Differences between revisions 1 and 8 (spanning 7 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2009-05-05 04:59:11
Size: 1065
Editor: l4-m0
Revision 8 as of 2013-05-01 04:35:24
Size: 1788
Editor: localhost
Comment: converted to 1.6 markup
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 . List inputs here
 . Local magnetic field map at time and position of interest that will be probably determined by an active region recognition program.
Line 9: Line 7:
 . List outputs here
 . 1) Three-dimensional volume data : all 3 components of magnetic field in the volume of interest.
 . 2) Plot, visualization
 . 2-a) Field-line projected onto the solar surface or viewed from the Earth and other directions.
 . 2-b) Map at the base (photosphere) about whether field be open or closed. (?)
Line 12: Line 12:
 . Indicate nominal cadence on which module is run
 . Once or a few times per day
Line 15: Line 14:
 . Indicate if/when products are archived
 . 3D data will be archive
Line 18: Line 16:
 . Indicate if there are any options when running the code
 . Sizes in both horizontal and vertical directions be determined in accordance with those of input data
Line 21: Line 18:
 . Indicate estimate of percentage complete for the module
 . 1-a) Iterative solver for Laplace equation : almost done, including OpenMP parallelism
 . 1-b) Green function method : almost done, including OpenMP parallelism, 256x256(x256) be finished in 20 min. or shorter.
 . 1-c) efficient methods such as Fourier methods : 30 % or less
 . 2) Drawer / plotter : 50 %
 . 1-a) and 1-b) are being tested in DRMS/JSOC context.
Line 24: Line 24:
 . Name heritage or percent complete for Basic Code
 . 90 % in total
Line 27: Line 26:
 . Indicate status of DRMS module version of module
 . Tested as stand-alone : done
 . Run as DRMS or JSOC module: mostly done for iterative method and Green function method
Line 30: Line 29:

  * List issues that still need to be resolved
  * Describe as many as you like
 * So far, "patch"-data prepared by hand is used for test.
 * Preparation of input data in a atutomated and timely manner remaining
Line 35: Line 32:
 . Give name of local coordinator for development of this module
 . K.Hayashi
Line 38: Line 34:

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HMI Pipeline Module - PotentialFeildLocal

Provide local potential field approximation in high resolution from HMI vector field data

Module Inputs
  • Local magnetic field map at time and position of interest that will be probably determined by an active region recognition program.

Module Outputs
  • 1) Three-dimensional volume data : all 3 components of magnetic field in the volume of interest.
  • 2) Plot, visualization
  • 2-a) Field-line projected onto the solar surface or viewed from the Earth and other directions.
  • 2-b) Map at the base (photosphere) about whether field be open or closed. (?)

  • Once or a few times per day

  • 3D data will be archive

  • Sizes in both horizontal and vertical directions be determined in accordance with those of input data

Overall Status of Module
  • 1-a) Iterative solver for Laplace equation : almost done, including OpenMP parallelism
  • 1-b) Green function method : almost done, including OpenMP parallelism, 256x256(x256) be finished in 20 min. or shorter.
  • 1-c) efficient methods such as Fourier methods : 30 % or less
  • 2) Drawer / plotter : 50 %
  • 1-a) and 1-b) are being tested in DRMS/JSOC context.

Status of Code
  • 90 % in total

Status of DRMS module
  • Tested as stand-alone : done
  • Run as DRMS or JSOC module: mostly done for iterative method and Green function method

Issues needing resolution
  • So far, "patch"-data prepared by hand is used for test.
  • Preparation of input data in a atutomated and timely manner remaining

Responsible scientist
  • K.Hayashi


JsocWiki: PotentialField-Local (last edited 2013-05-01 04:35:24 by localhost)