leif Svalgaard |
Reconstruction of heliospheric magnetic field strength 1845-2014 and what that means for the Sun |
1/22/2014 |
Junwei Zhao |
Temporal Evolution of Zonal and Meridional Flows from Time-Distance Pipeline |
1/15/2014 |
Scott McIntosh |
Deciphering the Solar Cycle |
11/08/2013 |
Aimee Norton |
Observation of N-S Hemispheric Asymmetry of the Sunspot Cycle |
11/01/2013 |
Rock Bush, Sebastien Couvidat |
Studies of the Solar Shape by HMI on SDO; Venus Transit As Seen by HMI/SDO |
10/24/2013 |
Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo |
Building the next-generation of model-based solar cycle predictions |
10/11/2013 |
Hardi Peter |
Structure and dynamics of the corona: synthetic and real observations |
10/11/2013 |
Dean-Yi Chou |
Probing Magnetic Fields in Solar Interior: Solar-cycle Variations of Meridional Flows |
08/09/2013 |
Lucas Tarr |
Observations of quiescent reconnection and associated heating |
08/02/2013 |
Aimee Norton |
HMI Scattered Light |
07/19/2013 |
Douglas Gough |
Some shocking remarks on stellar pulsations |
07/05/2013 |
Douglas Gough |
A remark on the vertical transport of large-scale temperature fluctuations by smaller-scale convection |
06/28/2013 |
Douglas Gough |
A commentary on putative magnetic field variation in the solar convection zone |
06/21/2013 |
Gustavo Guerrero |
Differential rotation and dynamo in solar-type stars from global simulations. |
05/31/2013 |
Alain Hauchecorne |
The Picard space mission: First scientific results |
05/17/2013 |
Fatima Rubio da Costa |
Comparison Ly-alpha and H-alpha observational intensities with the ones obtained from a radiative hydrodynamic model. |
05/03/2013 |
Junwei Zhao |
Comprehensive Measurements of Acoustic Travel Times inside Sunspots |
04/19/2013 |
Alice Allafort |
Fermi LAT observations of solar flares at high energy: a new era |
04/05/2013 |
Qingrong Chen |
Stochastic Acceleration of Solar Flares and RHESSI Observations |
03/29/2013 |
Xudong Sun |
Hot Spine Loops and the Nature of a Late-Phase Solar Flare |
03/22/2013 |
Keiji Hayashi |
Data-driven MHD simulation using HMI vector mag. data. A few test runs |
02/08/2013 |
Gustavo Guerrero |
Solar Differential Rotation, hints to reproduce a near-surface shear layer in global simulations |
02/01/2013 |
Sebastien Couvidat |
Multi-Height Acoustic Phase Differences in Sunspots from Hankel Transform of HMI and AIA Data |
01/25/2013 |
Wei Liu |
Prominence Formation by Coronal Condensation |
01/18/2013 |
Dr. Venkatakrishnan |
An Introduction to Multi Application Solar Telescope and Research |
12/14/2012 |
Anna Malanushenko |
Valentine's Day Flare: a Tale of Two Flux Ropes? |
10/26/2012 |
Lucas Tarr |
Flares as broken flux constraints in the MCT/MCC model |
10/12/2012 |
NASA Science Mission Directorate Heliophysics Division |
10/05/2012 |
Jesper Schou and/or Charles Baldner |
The origin of the center to limb time delay |
09/28/2012 |
Aimee Norton and Bruce McClintock |
Hemispheric Differences in Joy's Law & Miscellany |
09/14/2012 |
Dr. Juan Martínez-Sykora |
Status of 3D radiative-MHD simulations of the interface region (chromosphere) |
09/07/2012 |
Todd Hoeksema |
Discussion of the Decadal Survey |
08/24/2012 |
A.A. Norton |
How Much More Can Sunspots Tell Us About the Solar Dynamo? |
08/17/2012 |
Gustavo Guerrero |
Magnetic helicity fluxes and dynamo saturation |
08/10/2012 |
Douglas Gough |
Stoked Toy Non-Dynamos |
08/03/2012 |
Friedrich Busse and Radostin Simitev |
07/27/2012 |
Leif Svalgaard |
Asymmetric Solar Polar Field Reversals |
07/20/2012 |
Douglas Gough |
07/13/2012 |
Junwei Zhao |
Searching for Equator-ward Meridional Flows inside Solar Interior |
07/06/2012 |
Peter Sturrock |
An Analysis of Apparent r-Mode Oscillations in Solar Activity, the Solar Diameter, the Solar Neutrino Flux, and Nuclear Decay Rates, with Implications Concerning the Sun’s Internal Structure and Rotation, and Neutrino Processes. |
06/29/2012 |
Douglas Gough |
The story of W |
05/25/2012 |
Wei Liu |
SDO/AIA Observations of Coronal EUV Waves and Their Seismological Implications |
04/27/2012 |
Yu Gao & Junwei Zhao |
Subsurface kinetic helicity and solar flares |
04/13/2012 |
Sebastien Couvidat |
Acoustic Power Absorption in Sunspots and Quiet-Sun from Hankel-Fourier Transform on HMI and AIA Data |
04/06/2012 |
Jesper Schou |
Sideways helioseismology |
03/20/2012 |
Peter Sturrock |
Analysis of Radon Decay Data and its Implications for Physics, Geophysics, and Solar Physics |
03/09/2012 |
Rock Bush |
Solar Magnetism, Solar Activity, and Variability in Sunlight |
03/02/2012 |
Leif Svalgaard |
What is wrong with the Group Sunspot Number, and how to fix it |
02/24/2012 (@Cypress) |
Masumi Shimojo (NAOJ) |
Solar observations of ALMA - Chromospheric science by mm/sub-mm observations - |
02/17/2012 |
02/10/2012 |
02/03/2012 |
01/27/2012 |
Rebecca Centeno (HAO) |
Opportunities and challenges in determining the chromospheric magnetic field using He I 10830 |
01/20/2012 |
01/13/2012 |
Sudeepto Chakraborty |
Measuring meridional flows using time-distance |
01/06/2012 |
Leif Svalgaard |
Polar field |
12/16/2011 |
No meeting (holiday season) |
12/09/2011 |
No meeting (AGU) |
12/02/2011 |
Don Kurtz |
Asteroseismology |
11/25/2011 |
No meeting (Thanksgiving week) |
11/18/2011 |
Marc DeRosa |
Magnetic Topology in Solar Corona and Heliosphere |
11/11/2011 |
Wei Liu |
AIA observations of coronal waves, coronal seismology, etc. |
11/04/2011 |
No meeting (LWS/SDO-3/SOHO-26/GONG-2011 Workshop) |
10/28/2011 |
No meeting because it seems like everyone is busy |
10/21/2011 |
Tim Larson |
Leakage Matrices; Then and Now |
10/14/2011 |
Savita Mathur (HAO) |
Kepler asteroseismologic results |
10/07/2011 |
Chenglong Shen |
Statistical Study of Coronal Mass Ejection Source Locations: Role of Active Regions in CME Production |
09/30/2011 |
Kaori Nagashima |
time-distance helioseismology analysis of Hinode/SOT and SDO/HMI datasets |
09/23/2011 |
Hari Om Vats (Physical Research Laboratory) |
North-South asymmetry of solar coronal rotation |
09/16/2011 |
Gustavo Guerrero |
Magnetic feature-tracking vs. plasma flow speeds in the Sun |
09/09/2011 |
Charles Baldner |
Ring Diagrams and Active Regions |
09/02/2011 |
Leif Svalgaard |
The Mean Field of the Sun |
08/26/2011 |
Shin Toriumi (Univ. Tokyo) |
Numerical and Observational Studies on the Solar Flux Emergence |
08/19/2011 |
no meeting due to LoHCO workshop |
08/12/2011 |
Douglas Gough |
Dirty Laundry |
08/09/2011 3pm |
Jingxiu Wang (NAOC) |
Solar Cycle Variation of Sun’s Small-scale Magnetic Elements |
08/05/2011 |
Heon-Young Chang |
The Solar North-South Asymmetry and Beyond |
07/29/2011 |
Leif Svalgaard |
Reflections on Livingston & Penn |
07/22/2011 |
Irina Kitiashvili |
Excitation of acoustic waves by vortices in the quiet Sun |
07/15/2011 |
Stathis Ilonidis |
Detecting Subsurface Signatures of Emerging Solar Active Regions |
07/08/2011 |
Yang Liu & Junwei Zhao |
flows in active regions inferred from DAVE4VM and time-distance |
07/01/2011 |
Leif Svalgaard |
History and Calibration of Sunspot Numbers |
06/24/2011 |
Jun Zhang |
Small- and Large-scale Solar Activities Observed by SDO |
06/17/2011 |
Keiji Hayashi |
MHD simulations of solar wind and heliosphere, from 2001 until 2009 |
06/10/2011 |
Xudong Sun |
Evolution of Magnetic Field in the Flaring Active Region AR11158 |
06/03/2011 |
Leif Svalgaard |
Flaring Hale-sector boundaries |
05/27/2011 |
Junwei Zhao |
Analysis of k-omega and time-distance diagrams inside a sunspot |
05/20/2011 |
Xuepu Zhao |
The Wide Limb CME and its Trigger: A new Cause of Sympathetic Coronal Activities |
05/13/2011 |
Alexander Kosovichev |
Observations of sunquake from SDO |