Friday @ 8:30 a.m.
Collaborative Science - SDO's contribution to the Great Observatory
Leader: Mark Cheung
This brief introduction to a discussion of Collaborative Science will include two 10-minute talks
- S. Gibson - Science Planning of Coordinated Observing Campaigns: Lessons for the SDO Era
- K. Reeves - Coordinating observations: Lessons Learned and Wish List
We will then break into three splinter sessions to discuss ways to organize collaborative science.
SDO will make a key contribution to coordinated solar/heliospheric observational campaigns. Although SDO will provide continuous full-disk coverage, there is still a critical role for the active participation of SDO science teams in the planning of coordinated science campaigns. The reason is simple: given the immense data volume expected from SDO, one must plan in advance the best way to extract data from the archive not already delivered by the standard data pipeline (e.g. disambiguated vector magnetograms at a very high cadence, DEM inversions at full AIA resolution for a subregion etc.). In short, one must plan to "observe the SDO data archive."
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