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||<rowbgcolor="#004444"> ||||||||||||||||||||||||||<style="text-align: center;"> || ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||<style="text-align: center;">~+'''HMI Pipeline -- Module Table''' +~ || ||<rowbgcolor="#00aaaa"> ||||||||||||||||||||||||||<style="text-align: center;"> || ||||<style="text-align: center;">'''Vector Magnetic Field Modules''' ||||||||||||||||||||||||<style="text-align: center;"> || ||<rowbgcolor="#00aaaa"> ||||||||||||||||||||||||||<style="text-align: center;"> || ||<rowbgcolor="#aaffff"> ||'''Module Link''' ||Input ||Output ||Typical Cadence ||Options ||Archive ||Status ||Heritage / '''Module Name''' ||DRMS ||Issues ||Coordinator ||Remarks ||Priority/Need Date || ||V1 ||[:TimeAverage IQUV:Time Average IQUV] ||Time, duration, Lev1 Filtergrams ||Time-Averaged IQUV ||12 Minutes ||Duration, Filtering ||No ||Stage 3 ||HMI Calibration ||No ||Temporal Anti-aliasing filter ||J. Schou ||Remap includes geometry and vector transform. See A1. ||High June || ||V2 ||[:StokesInversion:Stokes Inversion] ||IQUV (on CCD coordinates)||'''^B^,,vec,,'''=B,,total,,,FF, inclination, azimuth(180), uncertainties (on image coordinates with P angle removed, but retain B0 angle)||12-minute ||Quick,Threshold ||Yes ||Stage 3 ||90% ||60% ||Earlier JSOC version worked ||R. Bogart, S. Tomczyk, J. Borrero, Y. Liu ||Disk/CCD geometry, angles relative to Line of Sight ||High July || ||V3 ||[:FieldDisambiguation:Field Disambiguation] ||'''^B^,,vec,,''' (on image coordinates with P angle removed, but retain B0 angle)||360 Azimuth, uncertainty (on image coordinates with P angle removed, but retain B0 angle)||12-minute ||Patch,FD,Quick ||Yes ||Stage 2 ||80% ||50% ||Averaging vs. Sampling ||T. Hoeksema ||Disk/CCD geometry, angles relative to line of sight ||High July/August || ||V4 ||[:MergeBvec:Merge Vector B] ||Assorted '''^B^,,vec,,''' ||'''^B^,,vec,,''' ||12-minute ||Options ||Yes ||Stage 1 ||Code ||DRMS ||Issues ||L. Svalgaard ||Assemble Vector Magnetogram from Heterogeneous Sources ||Low December || ||V5 ||[:BxByBzTransform:Bx,By,Bz Transform] ||'''^B^,,vec,,''' (on image coordinates with P angle removed, but retain B0 angle)||B,,x,,,B,,y,,,B,,z,,; Uncertainties (on local heliocentric coordinates with the solar north up) ||On Export ||Options ||No ||Stage 1 ||Code ||DRMS ||Issues ||Y. Liu ||Local heliocentric equatorial rectilinear vector B components for ARPs ||Medium October || ||V6 ||[:BrBtBpTransform:Br,Btheta,Bphi Transform] ||'''^B^,,vec,,''' (on image coordinates with P angle removed, but retain B0 angle)||B,,r,,,B,,theta,,,B,,phi,,; Uncertainties (on heliographic coordinates)||On Export ||Options ||No ||Stage 1 ||Code ||DRMS ||Issues ||Y. Liu ||Heliocentric equatorial spherical coordinate vector B components ||Medium October || ||V7 ||[:BtotInAzTransform:B_total Inc Az Transform] ||'''^B^,,vec,,''' ||B,,total,,, Inclination, Azimuth; Uncertainties ||On Export ||Options ||No ||Stage 1 ||Code ||DRMS ||Issues ||Y. Liu ||Btot and angles relative to heliocentric equatorial coordinates ||Medium October || ||V8 ||[:VectorB Remap:Vector B Remap] ||'''^B^,,vec,,''', time (on image coordinates with P angle removed, but retain B0 angle)||'''^B^,,vec,,''' HeliographicFrame ||12min ||Rotation Corrections ||No ||Stage 3 ||'''JV2Helio''' ||DRMS ||Differential Rotation, Vector averages ||X. Sun ||Magnetograms in Carrington and Heliographic coordinates ||Medium August || ||V9 ||[:VectorBSpatialAverage:Spatially Average Bvec ] ||'''^B^,,vec,,''' (on image coordinates with P angle removed, but retain B0 angle)||'''^B^,,vec,,''' (|on image coordinates with P angle removed, but retain B0 angle)|On Export ||Anti-aliasing ||No ||Stage 3 ||'''DeRotMean''' ||DRMS ||Vector geometry ||J. Beck, X. Sun ||Better to invert averaged IQUV? ||High July || ||V10 ||[:VectorBTemporalAverage:Temporally Average Bvec ] ||'''^B^,,vec,,''' ||'''^B^,,vec,,''' ||Hours ||Duration, Mapping ||No ||Stage 3 ||'''DeRotMean''' ||DRMS ||Rotation correction, Anti-aliasing ||J. Beck, X. Sun ||Better to invert averaged IQUV? ||High July || ||V11 ||CarringtonSynopticMap ||'''^B^,,vec,,''' HeliographicFrame ||B,,r,, SynopticMap ||Weekly ||Resolution, Rotation Correction, Averaging ||Yes ||Stage 2 ||Los, makesynop ||No ||Need to balance temporal scale of map and features ||Y. Liu, X. Zhao ||Radial Field ||Medium October || ||V12 ||SynchronicFrame ||'''^B^,,vec,,''' Magnetograms, SynopticMap, Time ||B,,r,, [:SynopticMap:Synchronic Frame] ||Hourly ||Averaging, Mapping ||No ||Stage 2 ||LoS ||DRMS ||Issues ||X. Zhao, J. T. Hoeksema ||Remark ||Medium October || ||V13 ||DailySynchronicUpdate ||SynopticMap, '''^B^,,vec,,''' HeliographicFrame ||B,,r,, [:SynopticMap:Synchronic Frame] ||Daily ||Averaging, Rotation Correction ||Yes ||Stage 2 ||LoS ||DRMS ||Resolution,Averaging,Far Side ||X. Zhao, J. T. Hoeksema ||Input to regular global coronal modeling ||Medium October || ||V14 ||VectorSynchronicMap ||'''^B^,,vec,,''' HeliographicFrame ||Vector SynopticMap ||Monthly ||Rotation Correction, Resolution ||Yes ||Stage 1 ||Code ||DRMS ||Sensibility of Global Bvec ||X. Zhao, J. T. Hoeksema ||Need to resolve users ||Low December || ||V15 ||PolarFieldExtrapolation ||[:SynopticMap:Synoptic Maps] ||Smoothed Polar Field, SynopticMap ||Monthly ||Extra/Inter -polation ||Yes ||Stage 3 ||IDL ||50% ||MDI algorithm doesn't apply ||X. Sun ||Remark ||Medium October || ||V16 ||MagneticHarmonicCoefficients ||[:SynopticMap:Synchronic Map] ||Global Harmonic Coefficients ||On Demand ||Global,Local,Order ||Yes ||Stage 3 ||100% ||90% ||Need to use qdport ||X. Sun, X. Zhao ||Remark ||Medium October || ||V17 ||[:PotentialField-SourceSurface:Global PFSS Model] ||[:SynopticMap:Synchronic Map] ||Coronal Field Simulation ||Daily ||Options ||Yes ||Stage 2 ||100% ||95% ||Issues ||X. Sun, X. Zhao ||Remark ||Medium October || ||V18 ||[:PotentialField-Local:Local Potential Field Model] ||ARP B,,r,, ||Local Coronal Field ||12-minute ||option : size of volume ||Yes ? ||Stage 3 ||Slow Iterative Laplace solver in Fortran, 100% ; Green Function untested; want fft method ||70% ||Need to develop interface with the patch map generator. Experience with HMI data. Exisiting code is slow. ||K. Hayashi ||Potential by-product of disambiguation ||High August || ||V19 ||[:NonLinearForceFreeField:NLFFF Model] ||B,,x,,,B,,y,,,B,,z,, ||Coronal Field in Cube ||Daily ||Options ||Archive ||Stage 2 ||Code ||DRMS ||Issues ||Y. Liu ||Remark ||Low January || ||V20 ||[:InferredHorizontalFlow-Local:Local Inferred Horizontal Flow] ||B,,x,,,B,,y,,,B,,z,, Time Series ||Horizontal Velocity ||Daily ||Options ||Yes ||Stage 2 ||Code ||DRMS ||Time interval, Experience with HMI data ||T. Hoeksema ||DAVE4VM, ILCT ||Low December || ||V21 ||[:InferredHorizontalFlow-Global:Global Inferred Flow Field] ||B,,r,, Time Series ||Horizontal Velocity ||Daily ||Options ||Yes ? ||Stage 3 ||FLCT 100% in C by G.F. Wrapper 90% in C/Fortran ||50% ||Time interval, Experience with HMI data ||K. Hayashi, G. Fisher ||FLCT ||Low November || ||V22 ||SolarWindModel ||Synoptic Maps ||Solar wind speed / IMF polarity ||Daily ||Options ||Archive ||Stage 2 ||50% ||50% ||New empirical function ||X. Sun, T. Hoeksema ||Remark ||Low January || ||V23 ||ModelDynamicActiveRegions ||ARP '''^B^,,vec,,''', V,,horizontal,, ||Plasma & Magnetic Properties ||On request ||Options ||Yes ||Stage 2 ||Code ||DRMS ||Issues ||Abbett, Wu ||Link to external group codes ||Low March || ||V24 ||ModelDynamicCorona ||B,,r,, [:SynopticMap:Synchronic Map] ||Coronal Parameters ||Daily,Monthly ||Options ||Yes ||Stage 3 ||Daily running : 90%. ||45% ||Details about the monthly high-res. code to be determined. ||K. Hayashi, Linker ||MHD MARS. ||Low December || ||V25 ||ModelHeliosphericConditions ||Synchronic maps/frames ||Solar Wind Parameters ||Daily/Monthly ||Options ||Archive ||Stage 2 ||CORHEL ||DRMS ||Issues ||T. Hoeksema ||Coordinate with external group codes ||Low February || ||V26 ||[:Model3DARField:Model 3D Field over ARP ] ||'''^B^,,vec,,''' - ARP + Global ||Out ||(on demand) ||N/A ||No? ||Stage 1 ||(html) ||No ||Issues ||K. Hayashi ||Link to external group codes ||Low March || ||V27 ||[:SpaceWeatherProducts-Local:Browse & Space Weather Products - Local ] ||ARP '''^B^,,vec,,''' ||Activity Indices ||12-minute ||Options ||Yes ||Stage 1 ||Code ||DRMS ||Issues ||T. Hoeksema ||Alerts Possible ||Low December || ||V28 ||[:SpaceWeatherProducts-Global:Browse & Space Weather Products - Global ] ||B,,r,, [:SynopticMap:Synchronic Maps]/frames ||1 AU predictions ||Daily ||Options ||Yes ||Stage 1 ||Code ||DRMS ||Issues ||T. Hoeksema ||Remark ||Low December || ||<rowbgcolor="#004444"> ||||||||||||||||||||||||||<style="text-align: center;"> || ||||<style="text-align: center;">'''Associated HMI Pipeline Modules''' ||||||||||||||||||||||||<style="text-align: center;"> || ||<rowbgcolor="#00aaaa"> ||||||||||||||||||||||||||<style="text-align: center;"> || ||<rowbgcolor="#aaffff"> ||Module Link ||Input ||Output ||Typical Cadence ||Options ||Archive ||Status ||Heritage / '''Module Name''' ||DRMS ||Issues ||Coordinator ||Remarks ||Priority/Need Date || ||A1 ||FeatureRecognition ||HMI/AIA/EVE + Other Solar Observations ||Active Region Patch locations and boundaries ||12 minute ||Options ||Yes ||Stage 1 ||Code ||DRMS ||Interface with HEK ||T. Hoeksema ||M. Turmon, C. [:DeForest:DeForest, J. Zhang] ||High || ||A2 ||SpatialAverage ||HMI Data Product ||DRMS Dataset ||On Demand ||Size, Anti-aliasing ||No ||Stage 2 ||Code ||DRMS ||Vector Field Averaging ||L. Svalgaard ||Remark ||High July || ||<rowbgcolor="#004444"> ||||||||||||||||||||||||||<style="text-align: center;"> || ||||<style="text-align: center;">'''Line-of-Sight Magnetic Field Modules''' ||||||||||||||||||||||||<style="text-align: center;"> || ||<rowbgcolor="#00aaaa"> ||||||||||||||||||||||||||<style="text-align: center;"> || ||<rowbgcolor="#aaffff"> ||Module Link ||Input ||Output ||Typical Cadence ||Options ||Archive ||Status ||Heritage / '''Module Name ''' ||DRMS ||Issues ||Coordinator ||Remarks ||Priority/Need Date || ||L1 ||[:B LOS-Stokes:Line-of-sight B] ||Circularly polarized filtergrams ||Line-of-Sight Magnetogram ||45 seconds ||None ||Yes ||Stage 3 ||HMI Test ||DRMS ||Issues ||J. Schou, S. Couvidat ||Remark ||High June || ||L2 ||[:B LOS-Average:Average B_los] ||Magnetograms ||Magnetogram ||90s ||Cadence; spatial averaging ||No ||Stage 2 ||MDI Code ||DRMS ||Issues ||E. Benevolenskaya ||Develop various options ||High July || ||L3 ||[:B LOS-Remap:Remap B_los] ||Magnetogram ||[:HeliographicFrame:Heliographic Frame] ||Cadence ||Options ||Archive ||Stage 4 ||'''JV2Helio''' ||DRMS ||Issues ||L. Svalgaard ||Remark ||High June || ||L4 ||[:B LOS-Remap and Average:B_los Remap & Average] ||Magnetograms ||[:HeliographicFrame:Heliographic Frame] ||Cadence ||Options ||Archive ||Stage 3 ||'''DeRotMean''' ||DRMS ||Issues ||J. Beck ||Remark ||High July || ||L5 ||[:B LOS-CarringtonMap:B_los Carrington Map] ||[:HeliographicFrame:Heliographic Frames] ||SynopticMap ||Cadence ||Options ||Archive ||Stage 4 ||MDI Code ||DRMS ||Issues ||Y. Liu ||Remark ||Medium July || ||L6 ||[:B LOS-SynchronicFrame:B_los Synchronic Frame] ||[:HeliographicFrame:Heliographic Frames], SynopticMap ||SynopticMap ||Cadence ||Options ||Archive ||Stage 2 ||MDI Code ||DRMS ||Issues ||X. Zhao, T. Hoeksema ||Remark ||Medium August || ||L7 ||[:B LOS-DailySynchronicMap:B_los Daily Synchronic Map] ||[:HeliographicFrame:Heliographic Frames] ||SynopticMap ||Cadence ||Options ||Archive ||Stage 2 ||MDI Code ||DRMS ||Issues ||X. Zhao, X. Sun ||Remark ||Medium August || ||L8a ||[:B LOS-MDI Emulation:B_los MDI Emulation] ||MDI magnetogram ||Ideal Magnetogram ||Cadence ||Resolution ||Archive ||Stage 3 ||Code ||DRMS ||Issues ||P. Scherrer ||Module needs development ||Medium September || ||L8b ||[:B LOS-HMI Emulation:B_los HMI Emulation] ||HMI magnetogram ||Ideal Magnetogram ||Cadence ||Resolution ||Archive ||Stage 1 ||Code ||DRMS ||Issues ||P. Scherrer ||Remark ||Medium October || ||L9 ||["HMI MeanField"] ||Magnetogram ||Mean Field ||Cadence ||Options ||Archive ||Status 2 ||Code ||DRMS ||Issues ||L. Svalgaard ||Remark ||Low January || ||<rowbgcolor="#004444"> ||||||||||||||||||||||||||<style="text-align: center;"> || |
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|||||||||||||||||||||||| HMI Pipeline -- Module Table || || Vector Magnetic Field Modules |||||||||||||||||||||||| ||Link||Input||Output||Cadence||Options||Archive||Status||Code||Issues||DRMS||Coordinator||Remarks|| ||["TimeAverage_IQUV"] ||90-sec IQUV||Time-Average IQUV||12 Minutes||Cadence||No||No||No|| ||No||J Schou||Remap includes geometry and vector transform|| || ["SpatialAverage"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["StokesInversion"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["FieldDisambiguation"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["MergingPatches"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["BxByBzTransform"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["BrBtBpTransform"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["BrInAzTransform"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["VectorB_Remap"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["VectorBSpatialAverage"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["VectorBTemporalAverage"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["CarringtonSynopticChart"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["SynchronicFrame"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["DailySynchronicUpdate"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["VectorSynchronicMap"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["PolarFieldExtrapolation"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["MagneticHarmonicCoefficients"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["PotentialField-SourceSurface"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["PotentialField-Local"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["NonLinearForceFreeField"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["InferredHorizontalFlow-Local"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["InferredHorizontalFlow-Global"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["SolarWindModel"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["ModelDynamicActiveRegions"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["ModelDynamicCorona"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["ModelHeliosphericConditions"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["Model3DARField"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["SpaceWeatherProducts-Local"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["SpaceWeatherProducts-Global"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| |||| Associated HMI Pipeline Modules |||||||||||||||||||||| || ["FeatureRecognition"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| |||| Line of Sight Magnetic Field Modules |||||||||||||||||||||| || ["B_LOS-Stokes"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["B_LOS-Average"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["B_LOS-Remap"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["B_LOS-Remap_and_Average"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["B_LOS-CarringtonMap"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["B_LOS-SynchronicFrame"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["B_LOS-DailySynchronicMap"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["B_LOS-MDI_Emulation"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| || ["HMI_MeanField"] |||||||||||||||||||||||| |
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See ModuleTemplate |
These tables provide more information about HMI pipeline processing modules.
HMI Pipeline -- Module Table |
Vector Magnetic Field Modules |
Module Link |
Input |
Output |
Typical Cadence |
Options |
Archive |
Status |
Heritage / Module Name |
Issues |
Coordinator |
Remarks |
Priority/Need Date |
V1 |
[:TimeAverage IQUV:Time Average IQUV] |
Time, duration, Lev1 Filtergrams |
Time-Averaged IQUV |
12 Minutes |
Duration, Filtering |
No |
Stage 3 |
HMI Calibration |
No |
Temporal Anti-aliasing filter |
J. Schou |
Remap includes geometry and vector transform. See A1. |
High June |
V2 |
[:StokesInversion:Stokes Inversion] |
IQUV (on CCD coordinates) |
Bvec=Btotal,FF, inclination, azimuth(180), uncertainties (on image coordinates with P angle removed, but retain B0 angle) |
12-minute |
Quick,Threshold |
Yes |
Stage 3 |
90% |
60% |
Earlier JSOC version worked |
R. Bogart, S. Tomczyk, J. Borrero, Y. Liu |
Disk/CCD geometry, angles relative to Line of Sight |
High July |
V3 |
[:FieldDisambiguation:Field Disambiguation] |
Bvec (on image coordinates with P angle removed, but retain B0 angle) |
360 Azimuth, uncertainty (on image coordinates with P angle removed, but retain B0 angle) |
12-minute |
Patch,FD,Quick |
Yes |
Stage 2 |
80% |
50% |
Averaging vs. Sampling |
T. Hoeksema |
Disk/CCD geometry, angles relative to line of sight |
High July/August |
V4 |
[:MergeBvec:Merge Vector B] |
Assorted Bvec |
Bvec |
12-minute |
Options |
Yes |
Stage 1 |
Code |
Issues |
L. Svalgaard |
Assemble Vector Magnetogram from Heterogeneous Sources |
Low December |
V5 |
[:BxByBzTransform:Bx,By,Bz Transform] |
Bvec (on image coordinates with P angle removed, but retain B0 angle) |
Bx,By,Bz; Uncertainties (on local heliocentric coordinates with the solar north up) |
On Export |
Options |
No |
Stage 1 |
Code |
Issues |
Y. Liu |
Local heliocentric equatorial rectilinear vector B components for ARPs |
Medium October |
V6 |
[:BrBtBpTransform:Br,Btheta,Bphi Transform] |
Bvec (on image coordinates with P angle removed, but retain B0 angle) |
Br,Btheta,Bphi; Uncertainties (on heliographic coordinates) |
On Export |
Options |
No |
Stage 1 |
Code |
Issues |
Y. Liu |
Heliocentric equatorial spherical coordinate vector B components |
Medium October |
V7 |
[:BtotInAzTransform:B_total Inc Az Transform] |
Bvec |
Btotal, Inclination, Azimuth; Uncertainties |
On Export |
Options |
No |
Stage 1 |
Code |
Issues |
Y. Liu |
Btot and angles relative to heliocentric equatorial coordinates |
Medium October |
V8 |
[:VectorB Remap:Vector B Remap] |
Bvec, time (on image coordinates with P angle removed, but retain B0 angle) |
Bvec HeliographicFrame |
12min |
Rotation Corrections |
No |
Stage 3 |
JV2Helio |
Differential Rotation, Vector averages |
X. Sun |
Magnetograms in Carrington and Heliographic coordinates |
Medium August |
V9 |
[:VectorBSpatialAverage:Spatially Average Bvec ] |
Bvec (on image coordinates with P angle removed, but retain B0 angle) |
Bvec (|on image coordinates with P angle removed, but retain B0 angle)|On Export |
Anti-aliasing |
No |
Stage 3 |
Vector geometry |
J. Beck, X. Sun |
Better to invert averaged IQUV? |
High July |
V10 |
[:VectorBTemporalAverage:Temporally Average Bvec ] |
Bvec |
Bvec |
Hours |
Duration, Mapping |
No |
Stage 3 |
Rotation correction, Anti-aliasing |
J. Beck, X. Sun |
Better to invert averaged IQUV? |
High July |
V11 |
Bvec HeliographicFrame |
Br SynopticMap |
Weekly |
Resolution, Rotation Correction, Averaging |
Yes |
Stage 2 |
Los, makesynop |
No |
Need to balance temporal scale of map and features |
Y. Liu, X. Zhao |
Radial Field |
Medium October |
V12 |
Bvec Magnetograms, SynopticMap, Time |
Br [:SynopticMap:Synchronic Frame] |
Hourly |
Averaging, Mapping |
No |
Stage 2 |
LoS |
Issues |
X. Zhao, J. T. Hoeksema |
Remark |
Medium October |
V13 |
SynopticMap, Bvec HeliographicFrame |
Br [:SynopticMap:Synchronic Frame] |
Daily |
Averaging, Rotation Correction |
Yes |
Stage 2 |
LoS |
Resolution,Averaging,Far Side |
X. Zhao, J. T. Hoeksema |
Input to regular global coronal modeling |
Medium October |
V14 |
Bvec HeliographicFrame |
Vector SynopticMap |
Monthly |
Rotation Correction, Resolution |
Yes |
Stage 1 |
Code |
Sensibility of Global Bvec |
X. Zhao, J. T. Hoeksema |
Need to resolve users |
Low December |
V15 |
[:SynopticMap:Synoptic Maps] |
Smoothed Polar Field, SynopticMap |
Monthly |
Extra/Inter -polation |
Yes |
Stage 3 |
50% |
MDI algorithm doesn't apply |
X. Sun |
Remark |
Medium October |
V16 |
[:SynopticMap:Synchronic Map] |
Global Harmonic Coefficients |
On Demand |
Global,Local,Order |
Yes |
Stage 3 |
100% |
90% |
Need to use qdport |
X. Sun, X. Zhao |
Remark |
Medium October |
V17 |
[:PotentialField-SourceSurface:Global PFSS Model] |
[:SynopticMap:Synchronic Map] |
Coronal Field Simulation |
Daily |
Options |
Yes |
Stage 2 |
100% |
95% |
Issues |
X. Sun, X. Zhao |
Remark |
Medium October |
V18 |
[:PotentialField-Local:Local Potential Field Model] |
ARP Br |
Local Coronal Field |
12-minute |
option : size of volume |
Yes ? |
Stage 3 |
Slow Iterative Laplace solver in Fortran, 100% ; Green Function untested; want fft method |
70% |
Need to develop interface with the patch map generator. Experience with HMI data. Exisiting code is slow. |
K. Hayashi |
Potential by-product of disambiguation |
High August |
V19 |
[:NonLinearForceFreeField:NLFFF Model] |
Bx,By,Bz |
Coronal Field in Cube |
Daily |
Options |
Archive |
Stage 2 |
Code |
Issues |
Y. Liu |
Remark |
Low January |
V20 |
[:InferredHorizontalFlow-Local:Local Inferred Horizontal Flow] |
Bx,By,Bz Time Series |
Horizontal Velocity |
Daily |
Options |
Yes |
Stage 2 |
Code |
Time interval, Experience with HMI data |
T. Hoeksema |
Low December |
V21 |
[:InferredHorizontalFlow-Global:Global Inferred Flow Field] |
Br Time Series |
Horizontal Velocity |
Daily |
Options |
Yes ? |
Stage 3 |
FLCT 100% in C by G.F. Wrapper 90% in C/Fortran |
50% |
Time interval, Experience with HMI data |
K. Hayashi, G. Fisher |
Low November |
V22 |
Synoptic Maps |
Solar wind speed / IMF polarity |
Daily |
Options |
Archive |
Stage 2 |
50% |
50% |
New empirical function |
X. Sun, T. Hoeksema |
Remark |
Low January |
V23 |
ARP Bvec, Vhorizontal |
Plasma & Magnetic Properties |
On request |
Options |
Yes |
Stage 2 |
Code |
Issues |
Abbett, Wu |
Link to external group codes |
Low March |
V24 |
Br [:SynopticMap:Synchronic Map] |
Coronal Parameters |
Daily,Monthly |
Options |
Yes |
Stage 3 |
Daily running : 90%. |
45% |
Details about the monthly high-res. code to be determined. |
K. Hayashi, Linker |
Low December |
V25 |
Synchronic maps/frames |
Solar Wind Parameters |
Daily/Monthly |
Options |
Archive |
Stage 2 |
Issues |
T. Hoeksema |
Coordinate with external group codes |
Low February |
V26 |
[:Model3DARField:Model 3D Field over ARP ] |
Bvec - ARP + Global |
Out |
(on demand) |
N/A |
No? |
Stage 1 |
(html) |
No |
Issues |
K. Hayashi |
Link to external group codes |
Low March |
V27 |
[:SpaceWeatherProducts-Local:Browse & Space Weather Products - Local ] |
ARP Bvec |
Activity Indices |
12-minute |
Options |
Yes |
Stage 1 |
Code |
Issues |
T. Hoeksema |
Alerts Possible |
Low December |
V28 |
[:SpaceWeatherProducts-Global:Browse & Space Weather Products - Global ] |
Br [:SynopticMap:Synchronic Maps]/frames |
1 AU predictions |
Daily |
Options |
Yes |
Stage 1 |
Code |
Issues |
T. Hoeksema |
Remark |
Low December |
Associated HMI Pipeline Modules |
Module Link |
Input |
Output |
Typical Cadence |
Options |
Archive |
Status |
Heritage / Module Name |
Issues |
Coordinator |
Remarks |
Priority/Need Date |
A1 |
HMI/AIA/EVE + Other Solar Observations |
Active Region Patch locations and boundaries |
12 minute |
Options |
Yes |
Stage 1 |
Code |
Interface with HEK |
T. Hoeksema |
M. Turmon, C. [:DeForest:DeForest, J. Zhang] |
High |
A2 |
HMI Data Product |
DRMS Dataset |
On Demand |
Size, Anti-aliasing |
No |
Stage 2 |
Code |
Vector Field Averaging |
L. Svalgaard |
Remark |
High July |
Line-of-Sight Magnetic Field Modules |
Module Link |
Input |
Output |
Typical Cadence |
Options |
Archive |
Status |
Heritage / Module Name |
Issues |
Coordinator |
Remarks |
Priority/Need Date |
L1 |
[:B LOS-Stokes:Line-of-sight B] |
Circularly polarized filtergrams |
Line-of-Sight Magnetogram |
45 seconds |
None |
Yes |
Stage 3 |
HMI Test |
Issues |
J. Schou, S. Couvidat |
Remark |
High June |
L2 |
[:B LOS-Average:Average B_los] |
Magnetograms |
Magnetogram |
90s |
Cadence; spatial averaging |
No |
Stage 2 |
MDI Code |
Issues |
E. Benevolenskaya |
Develop various options |
High July |
L3 |
[:B LOS-Remap:Remap B_los] |
Magnetogram |
[:HeliographicFrame:Heliographic Frame] |
Cadence |
Options |
Archive |
Stage 4 |
JV2Helio |
Issues |
L. Svalgaard |
Remark |
High June |
L4 |
[:B LOS-Remap and Average:B_los Remap & Average] |
Magnetograms |
[:HeliographicFrame:Heliographic Frame] |
Cadence |
Options |
Archive |
Stage 3 |
Issues |
J. Beck |
Remark |
High July |
L5 |
[:B LOS-CarringtonMap:B_los Carrington Map] |
[:HeliographicFrame:Heliographic Frames] |
Cadence |
Options |
Archive |
Stage 4 |
MDI Code |
Issues |
Y. Liu |
Remark |
Medium July |
L6 |
[:B LOS-SynchronicFrame:B_los Synchronic Frame] |
[:HeliographicFrame:Heliographic Frames], SynopticMap |
Cadence |
Options |
Archive |
Stage 2 |
MDI Code |
Issues |
X. Zhao, T. Hoeksema |
Remark |
Medium August |
L7 |
[:B LOS-DailySynchronicMap:B_los Daily Synchronic Map] |
[:HeliographicFrame:Heliographic Frames] |
Cadence |
Options |
Archive |
Stage 2 |
MDI Code |
Issues |
X. Zhao, X. Sun |
Remark |
Medium August |
L8a |
[:B LOS-MDI Emulation:B_los MDI Emulation] |
MDI magnetogram |
Ideal Magnetogram |
Cadence |
Resolution |
Archive |
Stage 3 |
Code |
Issues |
P. Scherrer |
Module needs development |
Medium September |
L8b |
[:B LOS-HMI Emulation:B_los HMI Emulation] |
HMI magnetogram |
Ideal Magnetogram |
Cadence |
Resolution |
Archive |
Stage 1 |
Code |
Issues |
P. Scherrer |
Remark |
Medium October |
L9 |
["HMI MeanField"] |
Magnetogram |
Mean Field |
Cadence |
Options |
Archive |
Status 2 |
Code |
Issues |
L. Svalgaard |
Remark |
Low January |
See ModuleTemplate