HMI Vector Magnetic Field Data - Versions and Referencing
HMI Vector Field data will be available at hmi.B_720s
If you use any HMI data please reference the following publication:
Schou, et al., Design and Ground Calibration of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) Instrument on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), DOI:10.1007/s11207-011-9842-2, 2011, Sol. Phys.
If you use the late 2011 release for AR 11158 (Version 1.0) please reference:
Hoeksema, et al., Measuring the Vector Magnetic Field of AR 11158 with HMI, in preparation, 2012, Sol. Phys. ( VectorPaper )
If you use Version 2.0 Vector Field Data please reference:
- - TBD
The references for VFISV and disambiguation are
Borrero, J. M.; Tomczyk, S.; Kubo, M.; Socas-Navarro, H.; Schou, J.; Couvidat, S.; Bogart, R.,VFISV: Very Fast Inversion of the Stokes Vector for the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager, DOI:10.1007/s11207-010-9515-6, 2010, Sol. Phys.
References for Disambiguation are
Metcalf, T. R. Resolving the 180-degree ambiguity in vector magnetic field measurements: The 'minimum' energy solution, DOI:10.1007/BF00680593, 1994, Sol. Phys., 155, 235.
Leka, K. D., Barnes, G., Crouch, A. D., Metcalf, T. R., Gary, G. A., Jing, J., & Liu, Y., Resolving the 180° Ambiguity in Solar Vector Magnetic Field Data: Evaluating the Effects of Noise, Spatial Resolution, and Method Assumptions, DOI:10.1007/s11207-009-9440-8, 2009, Sol. Phys., 260, 83.
Leka, K. D., Barnes, G., et al., An Overview of the Disambiguation Module for the SDO/HMI Pipeline, 2012, Sol. Phys., in preparation.
References for HARP data are
Turmon, M., J.M. Pap, and S. Mukhtar, Statistical Pattern Recognition for Labeling Solar Active Regions: Application to SOHO/MDI Imagery, DOI: 10.1086/338681, ApJ, 2002, 568, 396.
Turmon, M., H.P. Jones, O.V. Malanushenko, and J.M. Pap, Statistical Feature Recognition for Multidimensional Solar Imagery, DOI: 10.1007/s11207-009-9490-y, Solar Phys., 2010, 262, 277.
Versions of Reduction Code
HMI Data Reduction Modules are characterized by a version number. The version number indicates how the data have been processed. The principal version keyword for HMI.B_720 is BCODEV
- Modules automatically provide a keyword that gives the CVS version details:
- CODEVER0 tells the version of the IQUV module
- CODEVER1 tells the version of the gap filling module
- CODEVER2 tells the version of the temporal interpolation module
- CODEVER3 tells the version of the polarization calibration module
- CODEVER4 tells the version of the VFISV module
- CODEVER5 tells the version of the disambiguation module
- INVCODEV is a programmer-provided indication of the last time the VFISV module was edited
HMI B Version 1.0
This first release version was processed in a specialized way that was developed for individual active regions and tested for AR 11158 in February, 2011. Level 1.0 data were first released in November, 2011. Data released with this version number are described in VectorPaper. As the processing modules are improved, the data level will be incremented and documentation will be provided
HMI B Version 2.0
First Version of Full Disk Pipeline Data
- - Not yet released
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