These steps are to setup access to run or create programs in the JSOC-SDP environment. This access is for local members of the HMI and AIA teams who need login accounts on the local Unix/Linux systems. Remote users who will access SDO/HMA or SDO/AIA data via the web tools do not need to establish jsocwiki accounts unless they expect to contribute by helping to develop the wiki.
If you are NOT a local user at Stanford, LMSAL, or one of the netDRMS sites you do not need to do any of the following. All wiki information of any utility to non-login users is open to all. There are two steps that non-local users can take to improve their ability to use the JSOC tools and contribute to the JSOC end-uer documentation. These steps can be taken by all JSOC users and should also be taken by local users:
ALL JSOC USERS: Become a JsocWiki member by following the instructions at the "Help for new JsocWiki users" section at JsocWikiAdmin. This allow you to edit wiki pages. You already have access
to all wiki pages for read purposes except those describing local administrative procedures.
ALL JSOC USERS: Make sure you are in the jsoc_users -at- mail list (Brian, Keh-Cheng, Phil) this mail group is used to announce changes to JSOC functionality and planned downtime.
If you ARE a local user or a user with login access to a newDRMS site please take the following steps.
First make sure you have both a jsocwiki and solar group linux login.
ALL LOGIN USERS: Read System Environment and decide which machines you plan to use for JSOC work.
Now complete the following six (if user are not a developer) or eight (if you are a developer) steps in this order:
ALL LOGIN USERS: : Obtain a linux user account from you DRMS site account manager.
ALL LOGIN USERS: DRMS Environment Variables -- Set the DRMS required shell environment variables
DEVELOPERS ONLY: Make sure you are in the unix/linux group "SOI" (Brian, Keh-Cheng)
DEVELOPERS ONLY: Make Your CVS Work Area -- Set up your work area for making new code
ALL LOGIN USERS: Obtain a PostgreSQL account. You will be given an account name that typically matches your linux account name, and an initial password (Jennifer, Art)
ALL LOGIN USERS: DRMS Password -- Set up your DRMS password file
ALL LOGIN USERS: DRMS Permission -- Things you should know about permissions in DRMS
Once completed, you are all set up and ready to go. If you are a developer, the following contains useful information:
DEVELOPERS INFO: Working in Your CVS "Sandbox" -- Concurrent Versions System (CVS) for software configuration management