
These steps are to setup access to run or create programs in the JSOC-SDP environment. This access is for local members of the HMI and AIA teams who need login accounts on the local Unix/Linux systems. Remote users who will access SDO/HMA or SDO/AIA data via the web tools do not need to establish jsocwiki accounts unless they expect to contribute by helping to develop the wiki.

If you are NOT a local user at Stanford, LMSAL, or one of the netDRMS sites you do not need to do any of the following. All wiki information of any utility to non-login users is open to all. There are two steps that non-local users can take to improve their ability to use the JSOC tools and contribute to the JSOC end-uer documentation. These steps can be taken by all JSOC users and should also be taken by local users:

to all wiki pages for read purposes except those describing local administrative procedures.

If you ARE a local user or a user with login access to a newDRMS site please take the following steps.

First make sure you have both a jsocwiki and solar group linux login.

Now complete the following six (if user are not a developer) or eight (if you are a developer) steps in this order:

Once completed, you are all set up and ready to go. If you are a developer, the following contains useful information:

JsocWiki: JsocSetup (last edited 2013-05-01 04:35:23 by localhost)