August 27-Aug 30th: 1> put in all the color table changes into Phils new exportdata.html. Fixed the javascript so the yes/no radio button for "do you want to use default attributes?" works correctly. Cant get the drop down list to be unique if I toggle the yes/no switch. 2> reading up on prototips and AJAX.

August 1-August 24th:

1> Called a meeting with Phil, Jesper,Rick and Junwei. We decided that the Image -map etc was a good idea but should not be the top level page but a second level page. It was also suggested that:

2> I have re-organized the page so we have a text only top level page with a drop down top menu and a nested navigation bar on the left hand side. The images have been put into a image gallery, and each instrument has its own gallery. Decided to use tn3 for it as it also has the option of embedding videos as well as images with attached text. The JSOC image map is now a second level page. I am writing up a FAQ section that is in the accordian style (ie it only had questions and when you click on a question; the answer opens up like a drop down drawer. I have produced a prototype "JSOC DataSeries name-to data type Map" file using a shell script which strips out the "description" of the series from the jsd file. The problem is that some of the description may not be adequate to let a new user know if that is the series they are looking for. I looked though various search engines , mostly focusing on the open source kind. I found two that may fit our need:Lucene (Apache search engine) and Sphinx (which is used by Craigs list). I have downloaded Sphinx but have not played a lot with it yet.

3> Exportdata: Phil has made some more changes in the logic of how exportdata.html interacts with prototype.js and need to re-put in the edits into theat version.

July 20th-July 31st: 1. > Showed Phil the new webpage and he suggested we call a meeting with Rick, Jesper, Junwei and Todd and go over how to format the rest of the pages..and what data products to include on this page. Todd also suggested that perhaps I could come up with a wiki template that people could use/ and update themselves.

2> Got started with JSOC export as movies with Phil's new code. Its now in a position that the scaling/size options show ip and the colortables are populated only once.

July 1-July 20th: worked on HMI page. Went through two types of "concept maps/Mindmaps". Used mind42, and then the Cmap tools that are inJSOC directory. Finally made a data products flowchart in Illustrator as in the others Then realized that what I wanted was called "Image map" different "areas" of the image were "sensitive to mouse rollovers" and would result in a function. Went through many iterations of making a mouse over image rollover.

June 25-30:

work on the HMI data products page.

June 14-24:

Status for June10-14:

Status for May31-June 9th:

Status for May 24-30:

Started work for the poster.

Status for May 17-24:

1.Turns out colortable AIA for 304 was not quite correct. Phil noticed that the colors were off. I fixed it and rechecked the colortables for the other wvlngths. Thsi time heard back from the AIA people and actually got the clipping values for each wvl. SO need to put that into the jsoc_export_as movies. Tye existing min/max values are our estimates and not quite correct. Barbara Thompson at Goddard was very helpful. We also realized that the aia fits files are not exposure time corrected. So for ALL aia images/movies that we make, we need to grep for the exp time, divide the image by that and then apply min/max/ scaling and colortable!! 2. Having issues with the pre-postflare errorbars and sinusoidal underlying function folded through the LCP/RCP values. Need to detrend the data form spacecraft motion andmark the pixel location of the Ic images. Sigh.

Status for May 10-17:

2.So the new plan to enhance existing capability ie . add the ability for the user to choose their own parameters will be done by adding a "Choose your own parameters checkbox" to exportdata.html (like the tracking box in hgpatch). The default will be that jsoc_export_as_movie will run as it does currently. If the "use your own params" is checked; then a set of new parameter options: Colortable, min/max,scaling and size options will be appear and those variables will be passed on to jsoc_export_as movie. In jsoc_export_as movie; we will add a third part to the if loop. As of now the if loop parses the first 3 characters to check if it is HMI or AIA. If the "choose your own params " is checked; it will go into the 3rd option and the variables passed will be used as input for render_image. I think we should add some chks in the exporthtml javascript itself, so that the series passes actually can be made into jpgs.

2. Another improvement that will be appreciated by some(Rick in particular) is to be able to read in datacubes to make a movie. For that, renderimage needed to be edited to chk for no of elements in naxis. If number of elements is 3, then its a datacube and then we need to slice up the datacube into separate fits files and the feed it into the jpg making machine.

  1. Mostly worked on the paper. It is taking forever..


. Tasks for May 10-17:

2>exportdataPD.html has scaling and size pull down menus put in..but I have not succeeded in populating them from the su_priya.ColorTables series.

3>Data products webpage: spent a lot of time making the left navbar with a rollover effect..but decided that it looked very crowded and confusing. spent some time trying to decide how to display the "Visual Data Products" page which needs to give equal status to all the missions ..its a lot of products! Played around with the idea of a carousel ..but finally decided on something simpler . The layout is a tablewith the five missions and then each product type will have its own slide show that will be activated when you roll over the mouse.As of now ONLY the HMI Observables slide how works . If this type of visual is ok with Phil; I'll go ahead.

4>Paper: Got the script for generating the figures using Linecore proxies(using I3 and I4 filtergrams values)working and the plots look right. Need to make 4 sets for the four flares and spend some time making them look pretty. Edited a big chunk based on revised plan. More edits due.would like to be done with it by end of next week.

To do in week of Apr19-25

  1. Make sure all the color Tables including mag is in the DRMS. Figure out if WVL is enough as a prime key? Or do we need to add a "string" as a prime key. make it work with jsocexport manage as a variable.
  2. The link now opens in a new tab..but doesnt close the tab when the focus changes. and a new link is clicked ,need to figure that one out.
  3. Ask Art what he wants for the tables- put in the javascript required to make the scaling/min/max as variables. Make sure you put an alert to pop up when the user chooses a different scaling.
  4. make the figures for the paper. Put in text to explain the reasons for using and focusing on filtergrams.
  5. The Dataproducts webpage: Phil wants a more instrument to go on there.see ~/priya/JSOC_webpages_design.pdf for the flowchart

some other ideas: maybe the ? on the lookdata/exportdata page should be an i symbol or a flashbulb? 4/18/2012:

April 18 Status update:

2> Flares paper

JsocWiki: PriyaDesai (last edited 2013-05-01 04:35:23 by localhost)